In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1024: Pope Karagonis

When the four Supreme Elders of the Ice Clan saw the appearance of these three terrifying super monsters, they immediately became vigilant.

One of the Ice Clan Supreme Elders said coldly, "The King of Fear, the King of Tumors, and the King of Excision, so it turns out that the three damned Kings of Fear are coming!"

The King of Fear, the King of Tumors, and the King of Excision, the third of the original seventy-two fear kings, are all powerful and terrifying super monsters of the tenth Heavenly Ancestor Realm!

The Dread Lord, the fifty-fourth of the original Seventy-two Dread Lords, is an entity with tentacles and bat wings. It has the ability to transform, and can transform into the most feared appearance in everyone's heart. Talented Dao Supernatural Power - Great Fear.

Tumor King, ranked fifty-fifth in the original seventy-two horror kings, it looks like a large deformed tumor, its body is composed of a kind of black mucus, blisters and scars are constantly formed on its surface, and Periodically crack open, spraying disgusting black toxin; it can change its shape at will to move. In addition, deformed heads are constantly produced in its body, which are quickly absorbed by the mother; these heads appear to briefly observe the surrounding environment before disappearing. The avenue of talent and supernatural powers - the big tumor surgery.

Excision King, ranked fifty-sixth among the original seventy-two terror kings, it looks like a huge golden tortoise with more than a dozen short legs, the ends of the legs are sucker-like feet, and there are two long behind them. golden tail; it has a golden body, no eyes, and two tentacle-like probosciss, which are used to cut off and eat the eyes of its prey. The avenue of talent and supernatural powers--major excision.

The three kings of terror ignored the four elders of the Ice Clan, and instead looked at Ji Haotian.

The King of Fear said in a gloomy and piercing voice: "There are vertical eyes between the eyebrows, a pair of purple wings, a peerless beautiful man, you should be the legendary master of the heavens, the emperor Ji Haotian!"

Ji Haotian felt the huge threat posed to him by the three kings of terror, so he was secretly highly vigilant, but on the surface he was calm and said indifferently, "It's this seat, what do you three kings of terror want?"

The cancer king's cold and evil voice said: "We will take you away for research and use!"

A Supreme Elder of the Ice Clan said coldly: "Ji Haotian is the person our Ice Clan wants, we will not let you take him away!"

Cut off Wang Sheng's cold and stiff voice and said, "Then don't talk nonsense, let's fight, whoever wins can take away the big fat Ji Haotian!"

The four Supreme Elders of the Ice Clan did not talk nonsense, and they attacked the three kings of terror fiercely and violently.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Bang bang bang!"


The sky collapses, the void shatters, the space collapses, destroys the sky and destroys the earth!

Ji Haotian watched for a while, and he was about to leave quietly.

Suddenly, a huge black animal claw appeared out of nowhere in the sky, bringing the might of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and instantly slapped Ji Haotian out like a fly!

Unexpectedly, Ji Haotian, who was shot flying, was directly involved in the cosmic crack created by both sides of the war, and was instantly swallowed by the time-space vortex in the cosmic crack. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the time-space vortex without a trace...

I don't know how long it has been.

Ji Haotian slowly opened his eyes, he sat up, and found himself in a dark and deep ancient cave with a huge futon under him.

There is a huge futon under the wall of the cave not far away from him. On it sits a middle-aged white emperor wearing a crown and royal robes. He is cultivating with his eyes closed.

Just as Ji Haotian was about to speak, he was suddenly shocked to find that he had been branded with his soul. Through his soul branded, he sensed that it was the white emperor sitting across from him who had given him a soul branded!

Ji Haotian checked his body and found that his injuries were minor and he could erase the imprint of his soul, but he didn't do it immediately, because he sensed that the white emperor's cultivation was extremely high, extremely powerful and dangerous, even if he erased it himself It is also difficult for the soul brand to break away from the clutches of the devil immediately, so he can only temporarily condescend to the snake, paralyze him, and take the opportunity to erase the soul brand and break away from the clutches!

At this moment, the white emperor slowly opened his eyes, and the golden light in his eyes circulated, and countless divine patterns were intertwined, like an immortal god!

Ji Haotian asked coldly, "Who are you? Why did you brand me with a soul?"

The white emperor said coldly and arrogantly: "This seat is the Pope of the Sky Multiverse, Pope Karagonis, one of the twelve multiverse religions of the Great Infinite Universe. The purpose of imprinting you with a soul is to better control you, from now on you will be My bodyguard, in charge of my safety and chores. What's your name?"

Ji Haotian said in surprise: "My name is Ji Haotian, how could I fall into your hands? Is this the Vault of Heaven multiverse?"

Pope Karagonis said: "I am recovering here. You suddenly fell from the sky and fell into the mountains. I got you into this ancient cave. This is the super-high-level life planet of the magic cloud multiverse, and it is also the magic cloud multiverse. The planet where the home of the Cosmic Cult is located."

Ji Haotian asked in surprise: "You are the Pope of the Vault of Heaven Multiverse, how come you are on the planet dominated by the Multiverse of the Demon Cloud? Are you injured? You are the super giant of the Infinite Universe. Who hurt you?"

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