Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 856: Exhale 5

Chapter 856

Thinking that when she first set out, she dismissed the people from the Thousand Fantasy Academy and didn't care at all.

However, from what she saw and heard along the way, the people in Thousand Fantasy Academy had become evil spirits who got up from **** to kill her.

Now only seven people remain in the team of Pharmacists.

Although Thousand Fantasy Academy kills five people every day, she might not be her turn.

But they will be able to enter the realm of Star City tomorrow. After entering the realm of Star City, the people of Thousand Fantasy Academy will not dare to kill people.

Doesn't this mean that the people in Thousand Fantasy Academy will kill everyone except Yao Bu Ting today.

Then only one Yao Bu Ting was left to collect the body for everyone.

She was only fifteen years old, she had a great time, she hadn't even seen her father, she didn't want to die.

"What else can we do, we must do our best today to enter the realm of Star City."

Yao Xuan had a solemn face. In the past nineteen days, he had been chased all the way. He had a strong body, but every time he was beaten by Jun Mohuang and Yun Lan.

Not to mention these two people, he was narcissistic even dealing with them, and both Zi Shuilan and Jun Jianlin felt strenuous.

And behind the Thousand Fantasy Academy, there is another Di Lingtian who has never appeared, but has always been there.

The Yao family had no choice but to flee desperately.

"Xuan'er was right, and this is the only way to do that."

Yao Buting was also ashamed of his experience during this period.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. Now is not the time to care about these things. It is more important to report your life first and save it.

"Big brother, I hate it, I can't swallow this breath! Today Jun Mohuang dares to come, this young lady will fight her!"

Yao Jiaying bit her silver teeth with hatred and squeezed her fists.

She hadn't planned to participate in the Star Strength Ranking Tournament with the Yao family. Later, after the message from Yao Xuan, she learned that Jun Mohuang was not dead, but the strength became very strange.

Yao Jiaying regards Jun Mohuang as a lifelong enemy, and can't wait to tear her to pieces, and will now lead the pharmacist elite to support the pharmacist.

He vowed to hack Jun Mohuang to death and avenge Lin Hao, but he was chased by Jun Mohuang in an extremely embarrassing situation.

Yao Buting said in disapproval, "How old are you, what nonsense! Sister, as long as Xuan'er attracts the attention of the people above, you can reunite with your brother-in-law, and you will be able to reunite with your brother-in-law in the Bafang Mysterious Realm. I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with a Monarch Mohuang, and Qianhuan Academy?!"

"Brother, you are right. My husband will definitely avenge my humiliation for the nineteen days and the murder of Haoer!"

Yao Jiaying bit Yinya into a "cuckling", her personality is arrogant and arrogant, it is already extremely difficult to achieve this step.

At the moment, the members of the medicine family tried their best to drive the flying monsters under them to fly to the boundary of Star City.

But their luck was very bad, and it took less than half an hour to fly, and a group of Qianhuan Academy chased after them.

"Oh, in front, who are those people who are exhausted, who are terribly afraid of death."

"Well, let me see, I really think it's the number one family in the Southern Territory, a member of the Medicine Family."

"You're wrong, the medicine family is the largest family in the Southern Territory, and the medicine family has always claimed to be strong, so how could it be exhausted to escape? It's shameful!"

"Hey, is it right? Let's try it out."

The students of Thousand Fantasy Academy saw the Yao Family running desperately in front, and immediately understood their intentions.

Feng Yunqi took the lead and joked with the other students about the pharmacist.

Speaking of the back, Meng Yu took out a bow and aimed an arrow at the Yao family who was rushing forward.

The update is complete today.

(End of this chapter)

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