In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1921: Ultra-dimensional crystal

These three super-primitive powers are the three hidden super-primitive powers of the energy clan. They have all gone through eighteen chaotic evolutionary eras of destruction, and have eighteen chaotic evolutionary cultivation bases. Currently, their cultivation bases are all ten. In the ancestral realm of Xingda Zhou, they are known as the Three Saints of the Clouds and Mist, namely the Elder Yunwu, the Lord of the Clouds and the Saint of the Clouds.

The Neng Clan, also known as the Energy God Clan, ranked twelfth in the "List of All Clans in the Universe". The image is very similar to the human purple race, with four arms. Their faces are slightly long and thin, and most of the Neng people have slightly pointed chins, mostly melon-seed faces and goose-oval faces. Neng people have long and slender eyebrows, tall and long noses, but smaller nose tips and slightly narrower nose wings; most Neng people have thin lips and small mouths; long and large ears are close to the head. The Neng people will keep their hair long and well-groomed, and their hair will not be messy. Their eyes are bright and sharp, their sight and hearing are far superior to those of other races, and they can see everything billions of miles away. The skin of the Neng tribe is lavender, and the hair is mostly purple. Most of their pupils are purple pupils, and a few impure Neng tribes have pure black pupils. The number of energy races is extremely large and spreads across countless multiverses. They are born to be closely integrated with various energies of the universe, relying on absorbing various energies in the universe to enhance themselves, and can create, destroy, devour, manipulate, dominate, ignore, restart, and ingest. , twist, divide, absorb all kinds of energy in the universe.

Every time the super-primitive powers go through a chaotic era of destruction, they will experience the catastrophe of the chaotic era of destruction, that is, the ultimate trial of heaven and the ultimate punishment. Nothingness; part of the super-primitive powers that are powerful enough to survive the catastrophe, but they all suffered heavy losses; there are also some super-primitive powers who were destroyed in the catastrophe of the Chaos Age of Destruction, and their souls were reincarnated and reborn with supernatural powers. The memory of the original power is re-cultivated.

The cultivation realm of normal monks is from low to high, constantly escalating, and constantly ascending to higher universes one by one, while the super-primitive powers who have survived the catastrophic destruction of the chaos era are just the opposite. Ji broke the catastrophe, suffered heavy losses under the ultimate heaven trial, and their cultivation realm began to gradually decline. They would continue to descend from one super high-level universe to one low-level universe, until their cultivation realm fell to the mortal realm. To the limit of monks.

Then they need to start all over again, re-cultivation, the cultivation realm is constantly upgraded, and they continue to soar to higher-level universes, until they stand on the top of the universe, until the end of the Chaos Generation Period again, and then they will again One tribulation, entering the next chaotic evolutionary era, so they spend one chaotic evolutionary era after another, and they continue to exist in a cycle. This is the eternal life that belongs to the super primitive power.

The super-primitive power is immortal under normal circumstances, but if there is an accident, it will also be in the cold. The almighty super-space-time soul makes the super-primitive power completely disappear and return to nothingness.

The masters of the fifteen great avenues also belong to the super-primitive powers. They have the nominative figure of the fifteen great avenues and are in charge of the fifteen highest avenues. They are fifteen absolutely supreme super-primitive powers. They are different from other super-primitive powers because they do not. It is necessary to survive the catastrophe of Chaos Yanji, absolutely surpassing and ignoring the catastrophe of Chaos Yanji destruction. They are reincarnated and exist in the form of personification, passing through one chaotic era after another, reincarnating in hundreds of millions of lives, in order to accumulate their own supreme peak and ultimate cultivation.

The masters of the Fifteen Great Dao possess the absolute supreme soul, the root of all spirituality, and the infinite, omnipresent, and immortal spiritual entity. Before them, nothing existed, not even "non-existence" itself and nothingness and "Tao". Existence; they have neither difference nor form and attribute, cannot be understood in concept, cannot be expressed in words; they are self-existing beings that transcend all sentient experience of living beings, and are the cause, maintenance and destruction of all phenomena. The ultimate reason is the absolute supreme existence that cannot be understood or imagined by any thought.

Many super-primitive powers gather outside the innate super-dimensional cave, the purpose is the super-dimensional crystal that is about to mature in the innate super-dimensional cave.

Forbidden land innate super-dimensional cave, there is a super-dimensional crystal garden secret realm, there are 500 super-dimensional crystal trees growing in the secret, each super-dimensional crystal tree has tens of thousands of super-dimensional crystals. Wei Jing can mature.

Ultra-dimensional crystal is a legendary supreme treasure in the ultra-infinite universe. It is said that if the ten-star great ancestral realm to the powerhouse swallows and refines enough ultra-dimensional crystals, they can break through to the ultra-dimensional person in one fell swoop and ascend to a higher level. Advanced extradimensional universe.

In the legend, the powerhouses of the super-dimensional universe are collectively referred to as super-dimensional people. The super-dimensional people use super-dimensional crystals to practice or trade. The super-dimensional crystals in the super-dimensional universe are equivalent to the universe crystals in the super-infinite universe, but the super-dimensional origins they contain The energy and the source energy of the universe are countless times stronger than that of Zhou Jing, and it is not something that Zhou Jing can compare with.

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