In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1508: super primitive ancient god

Forty-six, the ancient **** of Hyatis, it has a lot of tentacles on its chin, a strange mouth, no nose, pointed ears, very white skin, a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind its head, twin talent avenue Supernatural powers of time and space and great manipulation.

Forty-seven, the ancient **** of gray original, gray skin, it is very short, the eyes are big and black, the nose is flat, the face is thin, the face is fierce, but the temperament is gentle, the wisdom is very high, it lives on the surface, and likes to monitor everything secretly, At the back of his head is a golden halo of wisdom and various visions, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great surveillance.

Forty-eight, the ancient **** of shepherds, this is a short, tailed, alien super-primitive creature crawling on all fours. It moves very fast and lives in a dark environment. Living in a dark environment for a long time causes its skin to be pale and its brain to be pale. Afterwards, there is a golden halo of wisdom and various visions, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great shadows.

Forty-ninth, the ancient **** of Xarnaga, it is an ultra-primitive creature with extraordinary abilities, a **** and a creator in culture, and it believes that everything in the universe is created by it. It is huge in size, has multiple eyes and tentacles, and has no hands or feet. It is a very intelligent super-primitive creature. It has lived in the deepest part of the universe for a long time. It has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind its head. It is a twin talent. Dao Supernatural Powers Great Time and Space Technique and Great Dawn Technique.

50. The ancient **** of Nebula, who likes to live in the nebula, the blue cloud-shaped alien super-primitive creature that uses the nebula as energy food, has many blue tentacles, is extremely mysterious, and has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head , Twin talent Dao supernatural powers big time and space technique and big nebula technique.

Fifty-one, the ancient **** of jade wheel, a jade-colored alien super-primitive creature, the image is the face of a jade-colored living creature, each with a wheel on the ground, and its legs are strange four jade-colored wheels. The shape and color of the wheel resembles water blue jade. It is like a wheel within a wheel, and when the wheel travels, it can go straight in all directions without turning. There are eyes around the four wheels. The living creature walks, and the wheel walks beside it. As the living creatures rise from the earth, so do the wheels. The speed of the wheel clan is extremely fast, which has exceeded the speed of light, and there is a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind the head, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great circulation.

Fifty-two, the goddess Erinyes, the image is a tall alien super-primitive giant spirit, more than three meters tall, its eyes are blood red, with snake hair and bat wings, strong body, brave and good at fighting, brain Afterwards, there are golden auras of wisdom and various visions, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great revenge.

Fifty-three, the ancient **** Guigantes, it is huge, with long hair and long beards, a human shape on the thighs, and two snake tails as its feet. , the twin talent Dao supernatural powers big time and space technique and catastrophe technique.

Fifty-four, the Mother Goddess of Vitality, has a human head and a white deer body, with three eyes that are as white as jade. The ability is to be able to give birth and death to human flesh and bones, to make dead trees come into spring, to make everything vibrant and endless, with a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great vitality.

Fifty-five, the ancient **** of death, the figure is a black camel body with a human head and three eyes that are as black as ink. The ability is to make everything fall into desolation and silence, dead ashes, lifeless, with a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great death and silence.

56. Ancient Nether God, a white super-primitive creature with pointed ears, lips as black as ink, sharp nails as black as ink, and a pair of huge black wings on his back; Ancient God of Nether usually lives underground , caves, abyss, dark places and cosmic gray holes, it represents the destruction of all things, infinite disasters, infinite destructive power, selfishness, evil, terror, pain, torture, etc., and is the root of all disasters and evils. It is strange and unpredictable, kills invisible, can devour, control, capture, manipulate, and destroy the souls of all living beings in the universe. As long as it is a living being with a soul, its soul will be harvested, and it can harvest hundreds of millions of souls in the universe. At the back of his head is a golden halo of wisdom and various visions, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great netherworld.

