Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 978: I can do without you 1

Chapter 978 Without you, I can also 1

Thinking about it, suddenly thought of Di Lingtian.

Jun Mohuang laughed at herself, habit is really a terrible power, she actually thought of the unsolvable problem, and thought of Di Lingtian.

It didn't matter before, but now that I feel that I need to be separated from him, I can't have a thought that depends on him.

Jun Mohuang thought for two seconds, and simply summoned Jin Niang out.

Myrtle is a behemoth from the Cangyuan Continent, with a mysterious origin, there may be a way.

She said her question again, and Jin Niang showed a thoughtful look and thought for a few seconds.

"This, the master, there is indeed a formation that can be based on a person's breath. But neither the master nor I know how to use magic. This formation may be difficult to implement."

"It doesn't matter, you show me the rune first."

Jun Mohuang had the sound transmission talisman given by Emperor Lingtian on his body, and he also saw the psychic formation in Tianxing City, knowing that all the formations and runes must be drawn in rune writing.

She didn't know how to use talisman at all, so she couldn't arrange formations or something.

Jun Mohuang intends to come to the rune of the formation, try drawing a gourd according to the pattern.

"Master, if you can't, don't force it."

Jin Niang rummaged in the space ring for a few minutes, and handed Jun Mohuang a palm-sized animal skin.

"I know, you go back."

Jun Mohuang took the animal skin and looked down. There were seven golden mysterious runes written on the animal skin, like hieroglyphs, without knowing the meaning.

Runes are runes and possess powerful and mysterious powers.

When researching runes, no one can disturb you.

Jin Niang repeatedly asked Jun Mohuang to do what she could, and don't force her to return to the Phoenix Jade space.

Jun Mohuang also knew this, so he simply entered the Phoenix Jade space and stayed on the ninth floor of the nine-story tower.

The ninth layer has been reinforced with gold crystals, which is more suitable for studying amulets.

Jun Mohuang took out the cultivation technique tree A Miao that had long been on the ninth floor, and began to study the animal skins given by Jin Niang.

This animal skin looked ordinary, but the seven golden mysterious runes on it were extremely strange.

As long as people stare at the seven runes for more than one second, the runes will start to rotate automatically, making people dizzy.

These seven runes contain mysterious powers. No matter how good Jun Mohuang's memory is, after a quick glance, he can't remember what these seven runes look like.

It is very difficult to trace the runes accurately.

Jun Mohuang set his mind, gathered the power of induction and spiritual energy in her eyes, concentrated all her energy to look at the first rune, the rotation speed of the first rune on the animal skin was slow, and she could see this rune clearly. Looks like.

Jun Mohuang picked up a rune pen. This rune pen was what she had asked Di Lingtian for fun before, but she didn't expect it to come in handy now.

Squeeze the finger slightly, the aura leaks into the nib of the rune pen like running water.

Start to trace the first rune on the back of the Nangong Liyu Pei.

The rune pen fell, and golden marks appeared on the back of the jade pendant.

Once the first stroke was drawn, Jun Mohuang immediately found the first rune she had kept in her heart, and forgot it again.

If you want to trace the second stroke, you have to read it again.

As time passed by, Jun Mohuang strove hard at the speed of each stroke.

After each stroke, she had to re-use her mental power, aura and sensitivity to see the direction of the next stroke.

When the three powers are used together, the consumption of the three powers is very large.

There are as many as twenty strokes of the first rune.

(End of this chapter)

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