In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1507: Super original 99 ancient gods

Everyone started talking, and the three great ancestors told Ji Haotian and his wife the four ancient gods of the Ninety-Nine Pillars of Chaos and some things related to them.

Ultra-primitive Ninety-Nine Pillars Ancient Gods, also known as Ninety-Nine Pillars of Ultra-primitive Gods, the ninety-nine ancestors of the Ultra-primitive Ninety-Nine Pillars Ancient Clan, they are ninety-nine innate chaotic creatures born in the endless primordial chaos , is the existence of 78 Chaos Ages (one Chaos Age is six trillion years) superhuman and super-primitive powers.

The reason why the super primitive ninety-nine ancient gods are immortal is that they have the immortal soul of Taiwu and the body comparable to the treasure of chaos.

They are congenital chaotic creatures of different shapes, all characterized by golden halo of wisdom and various visions, but no one has seen their real bodies, and no one knows what their bodies are like, they are without beginning and no end , Immortal and immortal, but every time the Chaos Yanji is destroyed, they will be judged by heaven, and their cultivation will be lost. They need to practice again and start all over again.

In order to facilitate walking, cultivation, or other things, they usually change into other races, appearing in various forms, sometimes people, and sometimes other forms.

Countless multiverses have gone through eighty-one chaotic epochs (one chaotic epoch of six trillion years), and the ultra-primitive ninety-nine ancient gods were born in the fourth chaotic epoch, and there have been seventy-eight so far. These 78 Chaos Generations, they have accumulated seventy-eight Chaos Generations mana, absolutely surpassing everything, ignoring everything, omniscient, omnipotent, immortal, mysterious, ancient, and powerful superspace. The person, the super-primitive power.

The cultivation realm of normal monks is from low to high, constantly escalating, and constantly ascending into higher universes. The super primitive ninety-nine ancient gods are just the opposite. They have experienced the destruction and rebirth of the Chaos Age. After the Heavenly Dao Judgment, the cultivation realm begins to gradually decline, and they will continue to descend from one super high-level universe to one low-level universe, until their cultivation realm drops to the realm of mortal monks, and then they need to start all over again. , re-cultivation, the cultivation realm continues to upgrade, and they continue to soar to higher-level universes. Because of this, countless multiverses of different levels will have their footprints, and some of the most powerful ones in the ultra-high-level universe may be their younger friends or their enemies.

In the first chaotic era, the five transcendental masters were born. They represent the one element (Dao), and they are both friends and enemies, both competing and cooperating, checking and balancing each other, reflecting the balance of one element.

In the second chaotic era, the ten masters of creation were born. They represent the duality (nothingness). They are both friends and enemies, competing and cooperating, checking and balancing each other, reflecting the balance of duality.

In the third chaotic epoch, thirty-six extra-dimensional super-gods and seventy-two chaotic primordial gods were born successively. They represent the three elements (Hongmeng Chaos), and they are enemies, and they check and balance each other, reflecting the balance of the three elements.

In the fourth chaotic evolutionary period, the super-space eighty-one pillars and the super-primitive ninety-nine pillars of ancient gods were born at the same time. They represent the four elements (all things in the universe). They are enemies, and they check and balance each other, reflecting the four elements. balance.

The super-primitive ninety-nine-pillar ancient gods all possess twin-level talent Dao supernatural powers. In addition to the super-level talent Dao supernatural powers great space-time technique, they also each have a different emperor-level talent Dao supernatural power, representing their respective innate origins The avenue can also be called the innate source.

The ultra-primitive ninety-nine-pillar ancient gods control the origin of ninety-nine emperor-level avenues, representing the roots of ninety-nine emperor-level avenues. They possess the immortal soul of Taiwu, whose physical strength and power are comparable to the treasure of chaos. . In addition to this, they also possess ninety-nine almighty treasures.

