In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1075: Zihuang National Treasure

The mysterious ancient cave is covered by a layer of gray-black mysterious enchantment. Through the enchantment, you can see that the huge stone gate of the cave is closed. Ancient word!

Found that an ancient cave was blasted out, the two sides of the fight stopped immediately, and they stepped forward to look at it curiously.

Ji Haotian and the other two groups of immortals and feathers in the ruins also flew forward and looked curiously.

Executive God Frontinus exclaimed in surprise, "This is the legendary national treasure of the ancient Zihuang Multiverse Republic!"

The God of Criminal Law Theodorakis laughed and said, "Great, we are finally fortunate enough to find the legendary national treasure of the ancient Zihuang Multiverse Republic. Our great fortune has come!"

Everyone was surprised.

The interstellar vampire powerhouse on the other side looked at the national treasure of the ancient Zihuang Multiverse Republic, and said in a gloomy voice: "The enchantment of this ancient Zihuang Multiverse Republic national treasure is composed of five hundred kinds of great ancestors. The power of the Dao Zunzi of the strongest is condensed and condensed, and there are ten emperor-level avenues among them, and the enchantment is too powerful!"

On the other side, the strong Xinghai fisherman said: "This mixed barrier is too powerful, even if a large group of great ancestors join forces, they may not be able to break it! The strongest among us is the emperor. Even if we see the secret treasures of the ancient Zihuang Multiverse Republic in the world, we can only stare blankly, there is nothing we can do!”

However, next, under the stunned gazes of the three alien monsters, the immortals, and the feathers, Ji Haotian took the Heavenly Kingdom's Almighty Five Gods and Eternal Eight Heavenly Kings to penetrate the powerful barrier so easily, and escaped. Entering the stone gate, disappearing...

Inside the national treasure of the ancient Zihuang Multiverse Republic, Ji Haotian's eyes widened, and they were shocked to see the countless resources and treasures in the treasure!

The secret treasure is a small world, filled with countless mountain-like crystals, countless heaven and earth treasures, panacea, heaven and earth spirit roots, various treasures, spiritual things, foreign metals, energy crystals, energy stones, and more. There are many space battleships, spaceships, space UFOs, various armors, battle suits, combat preparation materials, etc., there are dazzling arrays, everything, it is simply a shocking super treasure!

Ji Haotian, who was extremely surprised, laughed and said, "That's great, now we are really making a big deal! With such a world-shattering super treasure, our kingdom of heaven will soon rise rapidly, soar into the sky, and enter the super universe of the universe. The ranks of the great forces!"

Immediately, he immediately collected all the resources and treasures in the secret treasure into the Tiandao Pagoda Tiandao Realm, and then divided the treasures after returning to the kingdom of heaven!

After scraping the national treasures of the ancient Zihuang Multiverse Republic, Ji Haotian walked out of the treasure with the Almighty Five Gods and the Eternal Eight Heavenly Kings.

As soon as they walked out of the barrier, they were surrounded by three monsters and powerful men from the immortal and feather clans, clamoring and threatening Ji Haotian and the others to hand over the Zihuang National Treasure!

At this moment, Ji Haotian's wickedness came from his heart, and his anger came from his courage. He suddenly madly burned a large amount of high-grade Zunjing as the force to destroy the Transcendental Treasure Heavenly Dao Pagoda!

The 3,000-story Purple Gold Pagoda Tiandao Pagoda rose in the face of the storm, and instantly turned into a super purple-gold giant tower as huge as a giant mountain. The purple light is ten thousand feet wide, and it oppresses the universe, like the purple-golden sun that destroys the sky and destroys the earth. Swept across the world, enveloped the Eight Wastelands.

The vast and endless Heavenly Dao Pagoda, the Heavenly Dao will, descends the boundless and vast Heavenly Dao mighty power, suppresses the eternity, and obliterates the universe. Under this endless Heavenly Dao repression, all living beings must submit. If they do not submit, they will be suppressed. Crash Avenue!




Black clouds pressed down on the mountains, the clouds of calamity were densely covered, the sky was dark in a radius of a million miles, and countless creatures on the ground were all crawling on the ground, terrified, trembling all over, feeling the great and terrifying coercion of heaven and earth!

The giant mountain collapsed, all spirits bowed down, and no one could resist its heavenly might, all kneeling on the ground.


A loud bang that shattered the sky!


A series of shrill screams cut through the sky!

All the monsters and people who were shouting and threatening were all suppressed and wiped out by Ji Haotian's Transcendence Treasure Pagoda!

Tiandao Pagoda: also known as the Tiandao Beyond the Universe Tower, it contains the origin of the infinite heaven, and possesses five infinite powers: the power of the infinite heaven, the power of destiny, the power of causality, the power of creation and the power of destruction. , is the ancestor of all treasures and spiritual things, and the ultimate treasure of all multiverses.

It is a super purple-gold giant tower as huge as a super galaxy on its body, with a total of 3,000 layers, containing the endless power of the source of heaven, transcending everything, ignoring everything, suppressing all ways, destroying all laws, omniscient, omnipotent, and immortal.

There are 3,000 chaotic universes in the 3,000-story Tiandao Pagoda, which can create or annihilate the multiverse, suppress or seal the multiverse, and cause the universe to tear, squeeze, freeze, and collapse.

If the three thousand chaotic universes of Tiandao Pagoda are released at the same time, they can instantly crush, explode, and destroy countless multiverses, and it can also restart the universe and revive the destroyed universe.

There is a piece of heavenly realm in the base of Tiandao Pagoda, which contains three thousand avenues and the origin of the world. The spiritual energy of the world is always ten times that of the outside world. One day in the outside world is one year in the realm of heaven. In the universe or the world of heaven, no matter how strong the cosmic powerhouse is, it can only be ravaged by the tower master, and there is no room for resistance.

Tiandao Pagoda can control all destiny, causality, time, space, matter, energy, law, reality, mind, power and soul in the entire infinite dimension; he can create, destroy, distort, or reorder any time and space and cause and effect; it can plunge the entire universe and even the entire multiverse into an infinite time loop; it can completely stop the entire universe of infinite only in the eternal present; it can create, Destroy, steal, manipulate or modify any soul, including undead and all spirits.

All infinity and infinity, all self-existence and all eternity have no meaning to the Pagoda of Heaven. The Tiandao Pagoda is an existence that transcends metaphysical, spiritual and material things forever. Creating the world, obliterating everything, ignoring everything in time, space, material, spirit, laws, etc., these are just trivial illusions in front of the Tiandao Tower.

Tiandao Pagoda can ignore cause and effect, ignore paradox, it is the truth itself, what it says is what it says, as long as it can be similar, from fixed number to variable, from the universe to all things, from time to space, from nothing to existence, from energy to Matter, as long as it exists or has existed, it only needs a thought to make it disappear or recreate.

It is almighty! In its eyes, the entire multiple and strongest existence is like a microorganism. What it says, what the world is. It is millions of times more powerful than all the powerhouses in the multiverse combined.

In a word, what it says is what it says, it cannot be denied, it cannot be reversed, no matter how powerful an individual is, they are as small as dust in front of the Tiandao Tower.

It can create everything in the multiverse with a single thought, and destroy everything in the multiverse with a single thought. It represents the infinite heaven, infinite destiny, infinite causality, infinite creation and infinite destruction of the great master of heaven.

Among the five transcendental treasures, the Tiandao Pagoda ranks first. It is the supreme ultimate treasure in the universe and the ancestor of all treasures. Only when the other four transcendental treasures are combined can they compete against the Tiandao Pagoda.

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