Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 995: Zoo Director 3

Chapter 995 Zoo Director 3

What it dislikes the most is this rude junior.

The giant tortoise expressed his anger and the consequences were serious.

So it directly raised one of its paws and grabbed it at Jun Mohuang.

The sharp claws of the giant tortoise pierced the void and brought a gust of wind.

This claw was huge, like a wall of flesh, and slammed directly at Jun Mohuang.

The claws are extremely sharp, reflecting cold light in the faint cave, sharper than any sword.

Even if Jun Mohuang reached the first level of body tempering and his strength reached the spiritual state, if he was caught by this claw, he would be seriously injured.

Of course Jun Mohuang would not sit still.

To deal with this kind of behemoth, the tortoise, which is known for its defensive type, certainly cannot be attacked with aura-level weapons.

Cut the limbs and head of this giant tortoise, it is estimated that only tickle effect.

This kind of giant beast is not easy to deal with, and with the current strength of Jun Mohuang, it is impossible to quickly solve it.

Fortunately, it was trapped by the mysterious iron chain, and its limbs and head could not be retracted. As long as it continued to attack its head with exercises, it would always be beaten to death as time stretched out.

Jun Mohuang immediately formed a seal with both hands, teleported to the back of the giant tortoise, and when his palm was raised, the whole body's spiritual energy surged from his palm.

At the same time, three phoenix phantoms with wings spread out and a diameter of 20 meters were sent out, and they looked at the head of the giant tortoise and attacked suddenly.

"Ah, the little girl film, she actually played a sneak attack. Hey, gold swallowing beast, why are you here? Are you imprisoned like me..."

The giant tortoise's limbs are very flexible, but their reactions are slow.

It saw Jun Mohuang disappearing, and it sensed the whistling wind behind its head, and it already understood what was going on.

But its claws had been swung halfway, and it had to be twisted one hundred and eighty degrees, and it was too late to change its direction completely.

At this moment, the giant tortoise saw the golden mother with golden eyes standing on the edge of the pit.

The paw suddenly stopped, and pointed at the golden girl in an incredible gesture.

It had a good relationship with the Golden Swallowing Beast back then. After the Golden Swallowing Beast was suddenly suppressed and imprisoned, the Giant Tortoise also heard about it.

It's just that it didn't have time to set off to rescue the Golden Swallowing Beast, suddenly its eyes dizzy, and after waking up, it was imprisoned in this ghost place.

The giant tortoise was about to die in this ghost place. At this time, seeing the golden swallowing beast regained its freedom and turned into a human form, which made it not surprised.

Back then, the Golden Swallowing Beast could not be transformed.

Suddenly seeing the old acquaintance, the giant tortoise completely forgot about Jun Mohuang's attack behind him. .

"This is my master..."

"Ouch, oops, oops!"

Jin Niang hadn't finished saying these words, the giant tortoise suddenly called three times in succession, and covered the head hit by Jun Mohuang with two paws.

"The young people nowadays don't respect the old at all, so how can they beat the old people casually."

Jun Mohuang: "...Killing your father's hatred is not a common denominator. I care what old man you are."

Sorry, what she saw was a big tortoise, not an old man.

And she's here to avenge her father, can this turtle be serious!

As Jun Mohuang said, three phoenix shadows were sent out again, attacking the giant tortoise's head.

"Save me."

At this time, Jin Niang finally said her words completely.

"Master? This little girl are you talking about?"

The giant tortoise was surprised, and he didn't even hear what Jun Mohuang said.

Regardless of the attack coming again, he twisted his neck laboriously and looked at Jun Mohuang behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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