Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 939: Hard fate

Chapter 939: A hard fate

After Yao Xuan heard this passage, countless emotions surged through his heart.

He knew the existence of the Eight-Faced Profound Realm before, and he only thought that the Eight-Faced Profound Realm was another continent, and had not thought of the concept of the upper realm and the upper plane.

People in the Bafang Profound Realm are born at the ninth level of the Spirit Casting Realm, and there are so many cultivators in the Cangyuan Continent that they can never reach the level of the Spirit Realm...

This sentence has changed the world view of Yaoxuan.

In the Bafang Profound Realm, there are so many powerful people in the transformation spirit realm, so there must be strong people above the transformation spirit realm.

He always thought that cultivating to the Spiritual Transformation Realm was the limit of the cultivator. He did not expect that there would be a broader world above the Spiritual Transformation Realm.

Yao Xuan couldn't help having a strong yearning for the Bafang Profound Realm.

His talent is not weak, and when his uncle will take care of him, he will definitely be promoted to the spiritual state, even a higher realm than the spiritual state.

At that time, he will personally defeat Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian!

But for what Yao Shangtian said that the totem behind him could command the four five-star forces in Cangyuan Continent and the city lord of the Star City, Yao Xuan was skeptical about this matter.

If it is so powerful, then why didn't my grandfather use these powers from the beginning to avenge the pharmacist? Why wait until now.

"This matter is related to an extremely confidential event. After we reach the Bafang Profound Realm, my grandfather will explain it to you. Anyway, now that the Ye Family and the Qianhuan Academy have already become enemies, let's watch the changes first."

Yao Shangtian seemed to see what Yao Xuan was thinking and explained to him.

The five-star forces of the Cangyuan Continent and the city lord of the Star City are not fools. If they call these people to help from the beginning, if they find out that there is a difference in the body of Jun Mohuang, and they want to share a cup of Huang Jing, it will be difficult .

Thinking of the fact that most of the benefits of the Phoenix Crystal in Jun Mohuang's body had been taken away by others before, he only enjoyed a small amount of benefits.

Yao Shangtian will definitely not let others share the benefits of Huang Jing this time!

So he had to watch the changes and let the Ye Family compete with the Snipe and Clam of Qianhuan Academy.

When the fighting power of Qianhuan Academy and Di Lingtian were almost consumed, and both were injured, he would take action again.

If it doesn't work, then consider mobilizing all the five-star forces and the power of the Star City.


The place where Xuan Yuezong descended.

"Sect Master, Sect Master, Elder Ye Family just now led a dozen or so ninth-tier family elites in the Forge Spirit Realm to attack the Thousand Fantasy Academy, but was defeated by the Thousand Fantasy Academy."

A middle-aged man hurriedly entered through the courtyard gate and entered the room of Sect Master Xuanyue.

"Oh, so it seems that it is the hand of the high hand of the upper bound."

Sect Master Xuan Yue is an old man with all white hair and beard.

After hearing the news, he touched his white beard, very fortunate that he was calm during this time, and was afraid of the high-level powerhouse who killed Sect Master Lingxiao with one move, and did not move the Thousand Fantasy Academy.

It seemed that he was right to be cautious, and the Qianhuan Academy really had the protection of high-level powerhouses behind it.

The middle-aged man who came to report the letter hurriedly shook his head and said: "No, the lord, his subordinates can see clearly not far away, it is all the students of the Thousand Fantasy Academy and the two elders of the Academy who jointly beat them back. There is no super power in the upper realm at all."

"What, the people of Thousand Fantasy Academy defeated the people of the Ye Family, and without the help of the powerhouse of the upper realm, are you sure that you are not mistaken?"

Seeing this, the Sect Master of Xuan Yuezong stood up immediately, staring directly at the messenger with piercing eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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