Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 860: Public Confession 4

Chapter 860 Public confession 4

" just killed all the people like this! I haven't caught the Yao family and asked about the whereabouts of Yao Shangtian!"

While everyone in Thousand Fantasy Academy feared Emperor Lingtian, Jun Mohuang was a little unhappy.

"What are you afraid of, Yaojia is dead this time, where Yao Shangtian still lives, it will definitely appear."

Di Lingtian stretched out his hand and followed Shunjun Mohuang's hair, with an obvious seductive tone.

"Hmph, you don't fool around as I want, if you do this in the future, I won't go back with you!"

This back, of course, back to the Nine Nether World.

But in front of everyone, she is inconvenient to say so directly.

Jun Mohuang was still annoyed, and she was not stupid. Of course, she knew that Yao Shangtian would definitely be unable to sit still.

She was angry that Di Lingtian did not act according to her intentions.

Jun Mohuang originally wanted to kill the Yao family by himself and Qian Huan Academy, leaving a Yao Bu Ting to collect the corpse, and then forced Yao Shangtian to come out and ask about the things that year.

"Well, I won't be like this next time..."

Di Lingtian looked at her angrily, like a fried-haired kitten, very cute.

He held her in his arms, and kept stroking Jun Mohuang's hair, continuing to smooth the hair.

He had learned from Jun Jianren that the robbing of the Phoenix Crystal in Jun Mohuang's body was related to the Medicine Master, and he wanted to do this.

He still let Jun Mohuang mean and waited until now to start.

But there was one sentence she said wrong just now, but not all of the eight people in the medicine family died.

There is one person, even if he sends a full blow on the Cangyuan Continent, he can only be severely injured, not killed.

Everyone turned their heads silently.

It was really hard for them to imagine that the Emperor Lingtian who threatened to put all medicine family to death, regardless of men, women, old and children, and beat the medicine family to ashes with a powerful blow, was so gentle when he coaxed Jun Mohuang.

School Sister Jun Mohuang is also bold, and she didn't seem to be afraid of the scene just now.


Five kilometers away from here, a huge flying beast rushed across the sky, swiftly driving towards the Star City.

On this flying beast, there are men and women, young and old, with more than seventy people, most of them young people.

All these young people are full of energy and full of energy, and their strength is about the seventh stage of the casting spirit realm.

There is even a small wave of young people who have reached the eighth stage of the Forge Spirit Realm, and there are even three of them who have reached the horrible Ninth Stage of the Forge Spirit Realm.

Obviously, these people also came to participate in the Star Power Contest held in Star City.

Take a closer look, each of them is embroidered with five golden six-pointed stars on their collars.

It was a certain five-star force in Cangyuan Continent.

They saw that somewhere in front of the mountain peak was suddenly broken by a red spirit balloon, and the three old men leading the team suddenly changed their complexions.

This kind of powerful attack must be a super strong.

"Good attack power, let's go up and see who is the strong one."

A group of people catalyzed the speed of flying monsters to the extreme. When they arrived at the site of the incident, the people from Thousand Fantasy Academy had already left.

The three old men showed a pity and couldn't make friends with this super strong man.

The group flew to the broken mountain again, and saw that the mountain had been broken in half, and there was dust everywhere.

"Three elders, there are living people down there!"

The group of five-star forces had sharp eyes, and someone immediately found a **** body twisting in the dust in the sky.

The update is complete today.

(End of this chapter)

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