Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 981: I can do without you 4

Chapter 981 Without you, I can 4

In this way, he can only give Jun Jianlin and let him find someone with his jade pendant.

Putting aside all kinds of small emotions, Di Lingtian still has to thank him for his help, isn't it the basic courtesy of being a person?

Jun Mohuang's polite and alienated thanks angered Emperor Lingtian.

"Don't say thank you."

With a slap of his palm, the table in front of Jun Mohuang's body was directly photographed into powder.

She thanked the two of them invisibly.

No matter what he gave her before, she had never thanked him.

"...Is there anything else for you? I'm very tired and I'm going to rest."

Not to say nothing, Jun Mohuang pursed the corners of his lips slightly, his attitude was as polite and estranged as before.

After finishing speaking, she didn't wait for Di Lingtian's answer and got up.

Jun Mohuang didn't want to see him, he had been busy tracing runes for seven hours, and his mental energy was exhausted. Jun Mohuang was indeed too tired.

"Something. Until I have officially taught you runes, you are not allowed to touch anything related to runes."

Di Lingtian reached out and grabbed her shoulders.

Jun Mohuang did not refute, and replied in a flat tone: "I know, is there anything else?"

After all, she was fine, and Huang Jing was fine.

Thinking of this, Jun Mohuang's heart became colder.

She flicked Di Lingtian's hand away, and smoothly cast a gentle aura, quickly washing her whole body again.

Leave the Huangyu space directly and return to the bedroom in the villa.

She is really tired and can close her eyelids at any time.

Too tired to take a hot bath.

With Emperor Lingtian by his side, Jun Mohuang thought of all the intimacy between the two that day, she was almost wiped out, she did not dare to take such a risk.

Jun Mohuang was so tired that he touched the pillow and immediately went into deep sleep.

After she fell asleep, a cloud of silver light appeared out of thin air, floating above her head.

The strands of soft silver light turned into strands of silver thread, digging into Jun Mohuang's head.

The silver thread entered while sleeping, and Jun Mohuang's originally frowned brows immediately stretched out.

When Di Lingtian came out of the Phoenix Jade space, he saw this scene.

When Yin Guang saw him, he hesitated for two seconds, as if judging whether Emperor Lingtian was in danger to Jun Mohuang, and continued to use his own work.

Di Lingtian glanced at this group of silver light, and a clear color flashed in his **** eyes.

Sure enough, it was the same as his previous guess.

Di Lingtian walked to the bed and looked at Jun Mohuang who was breathing evenly and was already asleep.

Reached out and pressed her quilt, stroking her snow-nen smooth face.

This girl, born again, how could her temper become so stubborn.

Perhaps it was the reason for the excessive consumption of mental power. When Jun Mohuang woke up again, it was already two days later.

She only got up when she woke up and had not gotten out of bed.

Di Lingtian brought a small bowl of things to her.

"Drink this."

Jun Mohuang lowered his eyes and saw that it was a small bowl of brown soup medicine, which exuded a strong medicinal smell in the small white jade bowl.

She sniffed it lightly and didn't guess what kind of medicinal material was in the brown soup medicine, but she knew that this thing was used to repair mental damage.

Logically speaking, the best medicinal effect should be the pill, but I don't know why Di Lingtian made these medicinal materials into medicinal juice.

"I will do this myself."

Jun Mohuang stretched out his hand and flicked away the small white jade bowl in front of him.

It's just a pill to repair mental damage, she will also refine it.

Jun Mohuang was thinking about re-growing the Phoenix Crystal in his body, and gave Di Lingtian a clear boundary with him. He really didn't want to get involved with him anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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