In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1103: 72 Pillars of Demons

Francis was curious and said, "The five of us should be able to forcibly break the barrier together. Let's break the barrier and see?"

Ji Haotian raised his eyebrows and said, "Aren't you afraid of making trouble?"

Francis asked, "Are you afraid?"

Ji Haotian said, "Don't be afraid!"

Di Jingyu said: "I'm not afraid of making trouble. There must be a world-shattering secret in this mysterious Tiankeng. The five presidents are all extremely mysterious and ancient ancient powers. This mysterious Tiankeng was jointly arranged by them to suppress and seal the enchantment. Maybe there is a shocking secret about the five presidents!"

Biemonds said: "I'm also curious, the five of us joined forces to destroy the power of the five transcendental Dao Zunzi, break the barrier, and see what the world-shattering secret is inside!"

Driven by curiosity, the five emperors immediately joined forces to unleash the power of the five transcendental Dao Zunzi and forcibly bombard the barrier!

"Boom boom boom..."

The five emperors were full of firepower, constantly bombarding the barrier with ferocity!

After a few hours.


A loud bang that shattered the sky!

"Crack!" A sound!

The barrier was finally forcibly shattered by the Five Emperors!

However, the five emperors were about to enter the Tiankeng to explore the mystery. Suddenly, a violent black gust of wind emerged from the Tiankeng. The evil energy rushed into the sky, the black clouds rolled, and the endless pressure shrouded the heaven and the earth. Destroy the earth, shake the heavens!

Under the stunned gaze of the Five Emperors, seventy-two black pillars of air appeared in the endless black wind and demonic energy in the Tiankeng, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into seventy-two super terrifying monsters with a height of 1000 meters or a huge mountain!

Rakipresis widened his eyes and exclaimed, "It's over, we really got into trouble and released seventy-two terrifying super devils!"

Seventy-two powerful and terrifying super devils hovered in the air, all of them were full of surprises, and some even burst into laughter!

One of the purple giants, surrounded by thunder and lightning, laughed wildly: "It's been 600 million years, a whole Ancient Era, we are finally out! The five damned Speakers, suppressed and sealed us for an entire Ancient Era, you all wait for our revenge. !"

Ji Haotian suddenly lost his voice and exclaimed: "This is the seventy-two emperors of the seventy-two ancient demons. They are the seventy-two ancient powers. The infinite universe will face a huge catastrophe. We are in trouble!"

The other four emperors were shocked and regretful when they heard the words. It was really curiosity that killed the cat. They realized that when the seventy-two ancient demons, the seventy-two pillar emperors, were born, the infinite universe would be devastated and plunged into boundless catastrophe!

They don't know about the ancient seventy-two-pillar emperors, but they know that the seventy-two-pillar demon race recorded in the "Universal Clan List" is an extremely terrifying and extremely powerful devil-like evil race!

Demon Clan: Also known as the Black Blood Demon Clan, there are seventy-two descendants of the legendary seventy-two great demon gods, so they are called the Seventy-two Pillars of Demon Clan, ranking fifteenth in the Ranking of All Clans in the Universe.

The seventy-two-pillar demon race is a race of alien giants with different shapes and complexions. They are extremely huge and have blood as black as ink. Most of them live in underground, abyss, lightless places, and dark universes. The universe, mysterious, ancient, terrifying and powerful.

The seventy-two pillars of the Demon Race are classified into twelve levels, from high to low: Emperor, Grand Duke, Cabinet Secretary, General, King, Duke, Marquis, Earl, President, Noble Prince, Demon, Familiar.

The seventy-two pillars of the Demon Race represent the destruction of all things, infinite disasters, infinite destructive power, selfishness, evil, terror, pain, torture, etc. They are the root of all disasters and evils. Their characters are proud, deceitful, filthy, and cruel.

The seventy-two Pillars of Demons are:

1. Baal Demon Race: A purple thunder giant with a pair of purple-gold magic horns on his head, surrounded by thunder and lightning, and a thousand feet tall.

