In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1331: Rescue 3 big and young leaders

The twenty-three superpowers in the omnipotent universe are called: one society, one court, three religions, five countries, five houses, and eight clans.

One meeting is the Almighty Cosmic Council, one court is the Almighty Cosmic Court, the Three Religions are the Three Supreme Cosmic Religions, the Five Kingdoms are the Five Super Multiverse Republics, the Fifth Academy is the Five Cosmic Academy, and the Eight Clans are the Eight Peak Ancient Clans .

Five super multiverse republics, five supreme leaders, five founders, and five creation genius-level primordial powers:

China Multiverse Republic (human nation), China's creator.

Unify the multiverse republic (the kingdom of demons) and unify the creator.

Glory to the Multiverse Republic (the Kingdom of Yuzu), to the Maker of the World.

Brilliant Multiverse Republic (Zuo Nation), Brilliant Creator.

Perfect Multiverse Republic (StarClan Nation), Perfect Creator.

The supreme rulers of the five super multiverse republics are the five supreme leaders, the five presidents of the five countries belong to the second figure, and the five young leaders of the five countries are the successors of the five supreme leaders, equivalent to the crown prince of an empire, and their status is extremely noble.

In the ruins of the ancient temple of Yin and Yang, the three young leaders of the three super multiverse republics are exploring the secrets together.

Suddenly, they all raised their heads and were surprised to see a space crack appeared in the void. A person fell from the space turbulence in the crack. As the person fell, the space crack healed and disappeared!


A loud bang!

That person fell directly into the ruins like a falling object from the sky, smashing the earth into a big pit, and people don't know whether they live or die in the pit!

The three young leaders flew over curiously and fell to the pit to check.

At this time, they saw a beautiful human man with black hair and black eyes in the pit, with a vertical eye between his eyebrows and a pair of purple wings on his back. side.

This person is the Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian, who was beaten so hard that he traveled here!

The embarrassed Ji Haotian stood outside the big pit, looking up to the sky with an angry face and roaring: "The original seventy-two terror king, the seventy-two pillars of the great devil, you bastards, attacked me again and again, you wait for me, Sooner or later, I will settle the account with you, and I will never let you go!"

The three young leaders outside the pit widened their eyes when they heard the words, and they were amazed. I didn't expect that this young beautiful man would be attacked by many primitive powers many times. It seems that this young beautiful man is also a super strong being!

Central Chenyu, the young leader of the Republic of China Multiverse, looked at Ji Haotian and said with a smile, "Hello, my name is Central Chenyu. They are Odrissis and Gianni Otis. How dare you ask Xiongtai?"

Ji Haotian glanced at them and said coldly, "Ji Haotian."

The three young leaders were about to ask questions when Ji Haotian suddenly disappeared out of thin air...

Ten days later.

Inside the ruins, Ji Haotian appeared out of thin air again.

Ten years in the Tiandao Pagoda Tiandao Realm, his injuries have also recovered.

At this time, he discovered that in a valley in the ruins, the three young leaders of the three super multiverse republics were lying there without knowing whether they were alive or dead!

He flew over, landed in front of the three young leaders, and opened the eyes of Tiandao between his eyebrows.

Soon, he saw that the three young leaders were all in the body of Taiyi for innumerable calamities, with very little life force left, and their souls were almost wiped out.

Right now, Ji Haotian did not hesitate to bring the three young leaders into the Tiandao Pagoda Tiandao Realm.

In the Heavenly Dao Palace, on the huge futon, Ji Haotian used the Heavenly Dao Super Infinite Infinite Calamity to absorb the Taiyi Infinite Infinite Calamity in the refining and refining of the three young leaders, and at the same time he used the Heavenly Dao Life Light to heal the wounds of the three young leaders...

Time flies by.

More than three months have passed outside.

It has been the past hundred years in the world of heaven.

Thanks to Ji Haotian's efforts, the three young leaders finally recovered. They are grateful to Ji Haotian and thank Ji Haotian for his life-saving grace. They know that without Ji Haotian, they would have vanished long ago and ceased to exist!

Ji Haotian was also overjoyed. His Heavenly Dao was beyond immeasurable and immeasurable calamities. After absorbing and refining the Taiyi immeasurable calamities in the three young leaders, he successfully broke through and upgraded to level 46.

The forty-sixth level of the Heavenly Dao is beyond limitless calamities, which can destroy the Aowang weapon and pose a fatal threat to the Austrian King realm powerhouses.

At this point, Heaven's Dao Super Boundless Infinite Tribulation has become another powerful trump card of Ji Haotian!

After chatting together for a while, the four of them walked out of the Tiandao Pagoda Tiandao Realm together. The Tiandao Pagoda automatically created a purple light and entered Ji Haotian's eyebrows.

After they reappeared in the ruins, they found that the Third Empress of Hongmeng was also exploring the secrets in the ruins.

The three young leaders immediately became vigilant.

Odrixis said to Ji Haotian, "Haotian, you have to be careful of the Three Empresses of Hongmeng. They are three barbaric female robbers who rob anything they like. We have all been robbed by them several times!"

Ji Haotian nodded and said, "I know, I've seen them, they are indeed three difficult barbaric women!"

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