In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1064: 8 Hongmeng Origin Crystals

The youths of the Yu and Zhou tribes were shocked when they heard the words.

The youth of the Zhou clan suddenly shouted anxiously towards the void: "Hurry up, hurry up and inform the president that Ji Haotian is going to the five multiverse countries, and he is going to blow up the presidential palace of the five multiverse republics to the ground!"

The Yuzu youth also shouted at the void in the other direction: "Inform the Presidential Palace immediately, Ji Haotian is dissatisfied with the five multiverse republics listing Tianguo and him as a terrorist organization and terrorist leader, he wants to take revenge on the five multiverse republics, he wants to Blow up all the five presidential palaces of the five multiverse republics to the ground!"

In the void, two different directions came out one after another in response to orders.

When Ji Haotian heard the words, everyone's head was full of black lines again, and they were speechless!

Fan Shiqi, the young city master of Wanzu City, looked at Ji Haotian and said with a playful smile: "Ji Haotian, you really are a terrorist! If you blow up all the five presidential palaces of the five multiverse republics to the ground, then you will completely shock the entire Great Infinity. The universe will be called the first terror leader of the infinite universe!"

The Privy Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven, God Gladios, looked at the youths of the Yu and Zhou tribes, and exclaimed dissatisfiedly, "Who are you two? How come you are connected with the two presidential palaces? Are you two being forced?"

Fan Shiqi said with a smile: "The two of them are not forcing each other. This young genius of the Universe is a son of a senior official of the Aoyu Multiverse Republic, and the other young genius of the Universe is a son of a high-ranking official of the Golden Universe Multiverse Republic. The relationship is very close, Ji Haotian, the terrorist leader, wants to blow up their country's presidential palace, of course they are anxious!"

Ji Haotian suddenly threatened fiercely: "Fan Shiqi, if you don't force them to leave immediately with these two matters, I will immediately blow up the Mansion of the Cosmos City Lord to the ground!"

Fan Shiqi smiled and said, "Ji Haotian, I don't want to provoke you, not because I'm afraid of you, but because I think you're very interesting! I'll let you live in this Longhu Villa for a month, I'm leaving!"

After he finished speaking, he left with the youth of the Yu Clan and the youth of the Zhou Clan.

The shadow of the famous tree of people, the "super scary leader" Ji Haotian's series of shocking cases was really shocking and terrifying. Fan Shiqi really didn't want to cause trouble, so he just compromised.

There is still a month left for the opening of Hongmeng Destiny Cave, and Ji Haotian and the others decided to temporarily stay at Longhu Villa for a month, waiting for the opening of Hongmeng Destiny Cave.

A few days later.

Longhu Trading Area.

In front of a street stall, Ji Haotian and everyone stopped to watch.

Ji Haotian's attention was drawn to a fist-sized purple stone with purple light shining on the stall. His expression was calm, but he was full of surprise, because his heavenly eyes could see that the purple stone was a primordial primordial world, and the primordial primordial primordial primordial within the world. Among them are eight Hongmeng origin crystals!

The Primordial Primordial Crystal contains the origin of the innate Primordial Primordial, which is extremely rare and rare. It is also a peerless treasure. If the Primal Chaos Treasure devours and refines a Primordial Primordial Crystal, it can be upgraded to the Primordial Primordial Treasure!

There are eight Primordial Primordial Primordial Crystals in the purple strange stone, which can upgrade eight Chaos Supreme Treasures into eight Primordial Primordial Treasures. Even the 72 Chaos Supreme Beings will be jealous when they see it. It is definitely a peerless treasure!

He looked at the gray-clothed man who set up the stall, pointed to the purple strange stone on the stall, and asked, "How do you sell this purple strange stone?"

The man who set up the stall smiled and said: "This mysterious purple stone was obtained by chance from a secret territory of ancient times. The texture is very hard, even a supreme weapon can't be broken, and it is only as big as a fist, but it is as heavy as a mountain. The purple gas inside the stone is mysterious and unpredictable. Although I can't see it through, I also know that this mysterious purple stone must be a rare treasure! !"

Ji Haotian threw a space ring to the man who set up the stall without hesitation, and then directly put the purple strange stone into the Zhu Tian bracelet.

After everyone left, they came to an uninhabited place under the shade of a tree. Ji Haotian exerted the power of the heavenly way to ingest eight Primordial Primordial Primordial Crystals in the purple strange stone, and gave them to the Eternal Eight Heavenly Kings.

The extremely pleasantly surprised Eternal Eight Heavenly Kings immediately devoured and refined the eight Chaos Supreme Treasure Eternal Eight Sacred Spears given to them by the eight Primordial Primordial Crystals. I believe that their eight Chaos Supreme Treasures Eternal Eight Sacred Spears will be upgraded to eight Hongmeng Supreme Treasures soon. !

This is the great opportunity created by the Eternal Eight Heavenly Kings. Ji Haotian has fulfilled them. Ji Haotian has never been stingy with his brothers.

The Eternal Eight Heavenly Kings are all founders of the kingdom of heaven. They followed Ji Haotian when they were in the secular world. Ji Haotian took great care of them, and the relationship between the brothers was very deep. .

The Eternal Eight Heavenly Kings of the Kingdom of Heaven, who rule over the eight divisions of the Kingdom of Heaven, hold the eight eternal eight holy spears, the supreme treasure of chaos:

Yang Xuqian, Heavenly Secret King of the Ministry of Secrets, the Holy Spear of the Sky

The Heavenly Sect King Wang Henan, the Holy Spear of the Earth

Liang Longkang, the Heavenly Official of the Department of Heavenly Officials, the Holy Spear of the Sea

Tianhu Wang Zhang Yixiang of the Tianhu Department, the Holy Spear of the Mountains

Meng Lixian, King of Heavenly Rites of the Ministry of Rites, the Holy Spear of the Sun

Heavenly Soldier Wang Lin Tianyi, the Holy Spear of the Stars

Fan Chengqian, the King of Heavenly Punishment, the Holy Spear of the Night

Cai Yingkun, King of Heavenly Works of the Ministry of Heavenly Works, the Holy Spear of the Day

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