2. Agares Demon Race: A super terrifying monster with an eagle-headed crocodile body and a body that is hundreds of miles long.

3. Vassago Demon Race: The face shape is like an inverted triangle skull, and the height is thousands of feet.

4. Samikina Demon Race: Horse-headed person, thousands of feet tall.

5. The Marbas Demon Race: The Sphinx has a body as huge as a mountain.

6. Hualifu Demon Clan: The upper body is a mule and the lower body is a lion, and the body is as huge as a mountain.

7. Amon Demon Clan: The body of a wolf is like a snake, its body is as huge as a mountain.

8. Barbatos Demon Race: The green giant with green hair and green skin is thousands of feet tall.

9. Baimeng Demon Clan: With a female face and a male appearance, they are thousands of feet tall.

10. Pal Demon Race: With a human-like head as the center, surrounded by five goat legs, the body and feet are connected as one, and the body is as huge as a mountain.

11. Guxin Demon Clan: A purple giant with purple hair and purple eyes, with a pair of huge purple wings on his back, and he is a thousand feet tall.

12. Sidi Demon Clan: Leopard-headed and owl-winged, with a body as huge as a mountain.

13. Bryce Demon Clan: A blue giant with blue hair and blue eyes, with a blue horn on his head, and a thousand feet tall.

14. Lielajin Demon Race: A giant with eight long arms and a thousand feet tall.

15. Eleogg Demon Race: Tiger head and snake body, thousands of miles long.

16. Jie Sect Demon Clan: A red giant with red hair and red eyes, with red double horns on his head, and a thousand feet tall.

17. Botis Demon Clan: A giant poisonous python with an ugly and terrifying appearance, with a body that is thousands of miles long.

18. Baqin Demon Clan: Human snake-tailed giant, thousands of feet tall.

19. Celeos Demon Race: A giant with long arms and colorful eyes, thousands of feet tall.

20. Bosong Demon Clan: A handsome giant, holding a poisonous python and standing a thousand feet tall.

21. Moragus Demon Race: Human-faced and bull-bodied, with a body as huge as a mountain.

22. In Persian Demon Clan: Angel giant with lion head, goose feet and rabbit tail, thousands of feet tall.

Twenty-three, Ainimo protoss: three-headed giants, thousands of feet tall.

24. Naberis Demon Race: The image is similar to a huge black crane, and the body is as huge as a mountain.

25. The Rabos Demon Clan of Gracia: A super giant dog with wings and a body as huge as a mountain.

Twenty-six. Inner Demon Clan: The three-headed dragon with the head of a dog, the head of a human, and the head of a griffin, the body is thousands of miles long.

27. Benobe Demon Race: A monster similar to a huge black worm, with a body length of hundreds of miles.

Twenty-eight. Belle Demon God Tribe: A golden giant with red horns, thousands of feet tall.

29. Astaroth Demon Race: Bear head and dragon body, thousands of miles long.

30. The Furneus Demon Race: The image is like a silver mackerel with a body as huge as a mountain.

Thirty-one, the Flash Demon Race: a giant with a bull head and a human body, thousands of feet tall.

Thirty-two, Asmodeus Demon Race: It has three heads, namely the head of a bull, the head of a human, and the head of a ram, with a snake tail, and its body is as huge as a mountain.

Thirty-three, Jiabo Demon Clan: Eight-armed blue giant, thousands of feet tall.

Thirty-four, Falfa Demon Race: The image is a super giant deer with a flame on its tail, and its body is as huge as a mountain.

Thirty-five, Magasia Demon Clan: wolf body, griffin wings and snake tail, the body is huge as a mountain.

Thirty-six, Stolas Demon Race: The image is similar to a super huge crow, with golden eyes and a body as huge as a mountain.

Thirty-seven, Phoenix Demons: The image is similar to the super huge black phoenix, and the body is as huge as a mountain.

