In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1245: Yuan Zu and Evil King

In the void, the ancestor of the twenty-four star beasts and the Eternal Multiverse Republic on the opposite side exchanged a few words, and then the two sides flew out of the thunderbolt Mars and launched a world-shattering melee in space!

However, not long after they left, the forty ancient powerful elders of the Yuheng Multiverse Republic Presbyterian Association suddenly reappeared, trying to arrest the five supreme emperors of the universe!

The Eight Great Masters of the Wu State Presbyterian Association and the Eight Primordial Powers, the Eight Primordial Ancestors of the Chaos Sea, suddenly appeared, blocking the ancient powers of the Yuheng Multiverse Republic!

The Eight Yuan Ancestors of Chaos Sea: The eight chiefs of the Wu State Presbyterian Association, the universe was originally chaotic and unknown, and then an endless chaotic sea was created in the chaos, and four pairs of male and female congenital souls were born in the chaotic sea. They were born almost simultaneously in the endless sea of ​​chaos. These eight innate spirits often appear in the form of male frog-headed human body and female snake-headed human body. They are the only eight innate spirits in the endless chaotic sea at the beginning of the universe, and the names of women are all transformed from the names of men. It is called the Eight Yuan Ancestor of Chaos Sea.

The Eight Yuan Ancestors of the Chaos Sea are the original powers from the omnipotent universe. They and the Twelve Dragon Ancestors of the Great Desolation started a cosmic war in a single universe, which eventually led to the causal collapse of the universe and caused the explosion of the super infinite and infinite calamities of the single universe. The Twelve Dragon Ancestors of the Great Desolation were involved in the vortex of time and space in the terrifying Super Tai Wu Infinite Tribulation, and they traveled to the three thousand Brahma universes. Their origins were severely damaged in the Super Tai Infinite Infinite Tribulation. Their cultivation base plummeted to a large The Brahma Awakened Realm requires countless years of cultivation to gradually recover to peak strength.

They joined the Wu Kingdom and became the eight presidents of the Wu Kingdom's Presbyterian Council after suffering the 3,000 Great Brahman universes.

The Eight Yuan Ancestors of the Chaos Sea have eight treasures of Hongmeng, all of them possessing twin emperor-level innate avenues of supernatural powers, one of which is the Great Essence Technique representing their common original origin, and the other is the innate supernatural powers that represent their respective innate origins, Chaos Sea The eight ancestors are:

The primordial ancestor Nuen and the primordial mother Naunate represent the primordial water, and the supernatural powers of the twin talent avenues are the Great Origin Technique and the Great Water Source Technique.

The original ancestor of Hahe and the original mother of Haut represent the original eternity.

The original ancestor of Cook and the original mother of Cookt represent the original darkness, and the twin talents are the Great Origin Technique and the Great Darkness Technique.

Amon Yuanzu and Amonite Yuanmother represent the primordial air, and the supernatural powers of the avenue of twin talents are the Great Origin Technique and the Great Air Technique.

In the void, the two sides exchanged a few words, and then flew out of Thunderbolt at the same time, and a world-shattering melee broke out in space!

However, it didn't take long for the forty ancient powerful elders from the Longheng Multiverse Republic Presbyterian Church to suddenly appear, and they were about to arrest the five supreme emperors of the universe!

The thirty-six presidents of the Demon Kingdom Elders Association and the thirty-six primordial powerful universe thirty-six evil kings suddenly appeared and stopped the ancient powerful elders of the Longheng Multiverse Republic!

The Thirty-six Evil Kings of the Universe: Also known as the Thirty-six Innate Immortal Evil Spirits, the Thirty-six Presidents of the Elders of the Demon Kingdom, and the thirty-six super disciples of the Chaos Seven Evil Emperors among the Seventy-two Chaos Supremes. They are all extremely ancient innate alien creatures in the multiverse. They were born in the Ming Dynasty at the beginning of the universe. At the beginning of their birth, they devoured the innate immortal ancestral energy at the beginning of the universe, and they all possessed the body of immortality.

They are the thirty-six ancestors of the thirty-six evil races in the universe. They are all extremely mysterious, powerful, ancient, evil and terrifying. They possess thirty-six treasures of Hongmeng, and they all possess twin emperor-level talents and supernatural powers. One is the Great Immortality Technique, and the other is their respective Innate Origin Dao Divine Ability.

The Thirty-six Evil Kings of the Universe are the innate primordial powers from the omnipotent universe. They waged a cosmic war with their old enemy, the original twelve ancient ancestors, which eventually led to the causal collapse of the universe and the big bang of the single universe. They were in the universe with the original twelve ancient ancestors. In the big bang, they were involved in the vortex of time and space and traveled through the three thousand Brahman universes. Their origins were severely damaged in the big bang, and their cultivation base plummeted to the realm of the Brahman enlightened person. It took countless years of cultivation to gradually recover to their peak strength.

