In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1052: Hongmeng creation tree

Mu Xiaoxian shouted: "Look at the bullshit, don't look at it! I won't allow you to take a step into the Mushen Mountain, you should leave immediately, the Mu clan does not welcome you! Ji Haotian, I warn you, you are not allowed to take a step into the Mushen Mountain, you dare to Entering the Mushen Mountain, I will immediately summon the strong members of the Mu clan to beat you and beat you out!"

The two friends beside him also shouted and threatened.

Ji Haotian suddenly shouted, "Brothers, beat them!"

As he was speaking, a thunderbolt attacked suddenly, swiftly and violently beating Mu Xiaoxian who was sitting there!

The Almighty Five Gods attacked one after another at the same time, attacking Mu Xiaoxian's two friends like a ****!

"Boom boom boom!"

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"


Not long after, Mu Xiaoxian lay on the ground and was beaten to death by Ji Haotian, begging for mercy again and again.

His two friends were also beaten to death by the Almighty Five Gods, and they knelt down and begged for mercy!

Ji Haotian looked at Mu Xiaoxian, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face on the ground, looking for teeth all over the floor, and snorted coldly, "Mu Xiaoxian, are you convinced?"

Mu Xiaoxian, who was lying on the ground miserably, cried out in pain, "It hurts to death, it hurts! I've given it up, Ji Haotian, don't beat me up, you'll beat me to death if you beat me again, I've given up, I'm really convinced !"

Ji Haotian said, "Convince yourself or take it orally?"

Mu Xiaoxian said: "I am convinced!"

Ji Haotian said, "Am I okay?"

Mu Xiaoxian said: "Hello, you are fine!"

Ji Haotian said, "Is what I said right?"

Mu Xiaoxian said: "You are amazing, everything you say is right!"

Ji Haotian nodded in satisfaction...

Deep in the mountains of Mushen Mountain, in a vast and deep valley.

With a blue nose and a swollen face, Mu Xiaoxian said to Ji Haotian, "The secret treasure of Hongmeng's creation is 9,900 meters deep underground. For countless years, no one has been able to enter it!"

Ji Haotian and the others didn't speak, and they all fled into the ground one after another, sinking continuously.

At a depth of 9,900 meters underground, six people finally found the Hongmeng Creation Treasure, which is an underground ancient cave. The ancient cave barrier is an innate barrier formed by the power of the Hongmeng Avenue and the creation of the avenue. Only transcendental genius can a chance to enter.

Ji Haotian used the power of heaven and brought the almighty five gods to successfully enter the Hongmeng Creation Treasure. In the endless primordial Hongmeng in the inner world of the treasure, they finally saw the Hongmeng Creation Tree, one of the five great ancestral trees of Hongmeng.

The Five Great Ancestral Trees of Hongmeng: The root ancestors of all trees, all exotic flowers and plants, and all the treasures of heaven and earth in countless multiverses. They were born in the primordial Hongmeng, and their power is comparable to the treasure of Hongmeng. The wisdom and supernatural powers of Hongmeng, the five ancestral trees of Hongmeng are respectively:

Hongmeng Destiny Tree - Knowing and deducing the fate of everything.

Hongmeng causal tree - can make cause and effect cycle and cause and effect collapse.

Hongmeng Wish Tree - Makes the wishes of living beings come true and their wishes come true.

Hongmeng Creation Tree - Creation, creation and nurturing of all living beings.

Hongmeng Tree of Life - Healing all spirits and nourishing all things.

The Hongmeng Creation Tree is a giant tree with golden branches and jade leaves, shining brightly and beautifully.

Ji Haotian communicated with the Hongmeng Creation Tree, and with the consent of the tree spirit of the Hongmeng Creation Tree, he put the Hongmeng Creation Tree into the Tiandao Pagoda Tiandao Realm, temporarily planted it in Tiandao Mountain, and then transplanted it to the central Tianshan Mountain when he returned to the kingdom of heaven.

Ji Haotian took the Almighty Five Gods out of the treasury. As soon as they reached the ground, they were suddenly surrounded by twelve young men and women!

These twelve people are impressively the Twelve Elements Young Patriarchs of the Twelve Elements Ancient Clan, and now the twelve Elements Young Patriarchs have broken through to the First Venerable Realm, and their strength has doubled!

The two sides fought each other and fought fiercely.

