In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1074: interstellar vampire clan

The strong Xinghai fisherman said: "If I rob you of your four Innate Supreme Artifacts, what will be the consequences?"

Ji Haotian said, "You will be killed by me!"

The strong Xinghai fisherman said: "I want to try it!"

Ji Haotian said, "I think you want to die!"

Suddenly, "Ah" a shrill scream pierced through the sky!

Everyone looked at it in surprise.

Seeing a young man from the Feather clan in the distance in the ruins instantly turned into a mummified corpse, he fell to the ground like a log with a thud, and died tragically on the spot!

A grotesque and terrifying laughter passed in the void, and a terrifying monster suddenly appeared in the ruins!

It has no head, no face, and no eyes; its body is huge, its body texture is like pulsating jelly, and from a deep red core stretches out countless undulating linear tentacles, at the ends of which are suckers, which The sucker-like mouthparts open and close in a "ghoul-like greed".

Ji Haotian said in surprise, "What is this?"

The huge and terrifying monster made a sinister voice and said: "I am not your ancestor, I am a great and noble interstellar vampire powerhouse!"

The strong Xinghai fisherman said in a shrill voice: "It turned out to be the emperor of the interstellar vampire clan. I have heard of the interstellar vampire clan. They are all abominable vampires! You have already sucked blood, why don't you leave? "

"The List of All Clans in the Universe" records the interstellar vampire clan, and everyone in Ji Haotian has heard of it and knows a little about it.

Interstellar vampires: They live in an unknown outer universe, and they get such a title because of their extreme greed and thirst for blood. Their bodies are originally completely transparent, and their specific shapes cannot be seen by the eyes of other creatures, but when they have sucked up enough blood, their bodies will turn bright red due to the full undigested blood, thus temporarily showing their outer shape. —Interstellar vampires have no heads, no faces, and no eyes; their bodies are huge, their body texture is like pulsing jelly, and from a crimson core stretch out countless undulating linear tentacles, at the ends of which are born Suckers, these sucker-like mouthparts open and close with a "ghoul-like greed." They grab and tear open their prey with their huge claws, sucking up the blood of their victims with those suckers.

They often appear with a supernatural ticking sound, announcing their arrival and the only signal to other beings that danger is approaching. Immediately after sucking the blood of their prey, they leave, leaving behind them with a grotesque, horrific laughter.

Hearing this, the interstellar vampire powerhouse looked at Ji Haotian and said salivate: "Because I feel more delicious blood! Three-eyed human boy, come here, I want to **** your precious blood!"

Ji Haotian ignored its words, he looked at the powerhouse of the interstellar vampire clan, and then the powerhouse of the star-sea fishing clan, and asked curiously, "You two are also alien creatures, and both of you are at the Emperor Venerable Realm. I just don’t know, who is more powerful between the two of you? Interstellar vampires and Xinghai fishermen, which one is stronger?”

The strong Xinghai fisherman said: "Is there any need to ask? Of course I am stronger, and our Xinghai fishermen are also stronger than the interstellar vampires!"

The strong interstellar vampire clan clamored: "You are stronger? Fart! I am stronger! Our interstellar vampire clan is also stronger than your Xinghai fishermen!"

Ji Haotian said: "It seems that neither of you will accept the other. It's better for the two of you to play a game and decide the outcome! The strong Xinghai Diao Ke Clan wins, which means that the Xing Hai Diao Ke Clan is stronger; the Interstellar Vampire Clan wins. Now, it means that the interstellar vampires are stronger than the Xinghai fishermen!"

The powerhouse of the Xinghai Fishing Clan suddenly violently and violently attacked the powerhouse of the interstellar vampire clan.

The Privy God Gladios looked at Ji Haotian beside him, gave a thumbs up, and said in admiration, "Boss, you are still powerful, and you made these two monsters fight with just a few words!"

Ji Haotian smiled and said, "Humans have the highest IQ. These two monsters are blind and idiots with powerful strength. With just a little tricks, they can play with their hands!"

Suddenly, "Ah" was another shrill scream, another feathered genius was sucked dry of blood and turned into a mummified corpse, and then another interstellar vampire powerhouse emerged, whose cultivation is also the emperor realm!

The new interstellar vampire powerhouse let out a grotesque and terrifying laughter, and then quickly joined the battle group, becoming two interstellar vampire powerhouses attacking a star-sea fisherman powerhouse at the same time!

Obviously, the two interstellar vampire powerhouses who appeared one after the other were accomplices!

"Boom boom boom!"

"Bang bang bang!"


The battle between the three powerful emperors in the Venerable Realm was so fierce that the sky collapsed, the mountains collapsed, and the earth was destroyed.

After a few hours.


A loud bang that shattered the sky!

The confrontation of the three terrifying monsters shattered the huge mountain in half, revealing a mysterious ancient cave in the mountain!


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