In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1025: Pope Thessalos

Pope Karagonis said: "I fought with the Pope of the Magic Cloud Multiverse in this magic star, and we both lost in the end! My injury is very serious and I can't do it anymore, so I need you to do things for me, and when my injury recovers, I will I will take you away and return to the multiverse of the sky. While I am here, you must be on guard to prevent anyone from interfering!"

The cultivation base of Pope Karagonis is much higher than Ji Haotian, Ji Haotian can't see through him, but his heavenly eyes can still see that Pope Karagonis bears endless karma of karma. A demon in human skin, in addition to being secretly vigilant, he is extremely disgusted with Pope Karagonis and has the will to kill, but on the surface he is still expressionless, he is indifferent, ready to wait for an opportunity!

The two said a few words, and then closed their eyes to heal their wounds...

a few months later.

Ji Haotian and Pope Karagonis walked out of the ancient cave together. What they saw was a majestic super mountain range shrouded in clouds and mist. Between the mountains, there were many palaces, Qionglou and jade buildings, and the scenery was beautiful, like a holy place in the universe.

Ji Haotian looked at the mountain range that looked like a holy place, and said in surprise, "Is this mountain range the seat of a superpower?"

Pope Karagonis said, "This is the Magic Cloud Universe Mountain, where the headquarters of the Magic Cloud Multiverse Cult is located."

Ji Haotian said in surprise: "You fought against the Pope of the Multiverse of the Demon Cloud, and both were hurt. The Pope of the Multiverse of the Demon Cloud is your opponent. How can you recuperate in your opponent's lair? Aren't you afraid that he will be bad for you?"

Pope Karagonis said: "I am an opponent with him, but not a mortal enemy. Even if he finds me, he can't do anything to me! He is a shrewd person and will not easily provoke disputes between the two religions!"

Suddenly, two demons appeared in the deep valley and flew in front of them.

One of the two demons is a middle-aged demon emperor wearing a crown and royal robes, tall and burly, majestic and domineering, and powerful; the other is a tall and handsome young demon, who is at odds with normal demons. Unlike the black magic wings, he actually gave birth to thirty-six black magic wings!

This tall and handsome thirty-six-winged demon is impressively the Demon Emperor of the Demon Kingdom—Francios, the great master of nothingness!

Ji Haotian and Francis were surprised when they met unexpectedly.

The Demon King is the Pope Thessalos, one of the twelve multiverse religions of the Great Infinite Universe, and a powerful ten-level celestial ancestor!

The Big Infinite Universe, the Twelve Multiverses teach:

The multiverse religion of the sky, the largest religion of the human race

Demon Cloud Multiverse Religion, the largest religion of the Demon Race

Wuheng Multiverse Religion, the largest religion of the Wu people

The Demon Star Multiverse Religion, the No. 1 Demon Clan Religion

Longwei Multiverse Cult, the largest religion of the Dragon Clan

The Yuqiong Multiverse Cult, the largest religion of the Yu Clan

The multiverse religion of the beginning of the universe, the largest religion of the universe

Star Multiverse Cult, the No. 1 Cult of Star Clan

The multiverse religion of swallowing the sky, the largest religion of the swallowing tribe

The multiverse religion of the underworld, the largest religion of the underworld

Hailing Multiverse Cult, the largest religion of the Hai Clan

Wing Movement Multiverse Cult, the largest religion of the Wing Clan

The Demon Cloud Multiverse Cult Pope Thessalos looked at Pope Karagonis and sneered: "Karagonis, you hypocrite, you are actually recovering in my lair, you really didn't take me seriously! Who said I was? What if I can't take you? I can hurt you again, so that you can't take care of yourself!"

Pope Karagonis snorted coldly, "Both of us are injured, your injury is no less severe than mine. In just a few months, you can't fully recover. You can't help me!"

Pope Thessalos said: "This is my territory, of course I will recover faster than you! I estimate that your injury will not recover 30%, and my injury has recovered 50%, I should be able to teach you a good lesson. That despicable bastard!"

After speaking, he looked at Ji Haotian, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Who is this kid? How come he looks so good? Where did he come from?"

The Demon Emperor Francis beside him suddenly laughed and said, "I know this kid, and he and I are old rivals! He is the Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian, who has recently gained fame and is famous in the infinite universe!"

Pope Thessalos looked at Ji Haotian with a strange expression, and said in surprise, "Water Man Shui Clan, Huo Huo Huo Clan, Thunder Cleaver Clan, Frozen Ice Clan, it turns out that your kid is the peerless ruthless man who has recently become famous in the infinite universe. Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian! I didn't expect you to be so young and look so good-looking! Ji Haotian, how could you be together with a beast like Pope Karagonis?

The Demon Emperor Francis beside him smiled lightly: "Pope Thessalos, I know the purpose of Ji Haotian's coming to the Demon Cloud Multiverse Cult!"

Pope Thessalos asked, "What is the purpose of his coming to our Demon Cloud Multiverse Cult?"

Francis said: "Ji Haotian's purpose is to sack the Magic Cloud Multiverse Sect! The Magic Cloud Multiverse Sect is known as the first secret of the Twelve Multiverse Sect. He and the Kingdom of Heaven need the Magic Cloud Diversity very much. If you get this super secret treasure, he and his kingdom of heaven will rise rapidly and reach the sky in one step!”

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