Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1000: Zoo Director 8

Chapter 1000 Zoo Director 8

"You still use my saliva, which is Yinyuequan, to raise a sapling and obtain a practice technique..."

The silver light group pulled on Jun Mohuang's sleeves tightly, and then, its body flashed into a small silver shrimp shape, actively lying in Jun Mohuang's palm.

This small silver shrimp looks very much like Pippi shrimp.

What made Jun Mohuang notice was that the head of this silver shrimp actually wore a very mini purple gold crown, which was studded with mini gems of various colors.

On its shrimp neck, it wears a very mini gold chain, and several legs are covered with mini gem rings.

This is a local version of Pippi shrimp.

"Master, when you were cultivating in Thousand Fantasy Academy, this dragon still appeared in the form of silver light to help you cultivate. Especially when you and Su Zhiyun agreed to compete, that time you did not advance at the juncture, this dragon is Use your own strength to help you break through and advance."

"Also, the silver moon fairy glaze in the nine-story silver moon tower is the dragon crystal of this dragon. Master, you only need to contract this dragon, and this dragon guarantees the dragon crystal... Oh, no, it is the silver moon fairy glaze. You want as much as you want!"

Lord Yinyue talked about it, and at the end, he sent the ultimate killer directly.

Hehehe, there is something like the dragon crystal in a ghost place like Cangyuan Continent.

You know, the dragon crystals of their dragon clan, but even the super powers on the upper plane covet the existence.

Yes, this group of silver light is the Lord Silver Moon that the great elders often say.

It was just because before Jun Mohuang had been promoted to the Spirit Realm, she could not see him at all, nor could she feel his existence.

Otherwise, he had appeared long ago, crying and begging Renjun Mohuang to be the master, why should he delay it until this time.

"Silver Moon Spring is your saliva..."

"Yes, the dishes made by the beautiful host are so delicious..."

When Lord Yinyue thought of the delicacy made by Jun Mohuang, he couldn't help but shed more than a dozen Yinyue Springs.

No, it should be said that it was a dozen drops of silver saliva.


Jun Mohuang silently wiped off the silver moon saliva in his hand, and he was already unable to complain.

Listening to Lord Yinyue's account, she finally knew why when she was cooking food in the cave where Yinyue Spring was, Yinyue Spring was so productive as a sow.

She also finally knew why when she was tested at the Nine-Floor Silver Moon Tower, all the test levels were related to cooking.

Affection This is a gluttonous Pippi shrimp.

Thinking of the Silver Moon Spring, which he had worked so hard to collect for a million spiritual value exchanges, was the saliva of this product, Jun Mohuang was already weaker.

Fortunately, the students of Thousand Fantasy Academy are eager for Yinyue Spring. If they know that the Yinyue Spring they are thinking about is saliva, they will definitely vomit.

In the Phoenix Jade space, after hearing Lord Yinyue's words, the cultivation method tree Amiao was already lying on the ground and vomiting continuously, spitting out a pool of green sap.

Damn, it's so disgusting, it grew from a small seedling to a big seedling, relying on the saliva of this little silver shrimp!

Jin Niang was expressionless and did not respond.

She was in a coma when she was still absorbing Yinyue Xianli, and she didn't even know it was.

Fortunately, Jun Mohuang himself had never taken Yinyue Spring.

Jun Mohuang felt fortunate, but when he thought of Yinyue Xianli, he suddenly had a very bad premonition.

"Where is Yinyue Xianli, what is yours?"

She has never used Yinyuequan, but she has used Yinyue Xianli, and she has used a lot!

(End of this chapter)

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