In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1944: Master the 5 Thunder Magic

With a loud bang, Ji Haotian's forty-nine pieces of Hongmeng Supreme Treasure Heavenly Dao forty-nine characters instantly suppressed Shifang Zhixun to the ground, making him unable to speak, unable to move, unable to resist, and became a lamb to be slaughtered!

Afterwards, Ji Haotian performed one of the forty-nine techniques of the Heavenly Dao, one of the forty-nine techniques of the Heavenly Dao Deprivation Technique, to forcibly deprive the seeds of the Great Divine Technique, which was in the depths of Shifang Zhixun's soul source, and take it for himself.

After the goal was achieved, Ji Haotian quickly set foot on the purple lotus of the Heavenly Dao and traveled away through time and space, leaving only Shifang Zhixun there, roaring and roaring with incomparable rage...

On an uninhabited desert island in the central ocean, Ji Haotian disappeared out of thin air and entered the Tiandao Pagoda Tiandao Realm. After receiving the approval of the Great Divine Technique Seed of Qianyuan Shrinking Ground, he began to drop blood to recognize the master, branded his soul, and refined the Qianyuan Shrinking Ground. Great Divine Seeds.

A month later.

Ji Haotian appeared again out of thin air on the deserted island. He had successfully refined the seeds of the Qianyuan Shudi Divine Art, and possessed the Qianyuan Shudi Divine Art.

The Seed of the Great Divine Technique of Qianyuan Shudi was silently suspended in the depths of his soul source, and he truly recognized him as the master.

The forty-nine great divine arts of Tianyan Ji Haotian first possessed the great divine arts of Qianyuan and Shrinking the Earth, which made his supernatural power of speed even more powerful, and coupled with the supreme wings of heaven, he could be regarded as absolutely unparalleled in speed.

Soon, Ji Haotian used the Heavenly Dao Deduction Technique to figure out the location of the next target, and immediately acted, unfolding the Great Divine Technique of Shrinking the Earth, disappearing out of thin air, shrinking the ground into an inch.

Leishan Island, located in the northern waters of the Central Ocean, is a huge uninhabited island with continuous mountains, dense forests, and shrouded clouds.

In the depths of the mountains of Leishan Island, there is a deep valley with towering ancient trees. There is a huge purple-gold futon under the shade of a tree in the valley. Abbotomund, the young master of the Super-Space Temple, one of the ten holy places in the universe, is sitting cross-legged at this time. Close your eyes and recuperate on the giant futon.

The ten young masters of the universe, the ten young masters of the ten holy places of the universe, they are from different races, they are all extremely young and powerful creation-level geniuses, and their cultivation bases are all in the single universe.

Among them, there are three young masters who suffered heavy damage in the explosion of the secret place of the Yuantian galaxy, and their cultivation base plummeted to the galaxy realm. Therefore, Juntianxing, the only super-life planet in the Yuantian galaxy, fell into difficulty. These three young masters are:

The Supreme Hongyao, the Supreme Yuanji Heavenly Court Young Court Master, a beautiful man of the purple race of the human race.

Abbotomund, the young master of the Chrono-Space Temple, a beautiful man from the demon race.

Shifang Zhixun, Shifang Majestic Young Master Huazanghai, a handsome man of the Wu ethnic group.

At this moment, Ji Haotian, tall and handsome, with a peerless wind spirit, strode in leisurely.

The beautiful man of the demon race, Abbotomund, who was recovering from his injuries, slowly opened his eyes and looked at Ji Haotian who was approaching with deep and sharp eyes.

Ji Haotian stepped forward and said with a smile, "Hello, Abbotomund, I'm Ji Haotian, Emperor of Heaven, nice to meet you."

Abbotomund said indifferently, "What's the matter?"

Ji Haotian said, "I want you to master the seeds of the Five Thunders Great Divine Technique."

Abbotomund said, "No."

Ji Haotian said, "I'll grab it!"

Abbotomund said, "Looking for death!"

Ji Haotian said, "Come on!"

Abbotomund's eyes suddenly shot out two destructive thunderbolts at Ji Haotian!

This is the Tianlei that masters one of the five great magic arts!

Master the five thunders, also known as thunder and lightning, one of the forty-nine gods of Tianyan, the five thunders, the thunder, the mine, the mine, the thunder, the thunder. The five thunders belong to the five internal organs. The qi of the five viscera gathers together and gathers into one, only then can one reach the Dao and master the magic of the five thunders. It can drive out thunder and lightning, pray for rain and sunshine, cure evil spirits and bring down demons, scorch locusts, and refine ghosts.

The thunder of the sky is able to control calamities, capture and control heavenly demons; the thunder of the land is the one who prays for the rain and the rain, and controls the land; the thunder is the main cause of thunder and rain, and saves the drought; Killing and cutting; those who act as minesmen call upon the gods to kill the spirits and remove the monsters. Note: "The great supernatural power of the five thunders, the thunderbolt, the command of the sky, judges the heavens, and destroys all things."

