Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 848: Polished Commander 4

Chapter 848 Polished Commander 4

Therefore, what these two survivors said is most likely true.

Some medicine family members who were not firm in their minds suddenly felt a sense of fear when they saw the corpse hacked to death at their feet.

"Pretending to be gods and ghosts, the people of Thousand Fantasy Academy will do their own hands, develop the ambitions of others, and destroy their own prestige! When this kind of thing happens, there must be a strong person helping Thousand Fantasy Academy secretly, otherwise, with the strength of that group of wastes, how could this be possible? This kind of ability! It must be that you did not see clearly when you were seriously injured, so you came back and talked indiscriminately, disturbing the military spirit, **** it!"

Lin Yan saw the scared expressions on the faces of some medicine family members, and couldn't help being furious, and kicked the second survivor in the feet.

The poor second survivor was kicked by Lin Yan again from the flying monster and fell directly to death.

"The cousin is right. This must be the hand of Jun Mohuang's man. In any case, we still have to be careful in the future."

Yao Xuan suddenly remembered how he was nearly killed by Emperor Lingtian half a year ago, and he couldn't help feeling horrified.

Prior to this, the pharmacist did not take Emperor Lingtian into consideration for the various aspects of Jun Mohuang and Qianhuan Academy.

And after seeing that Emperor Lingtian never appeared again, the pharmacist thought that Emperor Lingtian had abandoned Jun Mohuang, so he never took him seriously.

Until now, even the person in charge of Yaoxuan did not remember that there was Emperor Lingtian behind Jun Mohuang.

Lin Yan heard him talk about Di Lingtian, and thought that she was trying to slap Jun Mohuang at the time, but she was slapped flying by the palm of Di Lingtian. She had been lying in bed for half a year before recovering from the injury, and she became even more angry.

Yao Bilian heard Di Lingtian, but her eyes suddenly brightened.

It's Young Master Ling...great, after half a year, she can finally see Young Master Ling who has been thinking about it!

Yao Buting asked with condensed eyebrows: "Xuan'er, you fought against Jun Mohuang's man at that time, how strong is his strength?"

Yao Xuan replied: "I am afraid it is the late eighth stage of the Naling Realm."

In the realm of the Naling Realm, unless there is a technique to understand the power of the elements, or there are other adventures, it is a world difference if one ranks less than the fighting power.

At that time, Yaoxuan was still at the fifth stage of the Naling Realm, and he was beaten with no power to fight back. He could even feel that Emperor Lingtian could kill him with a single palm.

Therefore, he speculated that Emperor Lingtian's strength was in the late eighth stage of the Naling Realm, which was reasonable and well-founded.

If Yao Xuan's words were heard by Chi Chi and Zi Zi, they would surely laugh out loud.

The medicine family is really hopeless.

In fact, Yao Xuan cannot be blamed. After all, in Cangyuan Continent, the highest strength is no more than the 9th-order Great Perfection of the Spirit Realm.

What's more, Emperor Lingtian is young and gentle, and it is bound to be impossible to cultivate to the ninth rank.

"Huh, it's only the late stage of the eighth stage of the Forge Spirit Realm, and I dare to be so arrogant. When the five old men join hands, they will definitely capture the men of Jun Mohuang, and then kill the gang of waste from the Qianhuan Academy! "

One of the elders of the Medicine Family snorted disdainfully.

In the late stage of the eighth stage of the forging spirit realm, the seed players of the killer pharmacist were easy, but the five elders that the pharmacist came with this time were the lowest in the early stage of the eighth stage of the forging spirit realm.

The elder who was speaking was even more powerful, and his strength was already in the early stage of the ninth stage of the Naling Realm.

In their view, five against one, of course, is easy to catch, without suspense.

The old man in the early stage of the ninth stage of the casting spirit said to Yao Buting: "Patriarch, you stay and stabilize everyone's emotions. The old man will come back when he goes to kill a few people."

(End of this chapter)

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