Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 977: I don’t look very good, I want to be beautiful 2

Chapter 977 doesn't look very good, I want to be beautiful 2

"Come, see off!"

What else did these people want to say, the great elder directly issued an order to drive them out.

These families and sects were indeed persecuted by pharmacists.

But so what, since I have made a choice, I must bear the corresponding consequences.

Thousand Fantasy Academy, not Notre Dame Academy, why choose to tolerate and forgive these people should bear the consequences.

People from all major families and sects in the Southern Territory have been expelled from the Thousand Fantasy Academy. Although they are unwilling, they are helpless.

In the past, they couldn't forcefully break into the Thousand Fantasy Academy. Now the students in the Thousand Fantasy Academy have become so powerful, and the force is even more idiotic.

These people were not reconciled, so they all stayed in Star City and continued to wait for opportunities.


In the villa of Jun Mohuang.

She had long expected this scene to happen, and there were six elders around, and it was not her turn to take care of it.

After Jun Mohuang returned to Thousand Fantasy Academy, he said that he had something to say with Jun Jianlin alone, and would come to his villa with him.

"Second brother, the girl who captured you last time in Longevity City is Nangong Li."

Jun Mohuang is straight to the point, without turning a bit.

She said affirmative sentences, not interrogative sentences.

About this matter, since Jun Jianlin heard that Nangong Li was missing in the Star City a month ago, she began to doubt Jun Jianlin's abnormal reaction.

On the way back to the Thousand Fantasy Academy, Jun Jianlin, who had always been calm and quiet, was absent-minded and anxious, so she was even more sure.

"Yes, it's her."

Jun Jianlin smiled wryly, his sister is really ice and snow smart.

Jun Jianlin continued: "Seven Sister, the matter of her disappearance has something to do with me, so I plan to set out to find her."

At that time, because his legs were disabled, he didn't want to delay Nangong Li, so he refused.

I think it must be Nangong Li's sadness and disappointment that she ran away from home, which led to her disappearance.

Whether Nangong Li is dead or alive, Jun Jianlin is also uncertain.

But this happened because of him. You must have an explanation if you want to see people in life and the corpse in death.

After he planned to return to Star City, he would bid Jun Mohuang farewell to his parents and set out to find Nangong Li.

Jun Mohuang said: "It's not easy to find someone on the vast continent. Brother, wait two days, I see if I can find a way for you."

Jun Jianlin's current strength is in the late eighth stage of the Forge Spirit Realm, and this strength is nothing to worry about in the Southern Region.

If you want to go to the other three domains and meet some strong people, Jun Jianlin will suffer a single-handedly.

The Cangyuan Continent was so big, he didn't know how to find the Year of the Monkey.

So Jun Mohuang decided to improve his search efficiency.

Jun Jianlin nodded: "Okay, Seventh Sister. You should rest for a while, not in a hurry."

He was anxious about the whereabouts of Nangong Li, but he cared more about Jun Mohuang's body in his heart.

"Don't worry, second brother, I won't be tired to myself."

Jun Mohuang sent him out, returned to the bedroom, and took out the jade pendant of Nangong Li.

She originally planned to use the power of induction to sense the breath of Nangong Liu, and she would be able to find it when she encountered it in the future.

To put it bluntly, this is all luck, only when you are not far from Nangong Li, the chance is actually very slim.

Since Jun Jianlin wanted to find her, and Jun Mohuang wanted to help him provide the efficiency of searching, he had to improve this method.

Jun Mohuang thought about it, but there was no good way.

If Di Lingtian is here, he must have a way.

(End of this chapter)

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