In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1102: mysterious sinkhole

After solving the trouble, the five emperors released their own almighty treasure lotus, each standing in their own almighty treasure lotus, and together they flew to the depths of the violent environment universe, and continued to explore the secrets.

The five all-powerful and precious lotuses of the Five Emperors are:

The Heavenly Dao Purple Lotus

Demon Emperor's Void Black Lotus

Wudi's Golden Lotus

The Chaos Red Lotus of the Demon Emperor

Dragon Emperor's Time and Space Qinglian

a few months later.

The Wu Emperor traveled through countless galaxies in five almighty lotus flowers and came to a huge super dead planet.

This is a barren, dead, lifeless super planet, just like a sun that died due to exhaustion of energy, its volume is as huge as a super-high-level planet.

The five emperors standing inside the five almighty treasure lotuses discovered that there was an abnormality in this super death star, and out of curiosity, they flew into this super death star together.

Inside the dead planet is a vast, deep, barren and dead grand canyon. In the depths of the grand canyon, there is a mysterious and eerie tiankeng, the mouth of which is covered by a layer of colorful and powerful enchantment.

The five emperors landed in front of the Tiankeng on the five almighty lotus flowers and checked the formation of the Tiankeng.

Francis looked at it and said, "This barrier is very powerful! It is condensed from the power of fifty kinds of emperor-level Dao Zunzi, and it is the Dao Zunzhi of the Tenth Heavenly Great Ancestor Realm. Power! Such a powerful emperor-level avenue mixed enchantment, I am afraid that hundreds of tenth-level ancestors may not be able to break through the joint!"

Ji Haotian used his Tiandao eyes to look at the Tiankeng barrier, and Shu Mei smiled lightly: "My Tiandao eyes see that this Tiankeng barrier is a super-powerful emperor-level hybrid barrier jointly arranged by the five presidents of the Great Infinite Cosmic Council. The super-powerful barrier set up by the joint arrangement of the five ancient powers cannot be broken even by the joint efforts of hundreds of tenth-level great ancestors, and only the primordial powers stronger than the five major speakers can break the barrier!"

The Universal Powers are divided into five levels, from high to low, they are:

1. Super Almighty - Super omnipotent and omnipotent, the five transcendent masters.

2. The Almighty One - Omniscient and Almighty, the Ten Masters of Creation.

3. Ultra-primitive powers - there are several super-space powers of Chaos Age, and the seventy-two Chaos Supremes, etc.

4. Primitive Powers - Great Powers of Honghuang and Taigu, Twelve Presidents of Heavenly Elders Association, Twelve Primitive Ancestors, Thirty-six Presidents of Demon Kingdom Elders Association, Thirty-Six Evil Kings of Universe, and Wuguo Elders Association The Eight Great Masters, the Eight Yuan Ancestors of Chaos Sea, the Twenty-Four Presidents of the Demon Nation’s Elders’ Association, the Twenty-Four Starry Behemoths, the Twelve Presidents of the Dragon Country’s Elders’ Association, the Great Desolate Twelve Dragon Ancestors, and some other great masters of the ancient world belong to the primitive. Mighty One.

5. Almighty Persons - Peak Power, Ancient Power, Ancient Power, Heaven, Demon, Witch, Demon, and Dragon. The peak power, the ancient power is called the ancient power, and the ancient power is called the ancient power.

The power level of the Universal Powerhouse is divided into fourteen levels, from strong to weak, they are:

Level 1 Almighty: The first level, beyond imagination, cannot give an explanation (five transcendence masters).

Second-level Almighty: The void-level, including all existence and non-existence (ten masters of creation).

The third-level powerful one: the existence level, including all existences (seventy-two Chaos Supreme, etc.).

Fourth-level Almighty One: The material level, including all matter and antimatter.

Level 5 Almighty: Life level, including all life and death.

Level 6 Almighty One: Infinite dimension level, exists in infinite dimension, the laws of physics are invalid for them, and the laws of physics can be changed.

Seventh-level powerful person: ten-dimensional biological level, able to freely travel through time and space, and has the power to erase the existence of things.

The eighth-level powerful person: infinite universe level, able to freely travel through different universes, and has the power to destroy multiple universes.

Level 9 Almighty: Multiverse level, capable of destroying multiple universes with its own power.

Level 10 Almighty: Parallel universe level, can change the laws of physics.

Level 11 Almighty: A single cosmic level, the laws of physics are invalid for it, and it has the power to erase the existence of things.

Twelfth-level powerful person: Star field level, able to destroy multiple star fields with his own power.

Thirteenth-level Almighty: Galaxy level, able to freely travel through different galaxies.

Level 14 Almighty: Planet level, capable of destroying a planet with its own power.

Di Jingyu said in surprise: "What the **** is in this mysterious Tiankeng? Why did the five presidents join forces to suppress and seal it?"

Biemonds shook his head and said, "The tiankeng barrier is too strong, and my chaotic eyes can't see what's in the tiankeng!"

Rakipresis also frowned and said, "My time and space eyes can't see through!"

It looked at Ji Haotian and asked, "Ji Da bastard, among the five of us, you have the strongest eye for heaven, can you see what's in the tiankeng?"

Ji Haotian shook his head and said, "My Tiandao Eye can create, destroy, resurrect, manipulate, calculate, dominate, modify, abolish, and ignore everything that is two realms and twenty realms higher than me. My cultivation is much higher than mine, I can only see the surface, but I can't see through the inside! So I can only see that this Tiankeng barrier was arranged by the five presidents of the Great Infinite Cosmic Council, but I can't see it through. The inner things of the enchantment!"

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