Thirty-eight. Hanpa Demon Race: The image is similar to a super huge white pigeon, and the body is as huge as a mountain.

Thirty-ninth, Mapa Demon Race: The image is similar to a super huge crow, with six legs and a body as huge as a mountain.

40. Lamer Demon Race: The image is three super crows, and the body is as huge as a mountain

Forty-one, Fugaluo Demon God Race: Human body with griffin wings and a height of 1000 feet.

Forty-two, Baipa Demon God Race: It looks like a super giant mermaid, and its body is as huge as a mountain.

Forty-three, the Sbonak Demon Race: The image is similar to a super huge white maggot, with a body as huge as a mountain.

44. Shax Demons: The image resembles a super-giant octopus, with a body as huge as a mountain.

Forty-five, Bairn Demon Race: The image is a super black lion with a black horn on its head, and its body is as huge as a mountain.

Forty-six, Bifrons Demon Race: The image is similar to a huge black and ink super skeleton, and the body is as huge as a mountain.

Forty-seven, Huale Demon God Race: It looks like a super dromedary, and its body is as huge as a mountain.

Forty-eighth, Hajarti Demon Race: Its shape is a purple-eyed giant bull with eagle wings, and its body is as huge as a mountain.

Forty-ninth, the Crosell Demon Race: a super giant with twelve wings on its back, an angel-like appearance, and a height of thousands of meters.

50. Fucas Demon Race: A giant with black horns on its head, thousands of feet tall.

51. The Balang Demon Clan: There are three heads, the head of a human, the head of a bull, and the head of a ram, with flaming eyes and snake tail, and they are thousands of feet tall.

Fifty-two, Anluo First Demon Clan: A lion-faced golden armor, a super giant with red skin and shining golden light, thousands of feet tall.

53. Cain Demon Race: A black super bird in the form of a black goose head, with a body as huge as a mountain.

54. Maomo Demon Clan: The image is similar to the super black nine-headed griffin, and the body is as huge as a mountain.

55. The Orobas Demon Race: The image is similar to a super huge dark horse, with a black horn on its head and a body as huge as a mountain.

Fifty-six, Gremory Demons: The image resembles a super-giant three-headed black camel, with a body as huge as a mountain.

Fifty-seven, Osser Demon Race: The image is a super huge nine-headed black The body is as huge as a mountain.

Fifty-eight. Armies: A super flaming giant with a body of flame, thousands of feet tall.

Fifty-nine, Orion Demon Race: A super monster with a lion's head and a horse's body and a snake's tail, with a body as huge as a mountain.

60. Wabra Demon Race: Its shape is like a super three-headed purple griffin, and its body is as huge as a mountain.

61. Saigong Demon Clan: The image is a super black bull with griffin wings, with a body as huge as a mountain.

62. The Valak Demon Race: The image is a super giant that looks like a child. It has huge angel wings and is thousands of feet tall.

63. Andos Demon Race: The image is a giant angel with the head of a night crow, thousands of feet tall.

64. Haorui Demon Clan: Leopard-headed body, two eyes like fire, and a thousand feet tall.

65. Andre Anfu Demon Race: The image is a huge super nine-headed black peacock with a body as huge as a mountain.

Sixty-six, Simonli Demon Race: The image is a super huge and terrifying **** soul, with a body as huge as a mountain.

67. Andusia Demon Race: The image is similar to a super huge black unicorn, with a body as huge as a mountain.

68. Belial Demon Race: The image is a giant angel with colorful angel wings, and he is thousands of feet tall.

69. Shankarabi Demon Race: The image is a huge purple five-pointed star with a body as huge as a mountain.

70. Xieer Demon God Race: The image is a huge black horse with six pairs of black wings, and its body is as huge as a mountain.

Seventy-one, but the Tarin Demon God Race: The image is a black and white terrifying giant, with a pair of huge black and white wings, and a height of thousands of meters.

72. Andumari Demon Race: The image is a black giant holding a **** snake in his hand, and he is thousands of feet tall.

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