Ji Haotian quickly unfolded the Divine Shrinking Divine Technique of Shrinking the Earth into an Inch, and instantly avoided the bombardment of the Heavenly Thunder, which mastered the Five Thunders Divine Technique.

Abbotomund said in surprise: "The Great Divine Art of Shrinking the Earth? You robbed the seeds of Zhixun Shifang's Great Divine Art of Shrinking the Earth?"

Ji Haotian said indifferently, "I'm going to grab your seed for mastering the Five Thunders Divine Technique right away!"

"Looking for death!" Abbotomund suddenly again and again violently and violently used the mines, water mines, divine mines, and social mines that mastered the magic of the Five Thunders, constantly blasting Ji Haotian with force.

Ji Haotian used the Great Divine Technique of Shrinking the Earth, constantly shrinking the ground into an inch, calmly dodging the blasts of countless kinds of thunder and lightning that mastered the Great Five Thunders Great Technique.

The furious Abbotomund suddenly flew up, mastered the Five Thunders Divine Technique and various supernatural powers, and fought fiercely with Ji Haotian.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Bang bang bang!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

"Bang bang bang!"


After a few hours.

Ji Haotian didn't want to play any more, so he quickly activated his trump card, and unleashed the limitless thinking of the all-powerful and supreme treasure of the Heavenly Dao super-brain!

Tiandao Super Brain: The almighty treasure, the image is a huge purple-gold super brain, representing the ultimate thinking of Tiandao, with unlimited thinking.

Tiandao Super Brain has been merged with Ji Haotian's brain. Ji Haotian's brain is the almighty and supreme treasure Tiandao super-brain, and the almighty and supreme treasure Tiandao super-brain is Ji Haotian's brain, which can be driven at will.

The Heavenly Dao Super Brain is all the known, all the unknown, all that cannot be understood, felt and imagined by the consciousness of the universe beings, but can be understood, felt and imagined by the higher intelligent beings and consciousness. The sum of all the unknown universes and all the known and unknown things that exist and don't exist.

Tiandao Super Brain is the sum of the background world in which all comics, animations, movies, myths, fantasy novels, legends and all the thinking forms imagined and imagined by the human mind in reality exist; it is the ability of all human minds. The sum total of the worldview of the imaginary and fanciful works of literature and art.

Generally speaking, the super-unlimited thinking of Tiandao Super Brain is the whole nature that includes everything; of course, this nature includes all the imaginations, fantasies and lusts of all human beings and all spirits.

The sum of all, all, and utter non-existence, from which all the worlds that have been imagined and fantasized come into being. In the super limitless thinking of Tiandao Super Brain, it contains infinite multiverses of infinite dimensions (infinite dimensions) of infinitely many powers (the number of universes that can be imagined and the level of universe dimensions are always infinite).

One of the infinitely infinite dimensional universes contained in the super-unlimited thinking of Tiandao Super Brain, which has infinite dimensions, infinitely multiple secondary dimensions, and infinitely multiple secondary dimensions of the universe; at the same time, it also contains all The known and all the unknown but can be understood, felt and imagined by the human mind.

Tiandao Super Brain can arbitrarily modify, realize, create, distort, or reorder any space-time, causality, imagination, reality, dream, scientific law, natural law, etc.

Tiandao Super Brain has absolute control over time, space, spirit, soul, strength, reality, He can turn any imagination of anyone into reality, and can realize any dream.

All scientific laws and laws of nature are meaningless in front of Tiandao Super Brain, because he can modify them at will; he can create, steal, manipulate or modify any soul, enter other people's minds, and make all Fantasy, dreams and thoughts enter her brain; he can enhance mental power and increase psychic abilities; can enter the mind of everything that exists at the same time, for example, if you imagine a character can destroy trillions of universes, this fantasy will be destroyed by him It is automatically absorbed into his fantasy and becomes part of his energy, and he can easily turn this fantasy into reality.

In front of Tiandao Super Brain, the entire universe of infinite dimension plus infinite dimension plus infinite dimension plus infinite dimension is not even a fundamental particle in his eyes.

For him, a trillion one trillion dimension space is not as good as an atom.

In other words, it's easier for him to destroy a trillion and a trillion dimensions than he blows away a speck of dust, because his ability is super limitless thinking, and he can think about everything in his mind as long as he uses his brain to think about it. Everything that came out became reality.

All existence, all non-existence, all known, all unknown, all fantasy, etc. are just part of the super-brain of heaven, containing infinitely many infinite dimensional universes, as well as all realities, legends, myths, unknowns and fantasy worlds .

When a cosmic creature creates a new fantasy system through fantasy, this fantasy system automatically becomes a part of the super-brain of heaven, so everything that does not exist, all unknown, and all illusions automatically become part of the super-brain of heaven. He represents It is the limitless thinking of heaven.

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