In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1332: dark green light

The three emperors of Hongmeng, the three masters of the Grandmist Shrine, three sisters, and three all-powerful treasures, they are three mysterious and powerful young transcendent female geniuses, all possessing transcendent Hongmeng Taoism, all of them are With twin transcendent talents, Daoist supernatural powers, great primordial magic and great chaos, their three sisters are three sacred, beautiful, noble, majestic and powerful human race's three great female geniuses.

The three Hongmeng Empresses of Hongmeng Shrine and their three almighty treasures are:

The Grand Palace Lord Hongtian Empress, the image is a beautiful and noble purple palace beauty, with a pair of purple wings on her back, called Hongmeng Purple Wings, the almighty treasure of the heart of creation.

Empress Hongling, the master of the second palace, is in the form of a beautiful and noble cyan palace beauty with a pair of cyan wings on her back.

The Empress Hongguang, the master of the third palace, has the image of a beautiful and noble woman in white palace dress, with a pair of white wings on her back, called Hongmeng Baiyi, the all-powerful eye that purifies the world.

After seeing Ji Haotian, the three queens of Hongmeng were all surprised and flew over.

Ji Haotian pretended to be vigilant: "Three Empresses of Hongmeng, what are you going to do? You want to rob money again?"

Empress Hongtian said, "We won't steal the fortune this time."

Ji Haotian suddenly crossed his hands to protect his chest, and said vigilantly, "You want to be robbed? I can tell you that I am a serious person. If you are robbed, I will swear to death!"

The Three Empresses of Hongmeng: "..."

Ji Haotian and the three young leaders were about to leave, and the three Hongmeng Empresses suddenly stepped forward to block their way.

Empress Hongling said to Ji Haotian, "Ji Haotian, our transaction was not completed a few years ago. You can leave after the transaction is completed!"

Ji Haotian raised his eyebrows and said, "That's a rare and priceless treasure, a peerless treasure among peerless treasures. What are you going to trade with me?"

Empress Hongguang said: "We really can't come up with good things, why don't you give us a few treasures, our three sisters can't reciprocate, so let's promise each other!"


Ji Haotian had a black line on his head and was speechless.

The three young leaders all widened their eyes, unbelievable!

Suddenly, everyone noticed that black mist and endless terrifying evil spirits emerged from the ancient cave in the remote valley. Then, a terrifying and evil super alien monster appeared from the black mist and evil spirits!

It has a terrifying and bizarre inky black shape, with a strange little green light shining on the dark body, and the amorphous body exudes a stench, squirming and flowing forward, and there is a mass of amorphous protoplasmic swells, A faint green light flashed.

Tens of thousands of eyes that emit green light and pus-like eyes continue to form and disintegrate on its surface. It is extremely strange, evil and terrifying, making people shudder to see!

Everyone in the ruins immediately became highly vigilant. They sensed that this strange and terrifying alien monster was extremely powerful and brought them a deadly threat!

Empress Hongtian looked at the terrifying monster, and suddenly exclaimed in surprise: "That is the extremely rare and strange dark green light clan recorded in the "Universal Clan List", and it is also a dark green light clan in the Austrian realm! "

Dark Green Light Clan: They have a nightmarish inky black body, with a strange little green light on the dark body, and the amorphous body emits a stench, squirming forward, flowing... an amorphous mass The protoplasmic swollen bubbles flashed a faint green light.

Tens of thousands of eyes that emit green light and pus-like eyes are constantly forming and disintegrating on its surface.

That huge mountain-like black and green body can crush and smash everything. Human, sarcastic screeching.

This dark green-light clan Austrian appeared to be slow, but in fact it was extremely fast, appearing in front of everyone in the blink of an eye!

It looked at Empress Hongtian and said in a gloomy and harsh voice: "Little human girl, if you have eyesight and insight, I am the great and noble Dark Green Light Clan Austrian Lord."

Central Chenyu said vigilantly: "Seablue Star does not have the existence of the dark green light clan, why are you here? What do you want to do?"

The Dark Green Light Race Austrian ignored the central Chenyu, but looked at Ji Haotian and asked, "Human boy, I sensed that your blood is very special, mysterious, fragrant, and tempting me, what kind of Taoist body are you? Why can't I see through you?"

Ji Haotian said disdainfully: "Even some powerful people can't see through me, how can you see through me in a mere Olympian realm!"

The Aozhu of the dark green light clan said: "You put a big bowl of blood for me to drink, and let me taste your delicious blood."

Ji Haotian said, "I have urine, can you drink it?"

The Dark Green Light Race Austrian said angrily, "Boy, how dare you speak rudely to me, are you courting death? Believe it or not, I'll swallow you alive right now?"

Ji Haotian curled his lips and asked, "Stop talking nonsense. Let me ask you, you emerged from that ancient cave in the secluded valley. What is in that ancient cave? Is there a secret realm or treasure? Did you get it?"

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