Fifty-seven, the ancient **** of swallowing the sky, a gray super-primitive creature, a gray dog-headed giant spirit with a height of more than 300 meters, a huge dog head, a huge dog's mouth, sharp giant teeth, a huge and mighty gray giant spirit body, behind a against huge grey wings. Proud, deceitful, filthy, covetous, cruel by nature. It lives in the black hole of the universe; its ability is to devour infinitely, and it can devour everything in the universe such as time, space, matter, energy, spirit, cause and effect, laws, etc. It can even devour the universe and devour hundreds of millions of stars. At the back of his head is a golden halo of wisdom and various visions, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great phagocytosis.

Fifty-eight, the cosmic parasitic goddess, it is a six-legged alien cosmic worm-type super-primitive creature, it has the ability to assimilate other creatures, can reproduce and hatch in the host's body, and assimilate into itself, and regardless of the host's It can possess any ability, it can be said to be an extremely dangerous, extremely terrifying mysterious alien creature. If it is infected by the ancient parasitic gods of the universe, only the blood of the creation-level Dao can resolve it. It has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of its head, and the supernatural powers of the twin talents are the great space-time technique and the great parasitic technique.

Fifty-nine, the ancient **** of Xinghai fisherman, a huge and wonderfully deformed bird-like super-primitive creature, with a huge and terrible bird-like body, covered with scales instead of feathers, the disgusting ancient **** of Xinghai fisherman grows One leg, with luminous giant eyes and a hook full of fangs, soars on the transparent scale wings, behind the head there is a golden halo of wisdom and various visions, twin talents, avenues, supernatural powers, big time and space, and big star sea.

60. The ancient **** of interstellar vampires, which lives in an unknown outer universe, got such a title due to its extreme greed and thirst for blood. Its body was originally completely transparent, and the eyes of other creatures could not see its specific shape, but when it sucked enough blood, its body would turn bright red due to the undigested blood, thus temporarily showing its external form ——The ancient **** of interstellar vampires has no head, no face, and no eyes; its body is huge, its main body texture is like pulsating jelly, and from a deep red core stretches out countless undulating linear tentacles, at the ends of these linear tentacles Born with suckers, these sucker-like mouthparts open and close in a "ghoul-like greed." It grabs and rips its prey with its huge claws, draining the blood of its victims with those suckers.

Its appearance is often accompanied by a supernatural ticking sound that announces its arrival and is the only signal to other beings that danger is approaching. As soon as it drains the blood of its prey, it leaves, leaving behind a grotesque, horrific laughter. It has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind its head, twin talents avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great blood light.

61. The ancient **** of evil fungi, at first glance, the ancient **** of evil fungi looks like a weird mushroom. However, its color and outline appear to be constantly changing, and observers cannot focus on it accurately and are thus deceived by its sight. The ground around it within a radius of several meters is a complete dead place, and nothing can grow. Dark shadows wriggled around, like a black smokescreen. The mycelium crawls on the ground or hangs from the fungus that grows high so that it can wrap around people, with whispers, rubs, lively sounds, endless distances and silences. Warm, soft and sticky dark. This fungus is a parasitic creature, in fact it is neither a true plant nor an animal, it is a nightmarish life form capable of infecting anything that comes in contact with it. Its sticky hyphae will stick to anything that touches it; if the hyphae touch bare flesh, infection begins. Within a few breaths, the hyphae penetrate the skin, transforming the living flesh into fungal tissue. Immediately after infection, the victim's internal tissue begins to transform into fungal material, although the victim does not show any outward manifestations of the infection. Victims become quiet and taciturn under the puppet-like manipulation of alien parasites, while refusing all health checks and treatments. To save the life of the victim, only the body part that has been exposed to the evil fungus can be removed in a short time, otherwise the parasitic fungus will spread to the whole body, and the will of the parasite will be unknowingly transformed to complete everything A mindset to promote your own fungal transformation. This requires him to withdraw from social life into dark and damp corners.

