Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 994: Zoo Director 2

Chapter 994 Zoo Director 2

Of course she knew this giant tortoise. In fact, not only did she and this giant tortoise have a good relationship with each other.

When Jin Niang walked out of the Phoenix Jade space and saw this giant tortoise, she was even a little surprised, how could it be trapped by an iron chain like herself.

The owner asked this, making it clear that no matter how she answered, she was going to take the giant tortoise.

This giant tortoise and its owner have a vengeance for killing his father, and the golden girl is considering her words, suddenly a violent shock in this space.

Countless rocks fell down into the deep pit.

An old voice followed: "Where did the little girl come from, dare to make your Grandpa Turtle into soup!"

I saw the giant black who was in the deep pit slowly opening his eyes.

It seemed to have slept for a long time, stretched out its limbs in the deep pit, shook its head, and pulled the thick mysterious iron chain to crackle.

The giant black figure is huge, just such a slight movement can cause this space to shock.

"Oh, I think my old tortoise is also a tortoise tens of thousands of years old. The tortoise shell soup made will definitely be delicious."

The tortoise reacted very slowly, and it slept for a long time without opening its eyes.

But what is speechless is that when I think of tortoiseshell soup, its mouth has begun to smash, spouting water like a fountain.

Yes, it's not drooling, but spitting.

Jun Mohuang: "..."

Myrtle: "..."

Jun Mohuang was speechless to the extreme. At this time, this giant tortoise was actually thinking about eating.

And what I ate in this imagination is its own soup...

This giant tortoise is really different from the fascinating monsters outside.

This made her hardly know how to complain.

It was really hard for Jun Mohuang to face that her father died under such a giant tortoise.

"Little girl film, didn’t you sound arrogant just now, why didn’t you speak anymore. Come on, Laogui has an old tortoise shell here, you can try to make a tortoise shell soup. If you are an old turtle, I think you did well Eating will save you the sin of disturbing the old turtle’s sleep."

When Jun Mohuang and Jin Niang were speechless, the giant tortoise stretched in the pit.

Its front paws pulled a few times on its abdomen, pulling out a piece of tortoise shell the size of a house.

Catch it with his claws and hand it to Jun Mohuang.

The tortoise shell fragments are black and shiny, with intricate and beautiful patterns on them, which contain pure aura, which is not ordinary at first glance.

Take it back and refine it a bit, it is a magic weapon with top defensive performance.

Of course, Jun Mohuang would not refuse this kind of good things delivered to the door, she took the tortoise shell with kindness.

The tortoise shell fell into her palm and automatically shrank to the size of a palm, and Jun Mohuang put the tortoise shell directly into the Phoenix jade space.

"This tortoise shell is indeed a good thing, but well, I prefer the one on your back, it's bigger and more beautiful."

Jun Mohuang got a tortoise shell, flipped his wrist and revealed the long sword, but did not intend to let it go.

Killing the father's hatred is not shared, and it can't be sent by a tortoise shell.

"Huh, the little girl's film, the tone is not small, eat my old turtle!"

In the deep pit, the giant tortoise didn't expect Jun Mohuang to be so close that he actually took a fancy to its tortoise shell.

There was a hint of anger in the old voice.

It is true that one generation is inferior to one generation. How can young people like to bully the elderly these days?

It all said that as long as the tortoiseshell soup is delicious, don't care about her. How can she let an old man run naked for her own desires!

The update is complete today. . .

Thank you for your reward.

If today is less, make up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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