They joined the Devil Kingdom and became the thirty-six presidents of the Elders Association of the Devil Kingdom.

The thirty-six evil kings of the universe are:

1. The Evil King Amtsaba, the Devourer of Stars, is shaped like a huge dark matter mass with many slender tentacles on it, through which it captures and devours the planet. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Devouring Technique.

2. The evil king of Bagshas, ​​the drowning man, the space filler, is a gelatinous creature with countless eyes and mouths. The twin talent Dao supernatural powers big immortality and big filling.

3. King Ketayate, the king of black water, is one of the existences that symbolize "water". His body is a kind of existence that is incomprehensible to ordinary people, usually embodied in the form of a huge aggregate of water elements. It is said that this evil spirit is the ruler of all aquatic life, and he can appear wherever water exists. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Black Water Technique.

4. The evil king of Weibull, his appearance resembles a huge giant rat, with black hair growing on the surface, three clover-like red eyes on his head, and some tentacles on his body. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Soul Eater.

5. Curse King Kunye, known as the "Dark Silent One", whose image is pure darkness. He lives in the deep, invisible underground, and everything he goes will be involved in his invisible darkness. middle. As long as he appears, all life, all sounds, and all actions will come to an end. Therefore, his arrival is often accompanied by strong earthquakes, and people or animals who approach him will have an urge to gouge out their eyes. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Silence Technique.

6. King Eodad, also known as "Soul Hunter", is a complex of animals, plants and minerals, with a huge compound eye. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Soul Technique.

7. The evil king of Saigea, also known as "The Darkest One" and "The Eye of Destruction". It is represented by a large, green eye with many tentacles growing around the edge of the eye. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Darkness Technique.

8. King Otuigye, the end walker, is in the form of a huge eyeball with a large group of tentacles. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Ending Technique.

9. The evil king of Mnagara, whose full name is "Eternal Mnagara", is also known as "Tumor of the Earth" and "Those Who Deplete All Things". His image is a large aggregate of internal organs and eyeballs, with many tentacles growing on them. .Twin talent Dao supernatural power great immortality and great exhaustion.

10. The evil king of Xiaugnar Fagen, the terror in the mountains, the image of a vampire giant with an elephant head. Nicknamed "God of Elephants" and "Terror on the Mountain". The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Blood Vampire Technique.

11. The evil king of Ketugya, the detonator, the one who lives in the flame, one of the existences that symbolizes "fire". The image is a huge, hot fireball or plasma block, surrounded by thousands of small light balls, a huge figure that constantly deforms like a living flame, and is sometimes even described as the sun on the ground. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Detonation Technique.

12. King Yafumzha, the Lord of the Ice Flame Extreme Circle, although he is a fire attribute, his nature is completely different from ordinary flames - he is a huge, icy, gray flame, Instead of burning objects, it freezes objects that touch him. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Freeze Technique.

13. Queen Kasogsa, also known as Leviathan's Disease, looks like a large aggregate of tentacles, and the curled tentacles can extend to amazing lengths, thus ensuring that her prey has no chance to escape or hide. Kasogsa, also known as the Leviathan disease, often lives in a place where nothing can grow and spreads various harmful substances to poison the local life. Often considered to be an ancient being, Kasogsa is said to be particularly violent as a testament to her powers. Twin talent Dao supernatural power immortality and major disease.

14. The evil king of Gatano Toya, he appears as a huge lump of unshaped flesh with many tentacles and huge mouths, and his body is covered with wrinkles and scales. He was able to petrify the creatures who witnessed him, and those who entered this state would not die completely, their brains would live forever in their petrified bodies, becoming "living statues". The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Petrification Technique.

15. The evil king of Isogda, known as the "Lord of the Abyss", Isogda's body is very large, his head has lush hair and tentacles, he has only one eye, and the surrounding eyes are equally long Full of tentacles, his body also has some of the characteristics of a deep diver, such as long webbed palms. In addition, he can also affect the human mind through dreams. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Abyss Technique.

16. King Zoth Omogo, he has a conical body and a lizard-like head, with four stout tentacle-shaped arms with suction cups on his neck, which when unfolded like a starfish, rest on his head Also has tentacles. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Assimilation Technique.

17. Queen Keshira, she has an octopus-like body, a pair of retractable wings and tentacles with grooved claws. She has the ability to change her body shape at will. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Transformation Technique.

18. Queen Nketosa, the image is a huge octopus-shaped creature with a shell, with eight segmented legs and six long arms with claws at the top of the long arms. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Tear Technique.

19. The evil king of Itacua, the windrunner, the king of cold and dead silence, one of the existences that symbolizes the "wind". Among the several appearances of Itacua, the most typical one is a webbed between the toes, A huge, bony human figure with fiery red eyes. Its face is terrifyingly twisted, like a human face that has been pulled and deformed, full of pain; it is also often flashed in the wind, and its long withered hair will sway in the wind like a ghost with its body. Another common appearance of Ithacua is a humanoid figure with huge horns and hair, with claws as sharp as knives, ferocious fangs in the mouth, and fiery eyes. It will exhale large clouds of mist, and snowflakes will strangely surround it. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Wind Technique.

