In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1053: Wuheng multiverse religion

After the many supernatural powers and spells of the young patriarch of the Twelve Elements were all destroyed by Ji Haotian, they destroyed their own ancestral weapons one after another.

The Almighty Five Heavenly Lord simultaneously smashed out the five almighty treasures that are mighty and oppressive to the heavens - the Almighty Five Heavenly Sword, instantly suppressing all the twelve elemental young patriarchs!

After Ji Haotian and the Almighty Five Gods ransacked the young patriarch of the Twelve Elements, they traveled through time and space in the Almighty Supreme Treasure Heaven Dao Zilian, disappeared out of thin air, and walked away...

Wuheng multiverse.

The first Wuheng universe.

Tianwuxing, the super-high-level life planet, is the planet where the headquarters of the Wuheng Multiverse Cult, one of the twelve multiverse religions in the Great Infinite Universe, is located. Most of the people living on the planet are the Wu people.

The Wuheng Multiverse Sect is a Wuheng sect, and the Wuheng multiverse is dominated by Wuheng.

Wuheng Sacred Mountain, the largest super mountain range in Tianwuxing, where the headquarters of the Wuheng Multiverse Church is located.

The Great Witch Holy City, an ancient super city, is adjacent to the Wuheng Holy Mountain, the headquarters of the Wuheng Multiverse Sect. Most of the residents in the city are of the Wu tribe.

The Witch Clan, also known as the Golden Blood Witch Clan, is one of the ten major races in the universe. With golden blood, the body is extremely strong, and it advocates strength. It is a powerful race that is brave and good at fighting.

There are ten races in the universe: Human Race, Demon Race, Witch Race, Demon Race, Dragon Race, Yu Race, Universe Race, Star Race, Tun Race, and Pluto Race.

1. Human race: Also known as red blood human race, it is divided into twelve color races, with different hair and skin color, red blood, extremely high intelligence, extremely complex, rich and advanced perception forms. Human race is the most complex in countless multiverses. It is also the most powerful race in number, so it is called the largest race in the universe.

2. Demon Race: Also known as Purple Blood Demon Race, white skin, purple blood, a pair of black magic horns on the head, pointed ears, a pair of black magic wings on the back, strong body, powerful, brave and good at fighting, Fierce by nature, arrogant and conceited, most male demons are tall, handsome and domineering; most female demons are tall and beautiful.

3. The witch tribe: also known as the golden blood witch tribe, they have different hair, eye color, skin color, shape, and golden blood. They are born with a tyrannical body, devouring the world, manipulating wind, water and thunder and lightning, picking stars and taking the moon, changing the world, and magical powers. The vast, focusing on physical cultivation, advocating strength, is a strong and brave race.

4. Monster Race: Compared with other races, Monster Race is not a natural darling. Some of them are formed from monsters and beasts, some are formed by cultivation of flowers, plants and trees, some are formed by cultivation of innate spirits, and some are formed by others. Heterogeneous creatures cultivate and take shape, with different shapes and changes. They absorb the essence of the sun, the moon, the world, and the earth for a long time until they can transform into humanoids. Although they have a body, they can transform into various forms, which are called monsters.

5. Dragons: The body is like a long snake, the head of a unicorn, the tail of a carp, the face has long beards, the horns are like a deer, it has five claws, and its appearance is mighty and huge; the alien dragon is more like a huge lizard with wings; The dinosaur family is also a kind of dragon family; the dragon family is a kind of magical race that is good at change, can make clouds and rains, and benefit all things. , For the length of the scale insects, they are all strong in flesh, brave and good at fighting, flying in the sky, and have vast supernatural powers.

6. Yuzu: also known as the Thousand-armed Yuzu, a silver giant with a height of thousands of meters, with a huge silver horn on its head, a thousand long arms, a super silver giant body, and a silver with countless spikes. It has a long tail; its body is strong, its power is infinite, and it can evolve infinitely. The avenue of talent is a great space technique, and the powerful peak Yuzu can arbitrarily control all the spaces of a single universe.

7. The Zhou Clan: also known as the Thousand-eyed Zhou Clan, a golden giant with a height of 1000 meters, with huge golden double horns on its head, a thousand golden eyes, a super golden giant body, and a long golden tail with countless golden scales. ; Infinite power, unparalleled mighty power, and eternal life, the avenue of talent is a great time technique, and the powerful peak cosmic clan can arbitrarily control all the time of a single 8. Star clan : blue creature, blue hair, blue eyes, blue skin, blue blood, pointed blue ears, twelve blue star wings on its back; extraordinary wisdom, vast supernatural powers, proficient in deduction, prophecy, and divination , analysis and research, they are born with the ability to manipulate the power of stars, and rely on swallowing and absorbing the energy of billions of stars in the universe to cultivate; their talent is the great star technique, which has the power to absorb and manipulate billions of stars in the universe, and can build any structure at will. Cosmic wormholes, through which space teleportation and time travel are carried out in billions of stars in the universe.

9. Swallows: Grey creatures, grey dog-headed giants ten feet tall, huge dog heads, huge dog mouths, sharp giant teeth, huge and mighty grey giant body, with a pair of huge grey wings on the back. Proud, deceitful, filthy, covetous, cruel by nature. Most of the Tun people live in the black holes of the universe, and some Tun people live on various planets in the universe; their talent is the Great Devouring Technique, which can devour time, space, matter, energy, spirit, causality, and laws Waiting for everything in the universe, the powerful peak swallow clan can even swallow the universe and swallow hundreds of millions of stars.

10. Pluto: Caucasian creatures, similar in shape to human Caucasians, with pointed ears, black lips, sharp black nails, and a pair of huge black wings on their backs; Underground, caves, abyss, dark places and cosmic gray holes; the underworld represents the destruction of all things, infinite disasters, infinite destructive power, selfishness, evil, terror, pain, torture, etc., and is the root of all disasters and evils. The avenue of talent is a great soul technique, strange and unpredictable, killing invisible, capable of swallowing, controlling, arresting, manipulating, and destroying the souls of all creatures in the universe. As long as it is a creature with a soul, its soul will be harvested. Peak great soul The technique can harvest hundreds of millions of souls in the universe.

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