In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1063: The most handsome horror boss in the universe

At this time, the young patriarchs of the twelve elements suddenly walked over together, all of them were aggressive and looked bad.

Mu Xiaoxian, the young patriarch of the Mu clan, shouted angrily at Ji Haotian: "Ji Haotian, you robber bandit is here too, you are such a despicable and shameless bastard, you beat us up and looted us, what a bastard. To the extreme, beasts are inferior!"

Huo Yunwei, the Young Patriarch of the Fire Clan, glared and shouted, "Ji Haotian, immediately return the things you robbed us, or we will never finish with you!"

The other young patriarchs also yelled at Ji Haotian in indignation.

Ji Haotian exclaimed impatiently, "It's so noisy, hit them!"

At the moment, he brought the Almighty Five Gods and the Eternal Eight Heavenly Kings to rush towards the Twelve Elements Young Patriarch, the two sides scuffled in the street.

Not long after, Ji Haotian's gang, like a wolf like a tiger, beat the Twelve Elements Young Patriarch again, ransacked everything again, and then walked away.

There is a beautiful lake in the southern urban area of ​​the Great Infinite City, called Longhu.

Along the Longhu coast is a well-known super-large trading area, called the Longhu Trading Area, which is huge and bustling.

There is an independent and huge green mountain on the other side of Longhu Lake, called Longhu Villa.

In the Longhu Villa, under the shade of the trees, three heroic and domineering young men in brocade robes sat on wooden chairs beside the wooden table, sipping tea and chatting leisurely.

One of the three is a tall and handsome young man of the yellow race, the other is a young man from the universe with silver skin and a thousand arms, and the other is a young man from the universe with golden skin and a thousand eyes.

Both the Yuzu and the Zhouzu are giants with a height of thousands of feet. In order to walk or do things, they usually turn into normal human size.

Yuzu: also known as the thousand-armed Yuzu, a silver giant with a height of thousands of meters, with a huge silver horn on its head, a thousand long arms, a super silver giant body, and a long silver tail with countless spikes The physical body is strong, the power is infinite, and it can evolve infinitely. The avenue of talent is a great space technique, and the powerful peak Yuzu can arbitrarily control all the spaces of a single universe.

Zhou Clan: also known as the Thousand-Eyed Zhou Clan, a golden giant with a height of thousands of feet, with huge golden double horns on its head, a thousand golden eyes, a super golden giant body, and a long golden tail with countless golden scales; Infinity, unparalleled power, and eternal life, the avenue of talent is a great time technique, and the powerful peak cosmic clan can arbitrarily control all the time of a single universe.

At this time, Ji Haotian came with the Almighty Five Gods and the Eternal Eight Heavenly Kings leisurely and wandering around.

The young man in jinpao sitting on the wooden chair under the shade of the tree looked at Ji Haotian and the others, frowning and said, "This Longhu Villa is a private property, and no one is allowed to enter without permission. our interest!"

Ji Haotian came over without saying a word, and suddenly threw a space ring to the young man in Jinpao.

The Jinpao youth's spiritual sense penetrated into the space ring and was stunned for a moment, then raised his eyebrows and said, "One million high-grade Zunjing? What are you doing for me one million high-grade Zunjing?"

Ji Haotian said indifferently, "You should be Fan Shiqi, the young master of Wanzu City in the universe, right? This Longhu Villa is also your courtyard, right?"

The young man in Jinpao said, "Yes, it's me, who are you?"

Ji Haotian said, "I'm Ji Haotian. I want to rent this Longhu Villa for a month. One million high-grade Zunjing is the rent. Now the Longhu Villa is mine, you all leave immediately and come to receive it in a month."

Fan Shiqi, the young master of Wanzu City, raised his eyebrows and said, "Ji Haotian, you are so arrogant, you dare to buy and sell with me in Wanzu City? Are you crazy? Or are you tired of living?"

The Yuzu youth beside him said with a look of disdain, "I don't think he's crazy, maybe he's tired of living, kill him!"

Another Zhou Clan youth looked at Ji Haotian with a look of surprise, and asked in surprise: "Three eyes, a pair of purple wings on the back, a peerless beautiful man, you... you won't be the number one terror leader in the Great Infinite Universe. Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian, right?"

Ji Haotian raised his eyebrows and said, "It's me, but... When did I become the leader of terror?"

The youth of the Zhou clan said in surprise: "You are actually the first terrorist leader of the Megatron universe, Ji Haotian! Not long ago, the five multiverse republics have listed the Kingdom of Heaven as a terrorist organization, and you, Ji Haotian, have been listed as a dangerous terrorist leader!"

The arrogant Yuzu youth immediately became vigilant when he heard the words, he looked at Ji Haotian curiously, and sighed: "As expected, Ji Haotian, the most handsome terrorist leader in the universe, is too handsome! You look so good-looking, Why do you want to be a terrorist leader?"

The young city master of Wanzu City in the universe also looked at Ji Haotian in surprise when he heard the words: "It turns out that you are Ji Haotian, the most handsome terrorist leader in the universe who has recently gained fame and shocked the Infinite Universe. No wonder you are so arrogant!"

Ji Haotian said with a black line: "The most handsome terrorist leader in the universe? Who the **** gave me the nickname? The five multiverse republics are really assholes. How dare you list the Kingdom of Heaven as a terrorist organization and me as a terrorist leader? When I have time, I have to go to the five multiverse republics and blow up their presidential palaces to the ground!"

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