The ultra-primitive ninety-nine ancient gods are extremely mysterious, ancient, unfathomable, absolutely endless, immortal, all-knowing and omnipotent. They and their respective twin talents are as follows:

1. The ancient **** Itsumna, with blond hair, golden eyes and golden skin, has the same appearance as a human being, has eight golden wings on his back, is more than three meters tall, has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, and is the avenue of twin talents. Supernatural powers of time and space and big sky.

2. The ancient **** Chak has blue hair, blue eyes, blue skin, four arms, and a height of more than three meters. It has a gentle personality, and is as long as a human being. He hates war, loves peace, and has a golden halo of wisdom and various Vision, twin talent Dao supernatural powers big time and space technique and big rain technique.

3. The ancient **** Kax, which looks like a huge white moth, but can walk upright, has a very ferocious personality, likes to kill, has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, twin talents, avenues, supernatural powers, great time and space, and great clouds technique.

4. The ancient **** Istabu, it is fond of blood-sucking, it looks like a monster with horns, its body is short, but it is extremely flexible, and it is good at fighting. Vision, twin talent Dao supernatural power big time and space technique and big war technique.

5. The ancient **** Apuche, whose head is like a cicada, his hands are like lobster claws, and his body is like a man. It is irritable, very ferocious, and likes to destroy everywhere. It has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind its head.

6. The ancient **** of Kokata, it is a very strange alien creature. It is difficult for other creatures to understand what its head looks like. It seems to have a pair of large ears, its head is very owl-like, its body is similar to a human being, and its feet are It is very thick, it is very cunning, and has many tricks. It has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind its head.

7. The ancient **** Saman Ek has a flat head, a very small body, a light weight, feathers all over his body, wings, good at flying, very smart, with a golden halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head. Big Time and Space Technique and Big Sky Technique.

8. The goddess Ischer, it is covered with scales all over its body, although it has a human head, its eyes are large, its nose is almost invisible, its mouth is small, it has the body of a snake, and it lives in a hole, behind the head There is a golden halo of wisdom and various visions, twin talents, great time and space, and great security.

Nine, Kukulkan ancient god, the image is a green giant snake covered with green feathers, with a pair of huge green wings on his body, with the most splendid gorgeous feathers, very beautiful, with a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head , the twin talent Dao supernatural powers big time and space technique and big wind technique.

10. The ancient **** of Mars, it lives underground and rarely appears on the surface. It is a creature that does not like sunlight. It has a pair of big orange eyes, a large head and a small body. It lives underground for a long time. It has strong hearing, correspondingly poor eyesight, and has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind its head, as well as the twin talent Dao supernatural powers big time and space technique and big flame technique.

11. Blu-ray Goddess, Blu-ray Goddess is all blue all over, has a pair of big eyes, a big head, and a slender neck. It has high wisdom and is a symbol of wisdom. There is a golden halo of wisdom behind the head. And all kinds of visions, the twin talent, the great avenue, the supernatural power, the great space-time technique and the great premonition technique.

12. The ancient **** of Gray Yu, he is the same height as a five-year-old child, his eyes are large and black, his nose is flat, his body is thin, and he has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. stillness.

Thirteen, the mermaid goddess, it is an amphibian whose upper body is human and the lower body is fish. It swims very fast in water, but walks very slowly on land. This is all related to its special body composition. There are golden auras of wisdom and various visions, twin talents, great time and space, and great permanence.

14. The ancient **** Xipetotec, with a wolf-headed body, a large head, developed brain capacity, strong alchemy and casting techniques, a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space art and great goldsmithing.

15. The ancient centaur **** is a half-human, half-horse monster. Its upper body is a human torso, and its lower body is a horse's body, including its waist and four legs. Its whole body is white, with a pair of green eyes, a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind its head. Big Time and Space and Big Collection.

16. The ancient **** Bisu has a big head and small eyes. It is characterized by an evil heart and a strong desire to conquer. He is very jealous of which civilizations are higher than other civilizations. He once tried to occupy the universe, and there is a golden color on the back of his head. Wisdom halo and various visions, twin talents, great avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great conquest.