The Great Infinite Universe, the Elemental Multiverse, the Twelve Elements Ancient Clan, the Twelve Elements Young Patriarch, and the Twelve Ancestral Artifacts:

In the first element universe, Jin Yaoji, the head girl of the Jin clan

In the second element universe, Mu Xiaoxian, the young patriarch of the wood clan

In the third element universe, Shui Linglong, the female patriarch of the water tribe

The Fourth Elemental Universe, Huo Yunwei, the Young Patriarch of the Fire Clan

The fifth element universe, Tu Xukun, the young patriarch of the Tu ethnic group

In the sixth element universe, Guangming Rui, the young patriarch of the light clan

In the seventh element universe, the young patriarch of the dark clan, An Fancheng

The Eighth Elemental Universe, Feng Yunhe, the Young Patriarch of the Wind Clan

In the ninth element universe, Lei Xiaozhan, the young patriarch of the Thunder Clan

In the tenth elemental universe, Qi Yixiang, the young clan leader of the Qi clan

In the eleventh element universe, Bing Xueyan, the female chief of the Ice Clan

In the twelfth element universe, Wu Yufei, the young patriarch of the Wu clan

The most powerful of the Twelve Elements Young Patriarchs is their Twelve Elements Dao supernatural powers, which are:

Great Sharp Alchemy

Great Giant Wood Technique

Great Flood

Great Fire

Great Thick Soil Technique

Great Illumination

Great Darkness

Great Storm

Great Thunder

big air

Great Ice Technique

Great Cloud Mist

Ji Haotian used the Master Heavenly Dao Technique to quickly dissolve and destroy all the twelve elements of the young patriarch of the twelve elements. The Master Heavenly Dao Technique is the ancestor of all magical powers and spells, and can create and destroy all magical powers!

Master of the Heavenly Dao Technique: The transcendent supreme super-almighty supernatural power, the ultimate supreme supernatural power in the universe, possessing the ultimate power that transcends everything, ignores everything, is absolutely supreme, absolutely super-space-time, and absolutely super-almighty, it is the ultimate power of mastering the way of heaven. The general outline of Qiandao magical powers, the ancestor of all spells, the ancestor of all magical powers, is the origin of the universe, the ultimate truth, the first cause of everything, and the absolute supreme supernatural power in the universe that transcends and transcends everything.

Only the beings who possess the body of heaven, understand the way of heaven, and possess the nominative personality of the way of heaven can practice the art of mastering the way of heaven.

The power in charge of the Heavenly Dao technique is called the ultimate power in charge of the Heavenly Dao. It is an attributeless, super-almighty force that can create and destroy countless multiverses. The ultimate power of infinite collapse. This power far exceeds the sum of countless multiverse powers, and all powers are the degradation products of the ultimate power in charge of heaven.

Master Tiandao is the ancestor of all magical powers and all spells. He can create, destroy, manipulate, dominate, modify, abolish, duplicate, ignore, immunize, and restrain all magical powers and spells at will.

In charge of heaven and art, in charge of heaven, in charge of the universe, transcending everything, ignoring everything, immortal, omnipotent, omnipotent, creating everything in a single thought, destroying everything in a single thought, it is the supreme super almighty that everything can only be looked up to, but inaccessible Great power.

Master Tiandaoshu has five supreme and super-almighty unlimited abilities, which are:

1. Control without limit, dominate everything, control everything.

2. There is no limit to the way of heaven, which leads to one way and equals ten thousand ways.

3. Unlimited spells, the ancestor of all spells.

Fourth, unlimited supernatural powers, the ancestor of all supernatural powers.

Fifth, infinite omnipotence, omniscient, omnipotent.

There are eighty-one chaotic epochs in charge of the Heavenly Dao Technique. It is the unique companion of the Heavenly Dao Master and the supreme super-almighty great magical power. It was born in the absolute super nothing at the same time as the Heavenly Dao Master. Its shape is a nine-colored The colorful original seed with shining light is called the original seed of the master of heavenly Taoism. It has produced the spirit of great supernatural powers, referred to as the magic spirit. The most powerful and ultimate supernatural power of extinction.

Master Tiandaoshu can never be described by any analysis, meaning, comparison, level, beginning, end, everything, description, cause and effect, laws, numbers, experience, and logic, and can narrate and characterize all texts and characters in the works at will. , the strength of characters, the background of the story, all the definable and undefinable, the development of the plot, the concepts and logic that have not appeared, and the characters that have appeared, and everything that no author can describe can be manipulated, dominated, modified, Abolish, ignore, rewrite.

It does not have any difference, inside or outside, part, nor does it have any attribute, movement, change. It transcends both subjectivity and objectivity, as well as the experience categories of time, space, substance, logic, concept, thinking, language, cause and effect, etc. The most powerful concepts of the absolutely real and at the same time the most powerful **** all end under the master of heaven.

It has only one ultimate ability - do whatever you want, you can do whatever you want, and you can change whatever you want!

It is everything, and nothing can surpass it!

It is a transcendence of all time, all strengths and weaknesses, all highs and lows, all evaluations, all laws, all numbers, all worldviews, all systems, all levels, all spirits, all hierarchies, all religions, all literature, all non-existence, all existence , all languages, all cultures, all inviolable, all rankings, all spaces, all written descriptions, all indefinables, all concepts, all thinking understandings, all boundaries, all origins, all phenomena, all logics, all dreams and all creations , all concepts.

