Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 924: Jun Mohuang Poisoning 2

Chapter 924 Jun Mo Phoenix Poisoning 2

Jun Mohuang only felt his palms tingle and itchy, and when he raised his hands, his little white hands had turned black.

The weird black color spread on her little hand at a speed visible to the naked eye, spread to the wrist in a flash, and continued to spread.

At the same time, the black on the skin penetrates into the muscles and reaches the meridians.

The black air, like a thick ink, penetrated into the meridians of Jun Mohuang's hand and wandered towards her heart.

Jun Mohuang felt a group of shaking in front of him, and his vision gradually became blurred.

"This... this is actually the palm of the devil!"

"Pei Ze actually practiced the devil's poisonous palm, do you want to go against the sky? It's amazing!"

"Hey, the poisonous palm of Demon Sealing is very toxic, and there is no cure in the world. Jun Mohuang caress about the poisonous palm of Demon Sealing Pei Ze, and it is impossible to make it."

When everyone in the audience saw this sudden scene, they all stared at Jun Mohuang's small black hands in a daze.

But soon, someone recognized Pei Ze's move just now.

Sealing the Devil's Poison Palm means that even the devil can be sealed, not to mention the mere cultivators.

Although they don't know what a monster is, in short, it sounds more powerful than a cultivator.

"Pei Ze has practiced to become the devil's poisonous palm. This time, the top four-star power in the Star Ranking Tournament is the Lingxiaozong!"

In fact, they were polite to say this. Pei Ze, who had become the seal of the poisonous palm, was a mobile poison storehouse.

As long as he draws out the toxins in his body, others will kill him if he touches him. I am afraid that Ling Xiaozong won the title of five-star power without a problem.

Sect Master Peng of the High Heaven Sect was overjoyed, and he got up from his seat in excitement, almost shouting in applause.

He didn't even know that Pei Ze had become the Devil's Poisonous Palm. No matter what, if Ling Xiao Sect was awarded the title of five-star power this time, who would care that Ling Xiao Sect had been deflated in the Thousand Fantasy Academy.

"What to do, the boss is poisoned! Pei Ze is so cruel, he can't beat the poison, and he still casts a 9th-level spiritual realm strong, I think he is a despicable and shameless villain!"

Compared with Sect Master Peng's joyous mood, Thousand Fantasy Academy is indeed so nervous that even the heart is raised.

But when they saw Di Lingtian here, they were relieved at the same time.

Di Lingtian was here, he would never leave Jun Mohuang alone.

When Jun Mohuang heard the discussion from the audience, her brows frowned. She had used the power of induction to see that Pei Ze was surrounded by a faint black aura.

Her power of induction is not very strong now, and she can't see exactly what's wrong with him.

Unexpectedly, the black energy on Pei Ze was actually a toxin.

The toxin that can exist in Pei Ze must be very powerful.

There is no anti-toxicity in her body, and there is no pill that can solve this toxicity.

Jun Mohuang now has pale face, dizziness, cold sweat all over his forehead, soft limbs, and symptoms of poisoning are increasing.

The black air has spread ten centimeters above her wrist.

Jun Mohuang immediately sat cross-legged on the high platform, carrying aura to resist the spread of toxins.

"Huh, stinky girl, it's useless, there is no cure for my toxin in the world, you just wait to be tortured to death."

Seeing that her small hands were dark, Pei Ze felt very relieved.

To cultivate into the Conferred Venom Palm, you must practice the latent shadow of the spirit snake, and then continuously take the poison of the snake, and the snake venom tempers the body.

Until the body can't stand it, the snake gall is taken to detoxify.

(End of this chapter)

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