In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1920: Innate super-dimensional hole

In the main hall of the Eternal Life Palace, the masters of the fifteenth avenue were sitting and talking together, and no one knew what they were talking about.

Not long after, the Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian released the almighty treasure, the Heavenly Dao Zilian, and the masters of the Fifteenth Dao set foot on the Heavenly Dao Zilian and traveled through time and space.

The Supreme Multiverse, a super multiverse in the super-infinite universe independent of the super-universe, known as the largest super-multiverse in the super-infinite universe, dominated by the first power in the universe, the Kingdom of Heaven.

There are more than 3,000 single universes in the Supreme Multiverse, all of which have rankings. In addition, there are some other different universes in the Supreme Multiverse.

Within the Supreme Multiverse lies a rampant ambient universe, a mysterious and dangerous extra-dimensional universe.

Violent Ambient Universe: Universes with harsh living conditions, usually caused by excess energy.

In the vast and endless starry sky of the violent environment, there is a huge dead planet. The planet is desolate and dead, and there is no life.

There is a huge crater on the planet, and there is a barren and dead canyon in the mountain. It is vast, dark, cold, strange, and dead, like a land of doomsday.

In the Grand Canyon, apart from countless black rocks and black sand, there is nothing else, and it looks extremely cold and dead.

In the depths of the Grand Canyon, under the black mountain, there is a bizarre black hole with a height of one person. There are endless bizarre whirlpools slowly rotating in the cave, which looks eerie and unpredictable.

Here is a mysterious and terrifying cosmic forbidden area - the innate super-dimensional hole.

According to legend, there is an extremely terrifying innate super-dimensional vortex in the innate super-dimensional hole, just like a super black hole vortex. No matter how powerful the existence enters it, it will be torn to shreds, and even the soul cannot escape. Super-born, so this mysterious and terrifying innate super-dimensional hole is regarded as a forbidden place in the universe!

There are countless black strange rocks outside the Innate Super-Dimensional Cave in the forbidden area, some are tall, some are very small, forming a strange black stone forest.

At this time, there are some strong men of various races among the countless black rocks. They stay among the black rocks at will, or a few people talk together, or sit silently, or stand and observe, or sit Close your eyes there.

These people have a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind their heads, and they are a lot of super-primitive powers!

The five creators, the five creators, and the five saviors of the three committees of the universe are among them impressively.

The five creators, they are all super-primitive powers who have spent twenty-one chaotic ages, they are:

The creator of Timnius, the beautiful man of the human race

The creator of Polyphemus, the beautiful man of the demon race

The creator of Amyclas, the beautiful man of the witch tribe

The creator of Sinilas, the beautiful man of the monster race

The creator of Pochuius, the beautiful man of the dragon race

The five founders, they are all super-primitive powers who have spent twenty-one chaotic ages, they are:

The creator of Fassbender, the old man of the Yu clan

The creator of Tyrosos, the old man of the universe

The creator of Eugenio, the old man of StarClan

Ayana, the creator of the world, the old Semitic woman

Cumberbatch, the creator of the world, an old man of the gray clan

The five saviors, they are all super-primitive powers who have spent twenty-one chaotic ages, they are:

Uriah, the savior of the world, the old man of the dragon family (dragon head and body)

Taliya the savior, the old woman of the lion clan (lion head and human body)

Malachi Savior, Elephant Human Elder (Elephant-Headed Person)

The savior of Ariel, the old man of the eagle family (the head of the eagle)

Miriam the savior, the old man of the serpent tribe (snake-headed person)

In addition to these fifteen super-primitive powers, the four supreme saints of the four cosmos colleges and the eight supreme supreme beings of the eight supreme ancient clans were also present.

The four cosmos colleges, the four deans and the four most holy beings, they are all super-primitive powers who have spent twenty chaotic generations. They are:

Almighty Cosmos Academy, Cosmos Academy of All Races, Cassus Sacred Person (Old Man of Human Race).

Eternal Cosmos Academy, Cosmos Academy of All Races, Galus Sacred (Elder of Yuzu).

Truth Cosmos Academy, Cosmos Academy of All Races, Balram Sacred Person (the old man of the universe).

Glory Cosmos Academy, Cosmos Academy of All Races, Arius Sacred (Old Star Clan).

The Eight Great Ancients, the Eight Great Leaders, and the Eight Great Supremes, they are all super-primitive powers who have spent nineteen chaotic ages. They are:

Transcendent Protoss (five transcendent Protoss), the highest of Menes.

Creation Protoss (Top Ten Creation Protoss), Vatazes Supreme.

Extra-dimensional super family (Thirty-six extra-dimensional super family), Andyeb Supreme.

The Primal Chaos (Seventy-two Primal Chaos), the supreme one of Titus.

The Chrono-Space Shi Clan (Super-Space Eighty-One Pillar Shi Clan), the supreme one of Zosimus.

The ultra-primitive ancient clan (the ultra-primitive ninety-nine-pillar ancient clan), the supreme one of Wadiye.

Starry Sky Giant Beast Clan (Twenty-Four Starry Sky Giant Beast Clan), the supreme one of Pius.

Starry Sky Giant Clan (Twenty-Eight Starry Sky Giant Clan), Ometi Kutri Supreme.

In addition to these super-primitive powers, there are also three super-primitive powers with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind their heads. They are three super-primitive powers of the power race. They are an old man in purple robe and a beauty in blue robe. A man and a beautiful woman in white.

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