Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 855: Exciting 4

Chapter 855 Exciting 4

Seeing that this person was no longer useful, Di Lingtian flicked his sleeves and threw down Yao Bu Ting with vigor.

Yao Bu Ting's body was volley, and when he saw the ground, he had to make intimate contact with himself before waking up from Emperor Lingtian's pupil technique.

He yelled, and his body landed with a loud "bang".

The Grand Elder, the Sixth Elder, and other students who were born in the Southern Territory family all exchanged glances.

I thought it was no wonder that Medicine Master suddenly began to rise strongly more than four years ago. It turned out that this was actually related to Jun Mohuang.

I just don't know who the Medicine Master made a deal with by depriving her of her talent and strength.

The people at Thousand Fantasy Academy hated the pharmacist even more.

For the next half month, the Yao family was in an extremely embarrassed state.

Yao Bu Ting did not die after being dropped by Di Lingtian from the flying monster. Instead, he plunged into the soil, buried his waist with soil, and exposed the rest of his body.

He was seriously injured and fell like this, and almost fainted, and he didn't have the strength to pull himself up.

Later, Yao Xuan led the Yao family to rush and pulled Yao Bu Ting out of the ground like a carrot.

Yao Bu Ting was pulled out, the hair on his face and the other upper body were covered with soil, and he even poured a big mouthful of soil in his mouth.

He spit out the dirt in his mouth for the first time, and screamed all the people in Qianhuan Academy before he stopped.

After the return of Yao Bu Ting, Yao Xuan and the Yao family were calm, and the group continued to take the flying beast to Danyue City.

But at this point, the pharmacist fell into a nightmare.

A group of people from Thousand Fantasy Academy came to kill five people every day.

No more, no more, after killing five people, they will laugh and leave, never staying.

Even after the Yao family arrived in Danyue City and found Master Ye Mi, Qianhuan Academy would still kill them every day.

Because those Southern Territory powerhouses who owe Master Ye Mi's favor are between the fourth to the eighth level of the Forge Spirit Realm, they can't pose a threat to Qianhuan Academy at all.

Every time a strong foreign aid comes, the pharmacist is full of joy and hopes that these strong will kill the people of the Thousand Fantasy Academy to kneel and beg for mercy, and never dare to harass the pharmacist again.

As a result, it was the people of Thousand Fantasy Academy who killed these strong men, crying for father and mother, and no longer dared to protect the medicine master.

The strong support sent by the medicine family was also useless, and the people at the Thousand Fantasy Academy still chased the medicine family around like a bereaved dog.

Five of the Yao family members died every day, and indeed, as the academies of the Thousand Fantasy Academy said, the Yao Bu Ting family members collected their bodies all the way.

For nineteen consecutive days, the Yao family was in panic all day long, waking up every day and on the road, worried that they would be killed by the people of the Thousand Fantasy Academy this day.

Will it be one of the five who died today?

In the middle of their hearts, everyone was looking forward to reaching Star City as soon as possible. After reaching the boundary of Star City, the people in Thousand Fantasy Academy would not dare to be so arrogant.

Until the twentieth day, there were only seven members of Yao Bilian, Yao Buting, Yao Xuan, Lin Yan and Yao Jiaying, Master Ye Mi and Su Zhiyu, among the mighty group of people in the Yao Family.

The first batch of seeded pharmacists had already died.

Including these days, the pharmacist elites sent from the Southern Territory Pharmacists to protect the pharmacist family were all killed by the people of the Thousand Fantasy Academy, but only one Yao Jiaying remained.

"Uncle, mother, what are we going to do."

Lin Yan looked at Yao Buting and Yao Jiaying, her face pale, and her voice was trembling.

(End of this chapter)

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