Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 867: Lost Dog 4

Chapter 867 Lost Dog 4

Elder Luo and the other two elders were all glamorous.

"All three elders taught well. Our disciples of the Feiyun Sect, dealing with a bunch of trash in the Thousand Fantasy Academy, is not easy to catch."

The other disciples of Feiyun Sect also showed joy when they heard it, and they were full of disdain when they mentioned Thousand Fantasy Academy.

But as soon as their words fell, there was a loud noise from the courtyard gate, and two carved wooden doors suddenly flew out and approached the three elders.

The three elders immediately got up and dodged. In the process of getting up, no half of the tea in their hands overflowed, which shows the strength of the three.

However, the Feiyun Sect disciples behind them were weak and unable to dodge in time. They were directly hit by two wooden doors, and they were immediately hit by a large area.

The three elders of Feiyun Sect turned their heads and saw that a disciple of Feiyun Sect of more than ten meters was smashed to the ground by two wooden doors.

The three of them were angry, and Elder Luo looked forward and shouted, "Who dares to be wild in the Feiyun Sect...Ah!"

Before Elder Luo's words fell, his eyes flickered again, and countless figures rushed toward the three elders.

The three of them had just turned their heads to check the situation of the Feiyunzong disciples behind them, and several silhouettes had already rushed in.

Even though the strength of the three elders had reached the eighth level of the Forge Spirit Realm, they were still smashed.

The three of them were smashed back several steps to stabilize their figure, all the hair crowns on their heads were smashed crookedly, and their faces were blurred by the blood on these people.

What is even more tragic is that all three of them had hot tea in their hands. Under this smash, all the tea was poured on the faces and hands of the three of them.

For a time, the three Feiyunzong elders had crooked hair crowns, blood stains on their brocade clothes and faces, and their faces and hands were burned red and painful, quite embarrassed.

They lowered their heads and saw that the figures that hit them turned out to be the disciples who had just been sent to rob the courtyard of the Thousand Fantasy Academy.

But the three elders were extremely annoyed, and they had no brains to think about what was going on.

Elder Luo stared at his burnt red hands and yelled: "Who, who is it! Hurry up and get out of this elder!"

The other disciples of Feiyunzong saw the embarrassed appearance of the three elders, and they all felt like they were facing a major enemy.

The three elders were both frightened and apprehensive in their hearts, so wouldn't they be unable to resist.

"You Feiyun Sect people said that as a trash, you should sleep in the bridge hole and live in the beggar's den. I don't know what the three elders have any suggestions."

A clear and charming female voice sounded, and a fiery red figure swept into the courtyard like the wind.

A young girl was petite, with a delicate face. She leaned casually on the door frame without a wooden door, and she twirled the strands of hair hanging on her chest.

The three elders and disciples of the Feiyun Sect thought that a very powerful man had come, but they found that only Jun Mohuang was a first-order waste in the casting realm, and immediately gave birth to arrogance and contempt.

"Huh, who is the old man? It turned out to be a trash from Thousand Fantasy Academy!"

"Yes, the waste should not only sleep in the bridge hole and live in the beggar's den, but also the moldy cold steamed buns with every leftover meal!"

"Everyone, can you hear? Feiyunzong's wastes actively asked to sleep in the bridge hole, live in the beggar's den, eat leftovers, rotten vegetables and moldy cold steamed buns, our Thousand Fantasy Academy is based on the principle of being good people and doing good things, right Should satisfy them to the end."

Jun Mohuang turned his head slightly, and said to the people in Qianhuan Academy behind him.

End of today

(End of this chapter)

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