Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 925: King of all poisons

Chapter 925 King of Poisons

Then, repeat the procedure of taking the venom again and again. If the venom cannot be tolerated, take the steps of detoxification with snake gall until the body produces antibodies to the venom.

This process is extremely painful, and it is easy to poison and die, or be driven crazy by the venom.

Even if the training is successful, there is a danger of being corrupted by poisons and becoming ugly.

Pei Ze clenched his teeth and persisted and succeeded.

Jun Mohuang was hit by the venom of his various snakes, and there was only one dead end.

She will slowly venom, but all meridians contaminated by toxins will be painful and itchy.

The toxins will also invade her nerves, and she will go crazy very quickly, and in the end her whole body will turn black, can't bear the itching, and die in madness.

Although Feng Devil Poison Palm is powerful, the comprehensive toxins of various snake venoms in Pei Ze's body have also become part of his body, and the toxins are equivalent to his body's vitality.

Random use of any toxin will cause damage to his body.

Sealing the Devil's Poison Palm is a nirvana, and it must not be used or abused until the critical moment.

Jun Mohuang's current situation is indeed very bad. Drops of cold sweat continued to slide down from her forehead, dripping down the delicate chin onto the placket.

Her mind was dizzy, like a pot of boiling water, all kinds of uncomfortable and irritable emotions kept surging in her mind.

Jun Mohuang's whole body is weak and weak, but the whole person is extremely irritable. No matter how strong she wants to calm this chaotic mood, it will always be of no avail.

It took less than a minute, Pei Ze's toxin was so powerful, if she continued to do this, she would definitely lose her mind and go crazy.

"Huang'er, don't be afraid, use the ink-colored flame in your body"

Just when Jun Mohuang's mind was in chaos and was about to be unsupported, Di Lingtian's voice was like a clear spring, soothing her irritable emotions and nerves.

With a thought of Jun Mohuang, the ink-colored flame entrenched on the eight-story spiritual platform quickly followed her meridians and walked to the arms of her hands.

Toxins as thick as ink were actually burned completely by the ink flame.

Jun Mohuang immediately concentrated his energies and scorched the toxins in the meridians of his hands with the ink flame.

Among the sleeves, Jun Mohuang had already turned into a black arm, and slowly began to recover, and his body became more and more relaxed.

But her hands were still strangely black, so whether it was Pei Ze, other bystanders or everyone in the Thousand Fantasy Academy, they thought she was still suffering from toxins.

This includes Zishuilan.

Seeing Jun Mohuang's small face pale and cold sweat, he felt distressed.

But seeing that Di Lingtian beside him was still indifferent and turned a blind eye to it, he couldn't help but feel furious.

"Mo Phoenix is ​​so painful, you are still indifferent to heartfelt, in vain that she likes you so much! You are not worthy of her likes at all!"

If it were not for his inability to break the barrier and relieve Jun Mohuang's pain, he would definitely step forward immediately.

Even he was willing to suffer instead of Jun Mohuang.

"Zishuilan, you are really sad, you don't know anything at all."

Di Lingtian didn't care about him this time, but just glanced at him indifferently, leaving behind these words and averted his gaze.


Di Lingtian's words were not marginal, but like a heavy hammer, hammering on Zi Shuilan's heart.

A lot of information flashed through his mind, but he couldn't catch anything.

Intuition told him that Di Lingtian's words contained extremely important information.

Zi Shuilan was about to ask him what he meant, Feng Yunqi beside him already yelled happily: "Look, boss's toxin is retreating!"

(End of this chapter)

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