The victim loses a portion of Strength, Constitution, Agility and Mobility every month. When the victim's Strength, Constitution, Agility and Mobility all drop to zero, the transformation is complete (his will should be almost at full value). ), he has completely turned into a fungus. The body is completely spongy and no longer has any form of original properties. At this point there is no longer any cure to save the victim, and any examination of the victim is dangerous. The victim did not die, but became a stationary, terrifying fungal aggregate that mimicked his original shape. The evil fungus ancient **** has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his brain.

Sixty-two, the ancient **** of empty ghosts, the ancient **** of empty ghosts is a super primitive creature that travels between various planes and worlds in the universe; it does not stay on a planet for a long time, but always roams everywhere. This "hunter from outer space" looks like a mummy, with a half-ape-like head and degenerated eyes, long arms and huge hooked claws. Although it has an observable appearance, it is impervious to other worlds due to its properties. When the ancient **** of empty ghosts goes to other dimensions, it can take away some items or creatures. It has to grab what it wants to take with its claws in order to take it away. The item or victim it took away will never be seen again. The ancient **** of empty ghosts has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head.

Sixty-three, the goddess of Xia Gai insect, she is not big, only the size of a human head. It has no eyelids, its segmented tendrils twist in a "cosmic rhythm"; its ten legs are covered in black glowing tentacles, its lower body is folded, and its nearly circular wings are covered with triangular scales. The Shaggai goddess has six lobes in its brain, which allow it to think three-way at the same time. It has a golden halo of wisdom and all kinds of visions behind its head, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great imprisonment.

Sixty-four, the ancient **** of night, it has a smooth and oily skin like a whale, a pair of nasty horns that bend inwards, bat-like wings that flap without sound, and ugly but quite suitable for capturing The claws of objects, and the distracting, barbed tail that swishes around pointlessly. But the most disgusting thing is that it never talks or laughs; it never smiles at all, because it doesn't have a face to smile at all, it's just a piece of emblem where it's supposed to be. Sexual blankness, it has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind its head, twin talents, avenues, supernatural powers, great time and space, and great dark night.

65. The ancient **** of flame spirit, the image is like a burst of crimson lightning, it absorbs energy from intelligent creatures, and the bodies of the creatures absorbed by it will burn quickly, looking like spontaneous combustion; at the same time, it will also Get all the memory and knowledge of the victim. It has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind its head, twin talents avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great burning.

Sixty-six, the ancient **** of deep diving, a mysterious ancient alien super-primitive creature living in the deep sea, its body is as huge as a mountain, showing a kind of dark blue, its belly is white, and most of its body is shiny and slippery, but its back Has scaly high ridges. The figure had the vague features of a giant, but the head was that of a fish, with huge, bulging eyeballs that never closed. On both sides of the neck, there are gills that are constantly vibrating, and the long hands and feet are webbed. It leaps forward chaotically, sometimes on its hind legs, sometimes on all fours... Its hoarse, sharp guttural... conveys all the dark emotions its face cannot. It has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind its head, twin talents avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great deep dive.

Sixty-seven, the ancient **** of the spirit of the stars, an invisible super-primitive creature from the stars, showed its shape after sucking blood. It was all red and dripping with blood, with countless tentacles pulsing on the crimson carcass, like a jelly block that kept squirming and beating. At the tip of the tentacles, there are sucker-like mouthparts, which are constantly opening and closing with hunger... This monster is bloated and repulsive: the mass has no head, no face, no eyes, only with a never-ending Satisfied mouth, and claws commensurate with the identity of the interstellar monster. It has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind its head, twin talents avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great astrology.

Sixty-eight, the ancient **** of the flying hydra, the ancient **** of the flying hydra is a semi-invisible alien super-primitive creature with the morphological characteristics of a hydra. Only part of its body is made of matter, it is not known what the rest is made of. It possesses the ability to teleport through the air, but does not have wings or other biological organs that support flight. Its body has unimaginable plasticity and the ability to temporarily become invisible. In addition, the abnormal whistling sound and the huge footprint composed of five round toes are also the main features of the ancient **** of the Flying Hydra. The ancient **** of Flying Hydra does not have vision, but its powerful perception ability is enough to see all external things, and it can also control all winds. It has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of its head, as well as the great time and space technique and the great movement technique of the twin talents.

