In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1945: Returning Wind and Returning Fire Great Magic

Ji Hao Tiandao Super Brain's unlimited thinking instantly controlled Abbotomund's thinking, causing him to obediently lie on the ground, at the mercy of Ji Haotian.

After restraining Abbotomund, Ji Haotian quickly took action and used the Heavenly Dao Deprivation Technique to forcibly deprive Abbotomund of the seeds of the Five Thunders Divine Technique, taking it as his own, and then traveled through time and space and went away.

So far, among the forty-nine great divine arts of Tianyan, Ji Haotian has possessed two great divine arts—the master of the five thunders divine arts and the great divine arts of Qianyuan Shrinking Earth.

A month later.

Huoyun Island, located in the southern waters of the Central Ocean, is a huge island.

The most famous one on Huoyun Island is Dafang City on Huoyun Island.

People come and go, and in the bustling street stall area of ​​Dafang City, one of the ten sacred places in the universe, the Supreme Yuanji Heavenly Court Master Supreme Hongyao, is wandering leisurely.

Supreme Hongyao is a beautiful man of the purple race of the human race. He wears a purple straight robe, with a gold silk spider pattern of the same color tied around his waist. His black hair is **** with a crown inlaid with jade, and his slender body is straight and straight. There is innate nobility in the beauty and majesty of the person.

The ten young masters of the universe, the ten young masters of the ten holy places of the universe, they are from different races, they are all extremely young and powerful creation-level geniuses, and their cultivation bases are all in the single universe.

Among them, there are three young masters who suffered heavy damage in the explosion of the secret place of the Yuantian galaxy, and their cultivation base plummeted to the galaxy realm. Therefore, Juntianxing, the only super-life planet in the Yuantian galaxy, fell into difficulty. These three young masters are:

The Supreme Hongyao, the Supreme Yuanji Heavenly Court Young Court Master, a beautiful man of the purple race of the human race.

Abbotomund, the young master of the Chrono-Space Temple, a beautiful man from the demon race.

Shifang Zhixun, Shifang Majestic Young Master Huazanghai, a handsome man of the Wu ethnic group.

At this moment, Ji Haotian came towards him, blocking the path of Supreme Hongyao.

The Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian, tall and handsome, with a peerless wind spirit, is an extremely beautiful man. He is over 1.9 meters tall, and his beautiful and delicate facial features like flowers make everyone and everything in the world pale in front of him.

Between his brows is a supreme, holy, magical and mysterious vertical eye, which is the eye of the ultimate first cause; a pair of colorful divine wings with shining and splendid colors on his back are capable of traveling through time and space and teleporting between stars. Tiandaoyi; behind the head there is a supreme, holy, beautiful nine-colored halo of wisdom, and behind him are endless magical visions such as the black and yellow of the heavens and the earth, the vast universe, the heavens and the world, and the universe.

He is extraordinary and arrogant, cold and indifferent, gentle and jade-like, and the wind is light and clear. Fairy and elegant, lonely and cold, with long hair like a waterfall, eyes falling into the stars, and her elegant demeanor is peerless.

He wears the white gold Kowloon Crown - Juntian Crown, and wears the white Kowloon Emperor Robe - Cangtian Robe. His slender body is straight and straight. Unattainable, down to dust.

He is tall and jade-like, extremely handsome, with no hostility in his eyes. He just casts a faint gaze towards this place, as if he had fallen to this place. He is aloof, transcendent, and inviolable.

Supreme Hongyao looked at Ji Haotian, who was blocking the road, and was amazed at Ji Haotian's peerless style. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's your name? Why are you blocking my way?"

Ji Haotian smiled lightly and said, "Supreme Hongyao, hello, I am Ji Haotian, Emperor of Heaven, and I want to make a deal with you."

Supreme Hongyao said in surprise: "You actually know me? Have you met the other two young masters of the Holy Land? What are you going to trade with me?"

Ji Haotian said: "I did see the other two young masters of the Holy Land, they traded their two kinds of great divine art seeds to me, and they also said that you, Supreme Hongyao, also have a great divine art seed, which is the Great God of Returning Wind and Returning Fire. Seeds of magic, so I came here, wanting to trade your seeds of returning wind and returning fire."

Supreme Hongyao's face sank when he heard the words, and he said coldly, "You stole the seeds of their great divine art, right? You want to rob me of the seeds of the great divine art of returning to the wind and returning fire?"

Ji Haotian was about to speak, when Supreme Hongyao suddenly performed the great magic of returning wind and returning fire, and the monstrous flames that destroyed the sky and destroyed the earth instantly swept out, burning Ji Haotian's body into nothingness in an instant!

The Great Magical Art of Returning Wind and Returning Fire, also known as Feng Huotong, is one of the forty-nine divine spells of Tianyan, which can make the wind blowing back and shrink the burning flame. Controlling the power of wind and fire, you can control all wind and fire in the universe at will. Note: "It can make the development of things go backwards, and it can command the universe to be ten thousand winds and ten thousand fires. This is the great supernatural power to control wind and fire."

However, the terrifying flames of the Great God of Returning Wind and Fire were only the afterimage of Ji Haotian, and Ji Haotian had already appeared in another direction!

Supreme Hongyao said coldly, "The Great Divine Art of Qianyuan Shrinking Earth, you really stole the seeds of the Great Divine Art from the other two young masters of the Holy Land, courting death!"

The supreme Hongyao said, and once again performed the great magic of returning wind and returning fire, the endless wind of nothingness that could instantly destroy the soul, the body of the Tao, and all things swept out, and instantly destroyed Ji Haotian's body into nothingness!

However, this was still the afterimage of Ji Haotian's great divine art of submerging the deep abyss. He appeared in another direction, looking at the annoyed Supreme Hongyao, and smiled contemptuously!

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