In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1244: Mighty One's power

The presidents of the five supreme nations of the universe, they are all extremely mysterious, ancient, and powerful primordial powers. They are:

The Twelve Presidents of the Tianguo Tianlao Association and the Twelve Primitive Ancestors

The Thirty-six Presidents of the Elders of the Demon Kingdom and the Thirty-six Evil Kings of the Universe

The Eighth President of the Wuguo Presbyterian Church, the Eighth Primordial Ancestor of Chaos Sea

The twenty-four president of the Demon Nation's Elders Association, the ancestor of the twenty-four star beasts

The Twelve Presidents of the Longguo Elders Association, the Twelve Dragon Ancestors of Honghuang

They are beyond time and space, beyond reincarnation, beyond life and death, beyond cause and effect, beyond fixed number and variable, they have no beginning and no end, self-existence, omnipotence, immortality and immortality, they are beyond everything The super-wisdom, super-powerful, and super-big luck person of the super-wise person is the absolute supreme being that transcends and surpasses everything. The super-space-time person is divided into five levels, which are called five elements, which are:

One-dimensional superheroes - the five transcendental masters.

The duality superheroes - the ten masters of creation.

The three-dimensional super-space person - the seventy-two Chaos Supreme and so on.

Four Yuan Chaos and Space - The Twelve Presidents of the Heavenly Kingdom's Heavenly Elders' Association The twenty-four presidents of the National Veterans Association, the ancestors of the twenty-four star beasts, the twelve presidents of the Longguo Veterans Association, the Twelve Dragon Ancestors of Honghuang, and many other innate and primitive powers.

Five Yuan Chaos and Space - Heaven, Demon, Witch, Demon, Dragon The younger generation of the five supreme kingdoms of the universe has great wisdom, great supernatural powers, and great fortune.

The super-temporal soul, also known as the self-existing and eternal soul, transcends everything, ignores everything, is omniscient and omnipotent, immortal and immortal, and is the almighty soul and eternal life that transcends and transcends everything; the super-temporal soul does not rely on any external It exists without beginning and end. It is the root of all spiritual and material things. It transcends attributes, causality, time and space. It does not need any reason for its existence. The superhuman soul is divided into five levels, called the five causes, which are:

The soul of the first cause - the soul of the supernatural and meaningless soul of heaven, the supreme and unique soul of the ultimate first cause.

The second is because of the soul - the soul of super Brahma, the other four kinds of super Brahma souls of the other four masters of transcendence, namely the soul of super Brahma of nothingness, the soul of super Brahma of the great master of nothingness, the soul of super Brahma of the great master of Hongmeng, and the soul of super Brahma of the great master of chaos. Chaos super Brahma soul, the time and space super Brahma soul of the master of time and space.

The third cause of the soul - the soul of God, the ten souls of God of the ten creation masters.

The fourth cause of the soul - the soul of Taiwu, the supernatural soul possessed by the super-primitive power.

The fifth because of the soul - the soul of Tai Brahma, the super-space soul possessed by the innate primordial power.

Among them, the most powerful is the supreme master of the heavenly way, the soul of the super-unintelligent soul of the heavenly way. The soul, he is in charge of heaven, omniscient and omnipotent, transcends everything, ignores everything, is the source of the universe, the ultimate truth, the root of the Dao, the first cause of everything, transcends and transcends all existence and non-existence.

Destroying hundreds of millions of creatures in the universe with a blink of an eye, the soul of heaven is the most powerful being in all multiverses!

The multiverse is just like a drop of water in the vast ocean to the supernatural soul.

He wanted to be as strong as he was.

He is super almighty!

The strongest beings in all of the multiverse are like microbes in his eyes.

What he said, what the universe is.

He is a billion times more powerful than all the powerhouses in the multiverse combined!

The Universal Powers are divided into five levels, from high to low, they are:

1. Super Almighty - Super omnipotent and omnipotent, the five transcendent masters.

2. The Almighty One - Omniscient and Almighty, the Ten Masters of Creation.

3. Ultra-primitive powers - there are several super-space powers of Chaos Age, and the seventy-two Chaos Supremes, etc.

4. The Primitive Powers—that is, the collective name of the ancient powers and the great powers of the prehistoric world, the original twelve ancient ancestors, the twelve presidents of the Heavenly Kingdom, and the thirty-six evil kings of the universe, the thirty-six presidents of the Demon Kingdom’s Elders’ Club. , The Eighth President of the Wu State Presbyterian Association, the Eight Yuan Ancestors of Chaos Sea, the Twenty-Fourth President of the Demon State Presbyterian Association, the Twenty-Four Star Behemoth Ancestors, and the Twelve Presidents of the Dragon State Presbyterian Association, the Twelve Dragon Ancestors of Honghuang, etc. are all primitive powers. .

5. Powerful people - including the peak power, the ancient power, the ancient power, the ancient power, the heaven, the devil, the witch, the demon, and the dragon. The peerless Tianjiao and so on belong to the peak power, the ancient power is called the ancient The ancient power is called the ancient power, and the ancient power is called the ancient power.

The ancient period of the universe is 10 million years ago, the ancient period is 600 million years ago, the archaic period is 10 billion years ago, the ancient period is 6 trillion years ago, and the ancient period is 100 trillion years ago. Ji is six trillion years, which is equivalent to the destruction and rebirth of the universe.

The power level of the Universal Powerhouse is divided into fourteen levels, from strong to weak, they are:

Level 1 Almighty: The first level, beyond imagination, cannot give an explanation (five transcendence masters).

Second-level Almighty: The void-level, including all existence and non-existence (ten masters of creation).

The third-level powerful one: the existence level, including all existences (seventy-two Chaos Supreme, etc.).

Fourth-level Almighty One: The material level, including all matter and antimatter.

Level 5 Almighty: Life level, including all life and death.

Level 6 Almighty One: Infinite dimension level, exists in infinite dimension, the laws of physics are invalid for them, and the laws of physics can be changed.

Seventh-level powerful person: ten-dimensional biological level, able to freely travel through time and space, and has the power to erase the existence of things.

The eighth-level powerful person: infinite universe level, able to freely travel through different universes, and has the power to destroy multiple universes.

Level 9 Almighty: Multiverse level, capable of destroying multiple universes with its own power.

Level 10 Almighty: Parallel universe level, can change the laws of physics.

Level 11 Almighty: A single cosmic level, the laws of physics are invalid for it, and it has the power to erase the existence of things.

Twelfth-level powerful person: Star field level, able to destroy multiple star fields with his own power.

Thirteenth-level Almighty: Galaxy level, able to freely travel through different galaxies.

Level 14 Almighty: Planet level, capable of destroying a planet with its own power.

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