69. The ancient **** of macrophage worm, its appearance is a huge meat worm with a length of several hundred meters, its whole body is covered with mucus, and its head has a large forked mouth. The ability of the giant worm ancient **** is to devour the sky, devour all things, and strengthen itself by constantly swallowing. It is a mysterious, ancient, powerful and terrifying alien creature in the universe. It has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind it. , the twin talents Dao supernatural powers big time and space technique and big sky devouring technique.

70. The ancient **** of star color, the ancient **** of star color is a kind of sentient super primitive creature, but its appearance is like a pure color. It's not a gas, nor a materialized entity at all; as it moves, it looks like a shimmering, amorphous mass of color flowing about, shimmering in its pale veiled shadows. It emits a color unlike any in the known spectrum; this particular patch can flow on the ground and fly through the air like a living creature. When it feeds, the skin and face of its prey emit a shimmer that is the same color as the star.

The ancient gods of star color often leave their lair, forage nearby, and begin to consume the life force contained in the affected area. When it draws enough energy, it leaves the planet and goes to space. During this process, if there are a lot of creatures in this area, the ancient **** of star color can absorb all the life force within a radius of about 10,000 miles. Once the land is sucked dry, it is abandoned and no plants can continue to grow. The ancient **** of star color has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head.

Seventy-one, the ancient **** of tentacles, in a natural state, the ancient **** of tentacles is an energy vortex, and the naked eye can't capture its image at all. Only on fairly rare occasions does it create a tangible, visible body for itself. These bodies are huge and weird, kind of like giant reptiles, with countless terrifying tentacles; but on closer inspection, it's completely different from any reptile that has ever existed in the universe.

The spiritual world of the ancient god, the master of tentacles, has no layers of consciousness. It does not forget, nor does it have the imagination and subconscious to mislead and disturb its thinking. Its sheer pessimism leads it to always indulge in an atmosphere of melancholy that renders its thoughts and actions completely incomprehensible to other beings. When other creatures are connected with the spirit of the ancient god, the master of tentacles, it will cause other creatures to have a suicidal depression and depression. It has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind its head, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great spirituality.

72. The legendary ancient **** of ice and snow is a hairy super-primitive creature that haunts the ice and snow or the alpine zone. It has messy, fluffy, incomparably rough white hair covering the whole body, with huge ears on the head and extremely discordant and dirty. Ugly long arms.

The most striking thing is that it has six sturdy giant limbs and a pair of white giant horns on the top of its head. The ancient **** of ice and snow is a ferocious predator, it feeds on all kinds of animals, and will actively attack all the animals it encounters. It has the ability to control ice and snow and reduce the surrounding temperature, and can create a icy blizzard to freeze its prey, and even freeze it for thousands of miles. It has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of its head, twin talents avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great ice and snow.

73. The ancient **** of space-time scavenging is a super-primitive creature of different dimensions with an extremely vague shape. The reason why no one can describe its specific form is because other creatures who witness the ancient **** of space-time scavenging will definitely be caught by it. Doomsday tracking; and the prey it tracks basically cannot escape death, and it is too late to describe its form in detail.

The time-space scavenger ancient **** is a different-dimensional super-primitive creature that can travel through time and space at will. It lurks in the extremely distant past relative to the time point of the universe. At that time, normal creatures had not crossed the threshold of single-celled organisms at all.

The ancient scavenger **** of time and space is immortal. Once other space or time creatures encounter it, it will follow them closely at all costs, crossing one time or space boundary after another, until it kills the prey.

When it materialized, it first spewed strange smoke, and then its huge head emerged from the smoke, and finally the huge body fully appeared.

It has gleaming eyes and staggered jaws, like a huge and ferocious white wolf, but when it moves, its image changes rapidly. It has a golden halo of wisdom and all kinds of visions behind its head, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great travel.

