Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 859: Public confession 3

Chapter 859 Public confession 3

His tone was light, and his expression was light and breezy, as if talking about the weather today is normal.

Yao Bilian's face was pale, even if she was obsessed with Emperor Lingtian no matter how much she heard him say "Amiao Agou", "Yao people, men and women, young and old Ling Chi executed" etc., she already understood that not only was he always there, I also felt that Jun Mohuang was too soft-hearted to deal with the medicine family.

He didn't like her at all, even if he knew the true face of Jun Mohuang.

The group of people in Thousand Fantasy Academy and the pharmacists all had scalp tingling and shuddering.

Regardless of men, women, young and old, they were all put to death, this...this is too cruel, even Jun Mohuang frowned.

Di Lingtian keenly sensed her emotions and thought that his family Huanger was still too kind.

Since the Yao family acted as Luo Chen's lackeys in Cangyuan Continent and participated in the removal of Huang'er's Huang Jing, of course the whole family should be blamed.

As long as all forces involved in this matter, no matter how big or small, they should be like this.

This thought flashed in Di Lingtian's heart, holding Jun Mohuang in his right hand, flipping his left wrist, and a huge red spirit balloon suddenly formed in his hand.

The traces of blood-red spiritual energy were extinguished, exuding blood-colored light, lingering on it, even more strange.

This huge energy spirit balloon suddenly appeared, and suddenly there was a violent wind around it, and the wind was surging.

This is a sign that the energy is too great, which has aroused a reaction in this world.

Di Lingtian pushed directly with his wrist, and this huge red spirit balloon slammed directly into the medicine family.

In the gusty wind, everyone on the Flying Monsters had already been locked, and they couldn't even move their fingers.

In the face of the huge spiritual balloon that suddenly came, the eight of them had weak legs, cold sweats all over their bodies, and hair standing upright, and the fear and despair in their hearts reached the extreme.

The red spirit balloon instantly swallowed the Eight Medicine Masters, wrapped the Eight Medicine Masters and the Flying Monsters of the Medicine Master, and smashed them toward a mountain a kilometer away.

Where the spirit balloon passed, countless dense forests were turned into powder.

With a loud bang, the mountain peak that was hit was cut off directly and flattened in half, and a gray mushroom cloud rose from the horizon.

All the students in the Thousand Fantasy Academy were so scared that they could not speak at Di Lingtian's shocking blow, and then looked at Di Lingtian in awe and admiration.

They have not seen such a powerful attack in their entire lives, and I am afraid they will never see it again in this lifetime.

Needless to say, under such a powerful blow, the eight members of the Medicine Family and the flying monsters must have become a pool of blood and mud, annihilating the world.

The Great Elder and the Sixth Elder glanced at each other, and both saw shock in each other's eyes.

Di Lingtian's attack was extremely powerful, and it was bound to be a blow with all his strength.

But their respective full blows would not be so strong.

Di Lingtian is so young, yet so powerful.

I don't know whether he is from the mainland power. No, they all have the impression of the outstanding younger generation of Cangyuan mainland. He should not be from Cangyuan mainland.

The elder looked at Jun Mohuang anxiously. It is not a good thing for the husband-in-law to be too strong, in case...what if he bullies Jun Mohuang in the future.

She couldn't find a helper to help.

Yun Lan raised his sword eyebrows lightly, this man was stronger than he thought.

However, a strong crisis arose in Zi Shuilan's heart. Di Lingtian was already strong as a servant. He had to surpass him if he wanted to pursue the success of Jun Mohuang.

If they knew that this was just a casual blow from Di Lingtian, they would probably have their chin falling in fright.

(End of this chapter)

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