Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 940: Hard Destiny 2

Chapter 940: Hard Destiny 2

"Really, the subordinates dare to guarantee the head of the item!"

"Okay, okay, nothing is fine, nothing is fine. Humph, the Ye Family's squandered group can't even deal with a Thousand Fantasy Academy, and they were even beaten back, which is really embarrassing."

Sect Master Xuan Yue heard this with a mocking look on his face, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

He has always been afraid of the high-level powerhouse behind Qianhuan Academy. If he is sure that there is no such thing, wouldn't he be able to clean up the Qianhuan Academy and avenge the High Sect!

"Sect Master, should we take a group of people right away to wipe out the Thousand Fantasy Academy."

The middle-aged man who reported the letter said, and made a neck-cut motion with his hand.

"Of course, don't hurry up!"

"Yes, yes, the subordinate will do it right away."

The middle-aged man who reported the letter had finished speaking, and immediately went out, taking the elite of Xuan Yuezong, and walked mightily to the location of Qianhuan Academy.

The Sect Master of Xuan Yuezong triumphantly hummed a little song, poured a cup of tea and sat back on the rocking chair, waiting for the good news.

Because Ye Family was the only five-star bloodline in Cangyuan Continent, everyone let Ye Family, so the overall level of Ye Family was not good, and the water was very watery.

Hehe, the Ye family couldn't get the Thousand Fantasy Academy, but the name of the five-star power of Xuanyuezong was killed in the **** wind.

It's just a Thousand Fantasy Academy.

The courtyard of Thousand Fantasy College.

"Ouch, I'm exhausted, my little master, my waist is so sore..."

Feng Yunqi was beating his waist while making complaints.

Beside him, all the students from the Thousand Fantasy Academy looked bitter and pinched their waists and arms.

Since they won the Lingxiaozong ten days ago, Jun Mohuang's training for them has stopped.

Everyone is happy and feels that apart from participating in the Star Power Ranking Tournament in this short time, they should be able to relax.

As a result, Jun Mohuang stopped training them, but Di Lingtian took the baton and started training them every day.

Unlike Jun Mohuang, who is relaxed and has a hedonic training that takes them to eat and drink after training, Di Lingtian's training method is much harsher.

Called the devil, **** training.

After ten days, all the students in the Thousand Fantasy Academy seemed to have been smashed and peeled, and almost felt that they were going to waste. It was simply inhuman torture.

What Emperor Lingtian taught them was a set of formations, consisting of seven to seven forty-nine students, paired with two elders from the academy, to match their hidden talents and the changing formations against the enemy.

This mysterious formation has many changes, and the requirements for each student are very high and extremely difficult to learn.

Even if it is difficult to learn, the training of Emperor Lingtian is very strict.

In the past ten days, Feng Yunqi, Wu Qianyong and others also complained to Jun Mohuang, trying in vain to take a curve to save the country and reduce the level of training.

As a result, instead of reducing the amount of training, it has increased several times.

Feng Yunqi wanted to cry when he thought of this.

However, Di Lingtian’s devil training was very effective. No, facing the Ye Family who had just come to kill them for no reason, the two elders and 49 academies formed the formation of the Di Lingtian training and actually gave the Ye family to Beat back.

During the whole fight, neither Jun Mohuang nor Di Lingtian showed their faces.

While everyone was beating their waists and rubbing their arms, apart from surprise, they felt a strong sense of accomplishment.

Unexpectedly, they were so powerful, they could actually beat the Ye family back.

If you work harder, wouldn't it be possible to win the title of Five Star Force!

Thinking about this, the students of Thousand Fantasy Academy were excited, and they could not wait for the five-star competition to begin immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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