Seventy-four, the ancient **** of terror hunter, it flies through the various stars in the universe, hunts and devours all creatures it encounters, it is a huge black super-primitive creature like a super python. It has a bizarre, twisted head and appendages with huge hooked claws. It floated easily in the air on its huge, terrifying wings like black rubber. It has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of its head, twin talents avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great shuttle.

Seventy-five, the ancient **** of dark green light, it has a nightmarish black and ink-like body, the dark body glows with strange little green lights, and the amorphous body emits a stench, squirming forward, flowing... ...a mass of amorphous protoplasmic swollen bubbles, shimmering faintly green. Tens of thousands of green, pus-like eyes formed and disintegrated on its surface. That huge mountain-like black and green body can crush and smash everything, meandering through the space passages that have been cleaned by it and its kind without leaving a speck of dust and gleaming with evil reflections, and accompanied by the horror Human, sarcastic screeching. It has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind its head, twin talent avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great smashing.

Seventy-six, the ancient **** of the stars, it is a very strange and terrifying dark blue alien super-primitive monster, with a vague human outline, but it has a dark blue head with many tentacles like an octopus, and its body is like a cover. A gelatinous thing with blue scales, with huge claws, and a pair of long and narrow starry dark blue huge wings behind it.

It has a huge dark blue body, dripping with terrifying blue mucus, and its huge body moves like a mountain walking between heaven and earth, and it is extremely fast. There is a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind its head. Big Time and Space Technique and Big Star Technique.

Seventy-seven, the illusory ancient god, it is a black alien creature that can change freely, can change shape at will - from a shrunken mass like a toad, to a slender appearance with hundreds of underdeveloped appendages. It seeps out from small gaps, and can be transformed into a water-like appearance, or it can be transformed into a creature of any other shape, with a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind its head, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great illusion.

78. The Interstellar Blue-Scaled Mother Goddess is a terrifying blue alien giant bird with a shape similar to a huge bird, with a head similar to that of a horse, and wings like those of a super bat, bigger than an elephant Its blue body is covered with a layer of scales that shine with blue light, its skin is dark blue, and its two blue-gold claws can tear apart space. Its cry is as harsh as scratching glass, and its speed is extremely fast. Interstellar teleportation, interstellar jump. It has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of its head, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great teleportation.

Seventy-ninth, the ancient gods of the gods, with golden pupils, golden blood, golden bones, and their physical form and physique are close to the human race, but more ethereal and illusory than the human race. The ancient gods of the gods and the heavens and the earth are the closest to nature. They are in harmony with the five elements of yin and yang, and they can control water, fire, wind and thunder calmly.

The ancient gods of the gods, the ethereal universe and the universe, do not win by force and brutality, and the swords and tin sticks they hold are just like magic weapons. Although this is not as sharp as a knife and spear, nor is it as blunt, heavy and sturdy as an axe and hammer, but if motivated by the primordial spirit, the power of transforming everything in the world into a square inch will become a water and fire trend, even if it is struck from the air, it will destroy the sky. The power of destruction.

Elegant and flexible, immortal, with boundless mana, this is the ancient **** of immortality. He is not good at using savage force to attack, but he has cultivated and can make full use of the aura of nature and use these auras as his means of attack. The so-called aura is the aura of natural elements such as wind, fire, thunder, and water. The ancient gods of immortals can unleash a powerful aura attack, destroy everything in the universe, and cause huge magical damage to all things and spirits. He can even use magic to create or destroy everything in time, space, matter, spirit, cause and effect, laws, etc. at the same time, with absolute supernatural powers and boundless mana. He has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head, as well as his twin talents, Dao, supernatural powers, great space-time, and great onmyoji.

Eighty, the ancient **** Qingyu, his appearance is very similar to the human Caucasian. His face and body gave the impression of frail and slender, and his limbs were slender. He is slightly taller than a human, but the difference is not significant. He has lighter skin and hair than humans, and usually has long hair. The eyes are lavender in color and have a transparent nictitating membrane equivalent to the second eyelid. He likes to wear flowing clothes and dislikes all bulky things. With a pair of cyan wings on his back, he is extremely fast and often moves in the wind. At the back of his head is a golden halo of wisdom and various visions, as well as his twin talents, Dao, supernatural powers, great time and space technique and great wind technique.

