Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 999: Zoo Director 7

Chapter 999 Zoo Director 7

The little abacus in its heart crackled.

The owner and the contracted pet have the same mind, and can easily feel whether the pet is lying.

In this way, it can easily achieve its goal of recognizing Monarch Mohuang as the master.

After Jun Mohuang found out that it hadn't lied again, he would definitely not let it continue to be locked here, and would definitely save it.

In this way, the goal of the giant tortoise is completely realized!

Jun Mohuang easily saw the little abacus in the giant tortoise's heart, but it was about Jun Liyuan, and it was impossible for the monster to swear a blood oath.

This matter can only be checked in this way.

If this old tortoise is really lying, burn it to death with an ink flame without explaining it.

If you haven't lied, then you will be in your pocket, who will dislike your pets too much.

Jun Mohuang immediately scratched his fingertips and ejected a drop of blood in the direction of the giant turtle.

When the giant tortoise saw that drop of red blood, his eyes lit up. After being imprisoned for so many years, he was finally free, Oye!

However, it was too early to be happy.

Not long after Jun Mohuang's drop of blood was ejected, a cloud of silver light came out from nowhere, blocking the drop of blood halfway.

No one expected this kind of change that Jun Mohuang's blood would be directly absorbed by the silver light cluster.

"A beautiful master, you must first contract with me if you want to pay attention to come first!"

What is even more strange is that this group of silver light actually utters words.

This voice was different from the giant tortoise, it was the voice of a young man.

The silver light group had been following behind Jun Mohuang, and he was relieved just now when he saw that she refused to make a contract with the giant tortoise.

Seeing that Jun Mohuang was really about to make a contract with this shameless old turtle, it immediately couldn't sit still.

There are strict restrictions on the number of battle pets that a cultivator can contract, and a cultivator with outstanding appearance like Jun Mohuang can contract a large number of battle pets.

But the order of the contract seriously affects the pet's status in the owner's mind, and also limits the benefits the pet can get from the owner.

Therefore, the higher the order of contract with the owner, the better.

This group of Yinguang thought that he knew Jun Mohuang first, so he couldn't accept that this shameless old tortoise grabbed ahead of him.

As the silver light said, it couldn't help but floated forward and grabbed Jun Mohuang's sleeve.

"The beautiful, cute and charming owner will first make a contract with my old tortoise, and he will immediately understand the truth about his father back then, and what good is it to sign a contract with you! You are simply wasting the master's pet place."

The giant tortoise didn't expect to get out of Cheng Yaojin halfway, it didn't know what this group of silver light was, but it also felt the powerful and mysterious aura emitted by this group of silver light.

This is definitely a strong competitor!

Originally, the giant tortoise was still a little reluctant to recognize the king and ink phoenix as the master, but it had to do so in order to restore freedom.

But now that the mysterious silver light suddenly came out to grab the ranking order of its contract, the reluctance in the giant tortoise's heart immediately disappeared without a trace, leaving only a deep anger.

"You know P, when I met the master, there was nothing wrong with you!"

The silver light group tugged at Jun Mohuang's sleeves and returned domineeringly to the giant turtle.

"What are you?"

Jun Mohuang was poking the silver light ball that was pulling her sleeve.

The thing actually looks like a ball of light, is the spirit of the light element failing?

"My beautiful master, I am Yinyue. You used to go to the cave where Yinyuequan is located to feed me all kinds of elixir, don't you remember?"

This chapter is a supplement to yesterday, and it is updated today. . .

Thank you for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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