20. The evil king of Mordiggian, the king of gloomy bones and the king of ghouls. The image is a huge, shapeless mass of darkness, sometimes appearing as a terrifying giant with no eyes on his head and no legs on his body. He appeared with a terrifying fog, and once swallowed by the fog, he would lose all his energy and become withered bones. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Cloud Mist Technique.

21. The evil king of Lantigos, the king of the ivory throne. Hexapods, long body, and forelimbs like crab claws. Although it looks like a huge and terrifying crab, it can **** creatures through the tentacles in its mouth. Its digestive system is extremely powerful. If it does not eat, it will begin to digest itself. into a dormant state. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Digestion Technique.

22. The evil king of Rulim Shakros, whose shape resembles a huge, whitish worm with a porous stomach; its eyeballs seem to be composed of some small droplets of blood that keep dripping. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Assimilation Technique.

Twenty-three, the evil king Shudmel, with a huge body and the most evil character. It is a gray monster with a huge body that is several miles long. From time to time, a strange acid fluid is exuded from its mouth, and at the same time, a strange acid fluid flows out. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Corruption Technique.

24. The evil king of Zatoguya, the sleeper of Ngai, the ancestor of the toad. It takes the form of a humanoid with soft black fur and a huge toad-like belly, sometimes changing into other stances. When he is hungry, no matter if it is human beings or other creatures, or even invisible infant spirits, all come. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Sleeping Technique.

Twenty-five, the evil king of Zweier Boghua, the demon of the sky. It is depicted as an armless, winged, bipedal toad with a long, twisted neck and a face completely covered by tentacles. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Sky Technique.

Twenty-six. The evil king Aihot, in the shape of a bulging, oval-shaped giant, rests on countless incorporeal legs; eyes constantly appear on its oval, gelatinous body. The twin talent Dao Supernatural Powers Great Immortality and Great Illusions.

Twenty-seven, the evil king of Glaaki, in the shape of a huge slug-like creature, covered with metal spikes all over his body. These spikes seem to be inorganic, but they actually have an organic structure and can grow. The top of his body also has a pair of tentacles with eyeballs. The twin talent Dao supernatural powers of immortality and destruction.

28. The evil king of Kuacheutos, also known as the "Dust Walker". Its body was no bigger than a child, dry and wrinkled like a thousand-year-old mummy. The neck as thin as a skeleton supports the head without a hair, and both the head and its featureless face are covered with countless tiny cracks. That way, it was like a shriveled stillborn who had died without a single breath in its mother's body; at the end of its thin arms were scrawny claws that stretched out stiffly as if perpetually groping for something. Same. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Rift Technique.

Twenty-nine, the evil king of Gadamon, it looks like a large amoeba group, its body is composed of a blue-brown mucus, blisters and scars are constantly formed on its surface, and periodically cracked open, spewing disgusting toxins; it can change its shape at will to move. In addition, deformed heads are constantly produced in its body, which are quickly absorbed by the mother; these heads appear to briefly observe the surrounding environment before disappearing. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Poison Technique.

30. King Ques Aziz is represented by a cluster of huge crystals with long, sharp crystal tendrils on it. Any creature touched by these crystal tentacles will be transformed into a solid mineral structure . The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Solid Technique.

Thirty-one, the evil king of Samanus, the dark walker, the monarch of the night, the image is a tall and thin man, with gray skin, no mouth, and tentacles on his abdomen. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Dark Night Technique.

Thirty-two, King Satya, is a terrifying thing like a pig, with a bloated, corpse-like body covered in thick, wrinkled, rhino-like skin. It had twelve or more hoofed legs, a small black eye on its head, and three mouths full of wild boar tusks and teeth under its snout. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Impact Technique.

Thirty-three, the evil king Xenosogris, also known as the "King of the Funeral" and "The Embalmer". Its image is a lump of indeterminate shape, like a huge lump of peristaltic stool, with an arm-like appendage. The twin talent, the great undead technique, and the great zombie technique.

Thirty-four, the evil king of Theros, the image is a huge bat-shaped creature with thousands of deformed eyes and a strangely shaped throat. The twin talents are the Great Immortality and the Great Plague.

35. King Kituhanai, also known as "The Destroyer of King Atna. He is a destructive entity that manifests as a hungry unknown force field, who builds his body by absorbing metal elements, Shatter it to form a highly destructive swirling metal vortex. Twin talents avenue supernatural powers great immortality and great eddy current.

Thirty-six, the Evil King Eustragon, in the form of a slug-like monster with countless eyes on it. The twin talents are the Great Immortality Technique and the Great Ghost Technique.

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