17. The ancient **** Yanajin, it is a giant spirit family, more than nine meters tall, with a similar appearance to humans, with golden skin, high IQ, and a very developed civilization. It is a kind-hearted alien creature and yearns for it Peace, there is a golden halo of wisdom and all kinds of visions behind the head, twin talents, avenues, supernatural powers, great time and space, and great casting.

18. The ancient **** of Orion, it looks like an animal, but is extremely intelligent, good at flying, and lives underground. It looks very strange, very similar to a mole, with flexible responses and extremely fast speed, with a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind its head, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great hunting.

Nineteen, the ancient **** of flying, with a pair of huge white wings, a strong jumping ability, and abnormally developed body functions. It is much taller than humans, with slender arms, a golden halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of its head, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, big time and space, and big jump.

20. The ancient **** of Tianyu is an ancient intelligent creature. He is very short and has a swan-like face. He looks very scary. He is covered in feathers. And all kinds of visions, the twin talent Dao supernatural power big time and space technique and big tracking technique.

Twenty-one, the goddess Nephilim, is a golden-skinned giant spirit family, with a beautiful female appearance and a height of more than seven meters. The skeleton is similar to that of a human being, and its appearance is the same as that of a human being, but its intelligence is higher than that of a strong human being. and the Great Desert.

22. The ancient **** of Lvyang, his body is green all over, he is very short, has big eyes, a developed head and brain, and is extremely intelligent. Although he lives in a cave, he has high technology and likes to be funny. There is a golden halo of wisdom and various visions, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great weirdness.

Twenty-three, the mother goddess Lyra, similar to the human body, it has long yellow hair, yellow eyes, it has great wisdom, has a good personality, has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind her head, and has great talent and supernatural powers. Time and space art and grand music art.

24. The ancient **** of Elohim, it has a long head and a huge brain. Its head is a bit like an octopus, its body is slightly taller than a human, and its skin is smooth. It lives in water and cannot stand the sun for a long time. Irradiation is an ancient intelligent creature. Although it lives underwater, it is knowledgeable, peace-loving, and unwilling to participate in disputes. It has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind its head. Great Invisibility.

25. The ancient **** Yaghari, this is a relatively primitive ancient creature, similar in appearance to humans, but with strong vitality. It has no hair, looks like a woman, has a strong body, and has a strong ability to adapt to the environment. It has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind its head.

Twenty-six, the ancient **** of Lebike, it looks like a bird, its head is like a bird's head, but its body is like a human being. Elephant, twin talent Dao supernatural powers, great time and space, and great reverse chaos.

Twenty-seven, the ancient interstellar god, it has big eyes, developed brain capacity, extremely high intelligence, no nose bridge, small mouth, and thin neck. It likes interstellar exploration and created a very brilliant culture. All kinds of visions, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, big time and space techniques and big interstellar techniques.

28. The ancient **** Duliba has a body like a lizard, but has no tail, can walk upright, is covered with scales, has a ferocious temperament, lives in a swamp-like environment for a long time, is good at camouflage and hunting, and has a golden color on the back of his head Wisdom halo and all kinds of visions, twin talents, great supernatural powers, great time and space, and great camouflage.

Twenty-nine, the ancient **** Chita, with a height of no more than four feet, a long head and back of the head, a thin body, a long tail, a fast speed, a pair of gray eyes but severely degraded vision, and a strong sense of smell. Living in a cave and living in a dark environment for a long time has caused his skin to be pale, with a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head.

30. The ancient **** of earth walking. It has lived underground for a long time. It has no eyes, but has sensitive hearing and smell. It is black and has a flexible tail. It can help it hunt prey. It is extremely smart and good at hiding its tracks. It has four legs. It crawls, but it can walk upright like a human. There is corrosive blood in its body. It reproduces offspring by injecting eggs into the host. The larvae are also very aggressive and flexible, with a golden color on the back of the head. Wisdom halo and all kinds of visions, twin talents, Dao, supernatural power, great time and space, and earth escape.

