Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 982: I can do without you 5

Chapter 982 I can do without you 5

What's more, she really didn't like this kind of thing and depended on his feeling.

There are many things in this world, she can do it without him.

Jun Mohuang pushed aside the small white jade bowl and was about to get out of bed to refine the pill by himself.

Although her medicine refining technique also relied on the medicine secrets given by Emperor Lingtian, this was the normal price he wanted Huang Jing to pay.

"Huang'er, don't want to drink it by yourself, do you want me to feed it? You must remember what happened that day. If I feed you, I can't guarantee that I will stop at the last moment like that day."

Di Lingtian retracted his long arms, stopped Jun Mohuang from going, and confined her in a small space beside the bed.

As he said, he was about to drink the soup medicine in the small white jade bowl.

This is the decoction he specially researched for her a long time ago. It is equivalent to a special medicine. How can other medicines compare with his research results?


What Di Lingtian said was to feed with his mouth.

Jun Mohuang pursed the corners of his lips. Thinking of that day, his body was shaking, and a shallow red cloud appeared on his face.

She still remembers that the touch of Di Lingtian's slightly callused palms and the fiery kisses imprinted on her skin that day couldn't help her heart beating faster in retrospect.

Jun Mohuang grabbed the small white jade bowl in his hand and drank it.

The body is sweet, but the heart is painful.

She didn't want to experience this feeling again.

"I've been resting in bed these days, and you are not allowed to get out of bed and run around. Otherwise, I will kiss you."

Di Lingtian saw that she was drinking without a drop, leaving behind another threat, so he took the bowl and left her, sat on one side of the soft collapse, and while monitoring her movement, he took out something similar to a memorial. Annotation processing.

Jun Mohuang: "..."

She didn't bother to argue with him, Di Lingtian always did what he said, and said he would kiss her, so he would really do so.

Jun Mohuang was lying halfway on the head of the bed, it would be boring not to get out of bed, she could read books.

I don't know that she just took out a book, Di Lingtian waved his hand lightly, and the book in Jun Mohuang's hand automatically ran into his It takes mental energy and is not allowed to read it. "

Jun Mohuang: "..."

Neither this nor that, she simply closed her eyes and closed her mind.

Jun Mohuang lay on the bed for five consecutive days, drank the soup medicine brought by Emperor Lingtian five times, and finally got out of bed after the sixth day.

Jun Mohuang's mental power was fully restored, even more full than ever.

It can be seen that Di Lingtian's medicine does have miraculous effects.

Di Lingtian also took good care of her during these five days.

After all, she is a hen who can lay golden eggs. In order to get golden eggs, she is not good to the hen.

As soon as Jun Mohuang recovered, he immediately proceeded to advance to the spiritual realm.

Her desire for strength has never been as strong as it is now.

Jun Mohuang didn't know what was going on with Huang Jing. The higher her strength, the faster Huang Jing could regenerate. There was no doubt about this.

Jun Mohuang's current strength is the late stage of the ninth stage of the casting spirit realm, and he can directly use enough silver moon fairy glaze to break through the barrier of the casting spirit realm and advance to the spirit transformation realm.

She took a day to prepare all the medicinal baths needed to repair the meridians after promotion. She took out a football-sized silver moon fairy glaze and went to the ninth floor of the nine-story tower to retreat and attack the spiritual realm.

Di Lingtian was also on the ninth floor. After she came in, she didn't mean to leave.

"I want to retreat, you go out."

Jun Mohuang couldn't help frowning when he saw that he had no intention of leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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