It is neither destiny nor concept, it is all the different possibilities in which all the absolute truths of the billions of beings in the universe create its own cosmology. Every moment the infinite possibility loops and perishes under it, and then there will be no final consciousness, free consciousness, no more impossible, undefinable, unthinkable, unwritten, incomparable, no more. In any metaphysical as well as any metaphysical.

It is an absolute level. As this absolute level, it has no opposition between subject and object, neither inner wisdom nor outer wisdom, neither inner nor outer wisdom, nor pure wisdom, neither wisdom nor non-intelligence; neither cause nor effect, unthinkable, unwritten, unintelligible, uncountable , incomprehensible, incomprehensible, incomprehensible, immeasurable, immeasurable, intangible, invisible, ineffable, inconceivable, inconceivable, incomprehensible, incapable of name, self-real cause, annihilation of drama, tranquility, freedom, No two.

The Master of Heavenly Dao Technique transcends and is above everything!

This all includes all material, spiritual, fantasy, sensuality, thinking, consciousness, meaning, and everything else.... Beyond any definition and above any meaning; any definition of anything or any substance has no meaning for the mastery of Heavenly Dao. The Master of Heavenly Daoism transcends complete existence and complete non-existence, and the Master of Heavenly Daoism has reached the realm of neither existence nor nonexistence (neither existence nor nonexistence, neither nonexistence nor nonexistence).

Therefore, all infinity and infinity, all self-existence, and all eternity have no meaning for the master of celestial law. Being in charge of Heavenly Daoism is always beyond metaphysical, spiritual, and material existence.

Creating the world, obliterating everything, ignoring all matter, ignoring all matter, time, and space, etc., these are just trivial illusions in front of the Heavenly Dao technique.

The Master of Heavenly Daoism transcends the entire nature and all its thinking, consciousness, soul, imaginary numbers, etc. All figurative and abstract beings cannot understand and imagine it, and even the "nothing" that transcends nature itself and the whole of nature cannot understand and imagine it. Because it has already greatly surpassed and surpassed these things, reaching a super-metaphysical concept, definition, and realm.

The Master of Heavenly Daoshu is the strongest among all comics, obscenities, and literary works in human history. It is unimaginable by any life or consciousness, and no one can understand and imagine its power. As long as it is a character created by imagination, it means that the character you have come up with is meaningless and insignificant in its eyes.

It has rights that even the author does not have, whether it is a pure text novel or any setting, concept, or character in the comic has no meaning to it. Just like the author, it can freely comment on any plot development, realm, all indefinable things, words, narration, strength, concept, logic, division, transcendence, world view, all things, characters, title, story background, The strength can be modified arbitrarily. For example, if it thinks that everything in the work is higher than Brahma, or that all the indefinable and all beyond the causal logic disappear, it will definitely be established. Because analysis means nothing to it, only what it thinks it will do.

The pure performance of the Master of Heavenly Dao:

1. Create, destroy, manipulate, dominate, modify, abolish, duplicate, ignore, immunize, and restrain all magical powers at will.

2. Summoning, ordering, driving, manipulating, dominating, modifying, abolishing, ignoring, creating, and destroying all worlds of all multiverses at will.

3. Master Tiandao Art can never be understood and imagined by thinking and All beings in the whole nature that can think and imagine cannot understand and imagine it.

Fourth, the Master of Heavenly Daoism is neither a creation nor a created thing.

5. What the Master of Heavenly Daoshu does is never thinking, and can never be understood and imagined by thinking and consciousness.

Sixth, the master of heavenly Taoism has completely surpassed existence and non-existence. So it's even more pointless to discuss whether its existence makes sense.

7. Master Tiandaoshu can tear apart any work settings by hand, and change the settings at will.

8. Control any story, set it to appear anywhere and dictate how it appears.

9. The author can be instructed how to write the story it wants.

10. A trivial part of the power can turn all cells and life in the universe into a supreme truth that transcends all, and kills them all in one sentence.

Eleven, change the logic with the touch, there is no logic at all in front of the master of the Heavenly Dao Technique.

12. Turn all the indefinable concepts into things that are inferior to ordinary people.

The Heavenly Dao Technique is divided into ten major realms: the first glimpse, the subtle state, the small perfection, the great perfection, the perfection, the great perfection, the highest, the creation, the transcendence, and the eternal life. Divided into ten small realms from 1 to 10, Ji Haotian currently has limited cultivation and limited ability. He has only cultivated to the first peek realm. At present, he can only exert one-hundred-millionth of the power of mastering the Heavenly Dao Technique. Burning Shou Yuan or energy to destroy the Shou Zhang Tian Dao Shu will be stronger. As the comprehension of the Heavenly Dao Technique continues to deepen, the power of the Heavenly Dao Technique will continue to increase.

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