Thirty-one, accommodates the ancient god, it has a big belly, a small head, eyes grow on both sides of the head, and the head is separated from the head. Slow in ability, slightly taller than humans, with a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, twin talent avenues of supernatural powers, big time and space, and large containment.

Thirty-two, Vargu God, it is an extremely ferocious ancient monster with red eyes, sharp teeth, short brown hair all over his body, a golden halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers Grand Chrono and Grand Cutting.

Thirty-three, Dargu, from outer space, similar to humans, has dark blue skin and pointed ears, has extremely high intelligence, great strength, often likes to visit other galaxies, is a peace-loving alien Civilized creatures have a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind their heads, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great visitation.

Thirty-four, Saiyan ancient god, it is a savage ancient alien creature, similar to human beings, with thick and powerful limbs, special abilities, extremely strong destructive power, likes fighting, and often finds other strong people to learn from. To improve his strength, there is a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great fighting techniques.

Thirty-five, the ancient **** of big horns, this is an alien ancient creature with large horns on its head. It looks like a rhinoceros, with huge horns long and short on its head. It walks upright and has thick skin. Hard, savage and irritable, he likes to show his strength through duels. He has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head.

Thirty-six, Elgu God, a humanoid green creature, with blue eyes and pointed ears, often wearing strange armor, walking upright, proficient in countless skills, possessing great wisdom, with a golden halo of wisdom behind his head and various Vision, twin talent Dao supernatural power big time and space technique and big loyalty technique.

Thirty-seven, tall gray ancient gods, with big heads and big eyes, tall and thin ancient gray creatures, with extremely high wisdom and civilization, with high technology, as tall as humans, walking upright, with large heads and brains Afterwards, there is a golden halo of wisdom and various visions, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great observation.

Thirty-eight, the ancient **** of whale people, the body is very bloated, the skin is white, the head is large, but the eyes are small, very intelligent, and the height is the same as that of humans. He has great wisdom and strong memory, and has a kind personality. He has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head.

Thirty-nine, the ancient **** of Kelund, similar in appearance to humans, with silver-gray skin and silver-gray hair. It is a peacekeeper of the universe and maintains the peace of the universe. He has a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, a twin talent Dao Supernatural Powers Great Space-Time Technique and Great Maintenance Technique.

40. The ancient **** of Jindi is a super primitive creature crawling on four legs, with extremely high has a small head, a pair of big eyes, a long neck, a thin body, wrinkled skin, and is not afraid of Burned by fire, with a warm and kind personality, it belongs to an ancient creature of super-intelligence. There is a golden halo of wisdom and various visions behind its head.

Forty-one, the ancient **** of Jiedun, it has a strange tentacle on its head, only one eye, no mouth, very evil, strong ability, extremely high wisdom, with a golden halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of its head , Twin talent Dao supernatural powers big time and space technique and big retribution technique.

Forty-two, Yumo ancient god, the body is similar to the human, a pair of very long curved horns grow on both sides of the face, a pair of arms longer than the human, slender, green body, good at hunting, very strong reaction , with a golden halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great hunting.

Forty-three, the ancient **** of chaos, it looks very terrifying, with a big head, skin folds like being burned, likes to conquer other civilizations, with a golden halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of the head, twin talents, avenues, supernatural powers, great time and space, and great Chaos.

Forty-four, the ancient **** Hippolyte, it looks like a monster, it has three tentacles on its head, and a long nose, which can spit out strong acid and corrode everything. It has strange fingers and spurs on its feet. Like wearing armor, it is an evil alien super-primitive creature with a suspicious personality, cunning and changeable, with a golden halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great corruption.

Forty-five, the ancient **** of the lizardman, it is an alien super-primitive creature with a lizard-like shape and can walk upright. It has a brutal personality and can adapt to any environment. And all kinds of visions, the twin talent, the great avenue, the supernatural power, the big time and space art and the big crushing art.

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