Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 866: Lost Dog 3

Chapter 866 Lost Dog 3

"Hmph, you heard it, the trash of Thousand Fantasy Academy, we are robbing your residence, it is in line with the rules of the Star City, and those who are acquainted should get out and let the residence out!"

The people of Feiyun Sect laughed more arrogantly after hearing the words of the great elder.

"You want us to give up our residence, then where do we live."

Jun Mohuang was not angry, but his tone was very good.

The students at Thousand Fantasy Academy didn't know what she meant, and although they were very angry, they were all restrained.

"Hahahaha, it's our business where you live, like your Thousand Fantasy Academy, you should sleep on the bridge and live in the beggar's den!"

The disciples of Feiyun Sect only thought that Jun Mohuang said this in this tone because he was afraid in his heart, and immediately burst into laughter.

"So the waste should sleep in the bridge hole and live in the beggar's den."

Jun Mohuang's exquisite black jewel-like eyes rolled, and the corners of his lips curled up with a malicious smile.

Di Lingtian glanced at the corners of her curled lips and the sly light in her eyes, and knew in his heart that the Feiyun Sect group would soon be out of luck.

Sure enough, as soon as this thought flashed through Di Lingtian's mind, Jun Mohuang smiled and said:

"Have you heard that these Feiyun Sect's wastes want to sleep in the bridge hole and live in the beggar's den. Don't be soft on your hands, and you must fulfill the wish of this bunch of wastes."

"I heard, school girl. This group of trash actually wants to sleep in the bridge hole and the beggar's den, then we all can fulfill him!"

The students of Thousand Fantasy Academy answered loudly with excitement, while taking out their weapons, making moves, no more nonsense, and directly attacked the people of Feiyun Sect.

"Bold, you **** group actually insulted Feiyunzong! Even if you dare to attack, it's just looking for death... Ah!"

The people of Feiyun Sect were very angry when they heard Jun Mohuang's words.

The leader of the Feiyun Sect drew his sword before he finished speaking. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his heart, and the sky was spinning before his eyes. When he reacted, he fell to the ground on all sides and couldn't get up again.

It turned out that he was kicked to the ground by a student of Thousand Fantasy Academy.

The students of Thousand Fantasy Academy have been affected by Feiyunzong's anger since they were at the gate of the city, and they have only been suppressed until now. Once they broke out, the attack was extremely accurate and extremely cruel.

Among the 30 disciples of Feiyunzong who came to grab the courtyard, twenty-four were at the third level of the casting realm, four were at the fourth level of the casting realm, and two were at the fifth level of the casting spirit.

But within half a minute, the twenty Feiyunzong disciples who came to grab the courtyard were knocked to the ground, each holding their chests and vomiting blood.

All the Yunzong disciples showed horror, aren't these people in the Thousand Fantasy Academy only have the strength of the first and second tiers of the Forge Spirit Realm, how can their combat power be so terrifying.

During the whole fight, they had no power to fight back at all, and they were completely beaten.

After finishing playing the academy of the Thousand Fantasy Academy, these people were directly mentioned, and everyone was dispatched to the courtyard where the Feiyun Sect was located next door.

In the yard next door, the three elders of Feiyun Sect were drinking tea leisurely, and the other disciples were also talking and laughing, quite leisurely.

They just waited for the twenty disciples sent out to drive out all the students from Thousand Fantasy Academy.

When he heard the sound of fighting sounded next door and lasted for only half a minute and then stopped, Elder Luo comfortably covered the tea bowl in Gai's hand.

"Well, that's right, so soon you have smashed the trash from Thousand Fantasy Academy to the ground, it seems that the actual combat ability of these little guys has improved a lot."

(End of this chapter)

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