Eighty-one, Alina, the goddess, with a sphinx, with a huge golden lion body and nine long golden lion tails, with a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind her head, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and Great Sun.

Eighty-two, the ancient **** Istanus, an angel giant with a lion head, goose feet and rabbit tail, with a height of more than 1,000 meters, a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great brilliance technique.

Eighty-three, Ulrich Migu, the lion-faced golden armor, the skin is golden, the golden light is shining all over the super giant spirit, there is a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind the head, twin talents, avenues, supernatural powers, great time and space, and great giant spirits technique.

Eighty-four, the ancient **** Ayas has three heads, namely the head of a bull, the head of a human, and the head of a ram, with a purple snake tail, a huge body, a golden halo of wisdom and various visions at the back of his head, twin talents, great avenues of supernatural powers Time and space and great wisdom.

Eighty-five, the ancient **** of Alarus, with a human-like head as the center, surrounded by eight goat legs, the body and feet are connected as one, the body is huge as a mountain, with a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, twin talents Dao Supernatural Powers Great Time and Space Technique and Great Primordial Primitive Technique.

Eighty-six, the ancient **** Athedus, the image is similar to three cyan dragons with dog heads, human heads and griffin heads. The body is thousands of miles long, and there is a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. surgery and growth surgery.

Eighty-seven, the ancient **** Elkunisa, has three heads, one is the head of a human, the head of a bull, and the head of a ram, with eyes and tails, with a height of more than 1,000 meters, with a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers Great Time and Space and Great Creation.

Eighty-eight, the ancient **** of Halki, in the shape of a purple-eyed cyan giant cow with huge cyan eagle wings, a huge body, with a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, twin talents, avenues, supernatural powers, great time and space, and great agriculture technique.

Eighty-nine, the goddess Hanvasut, whose image is similar to a huge super nine-headed red peacock, with a huge body like a mountain, with a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind her head, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great sovereignty.

Ninety, the goddess Harpantali, whose shape is like a super three-headed cyan griffin, with a huge body, a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind her head, twin talents, avenues, supernatural powers, great time and space, and great redemption.

Ninety-one, the ancient **** Hasameli, with a wolf body and snake tail, spitting flames, a huge body, with a golden halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head, twin talents, avenues, supernatural powers, great time and space, and great metallurgy.

Ninety-two, the ancient **** of The image is a super green bull with griffin wings, with a huge body, a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space art and justice.

Ninety-three, the goddess Kamosepa, the image is similar to a super huge white unicorn, with six huge white wings, a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind her head, twin talents, avenues, supernatural powers, great time and space, and great medicine technique.

Ninety-four, the ancient **** of Caskush, the image is a super giant that looks like a child, with huge angel wings on his body, a height of more than 1,000 meters, a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, the avenue of twin talents Supernatural powers of time and space and great hope.

Ninety-five, the ancient **** of Kulunta, the image is similar to the super cyan nine-headed griffin, with huge cyan wings, a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, twin talents, avenues, supernatural powers, great time and space, and prairie techniques.

Ninety-six, the ancient **** of Rendas, the image is similar to the super huge three-headed red camel, the body is shining red, the body is huge as a mountain, there is a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind the head, and the twin talent is the avenue of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great auspiciousness. technique.

Ninety-seven, the ancient **** Ximeiji, the image is a super golden deer with a flame on the tail, with huge golden deer eyes, golden brilliance on the body, golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind the head, twin talents, great avenue of supernatural powers, great time and space and Great Radiance.

Ninety-eight, the ancient **** Zababa, the image is a super huge nine-headed golden leopard, with huge golden leopard eyes, a body as huge as a mountain, with a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great combat technique.

Ninety-nine, the ancient **** of Zuerqi, the image is similar to the white fox with three heads and nine tails, with colorful pupils shining with colorful light, a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. .

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