Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 847: Polished Commander 3

Chapter 847 Polished Commander 3

"What, you said that the nine medicine family members were all killed by students from the Thousand Fantasy Academy, not by the two elders?!"

Yao Buting clutched this person's shoulders in disbelief, his pupils dilated, and his face was full of disbelief.

How could the students of Thousand Fantasy Academy have such strength!

That was the elite of the ten fourth-level casting spirit realm, the younger generation of pharmacists.

A group of wastes from the Thousand Fantasy Academy, whose strength is no more than the first and second tiers of the Forge Spirit Realm, kills the elite of the younger generation of pharmacists as simple and casual as cutting melons and vegetables.

"Yes...Yes, even Yun Lan from Thousand Fantasy Academy didn't do anything. It was... it was Jun Mohuang who killed those students with those students. And... and the second wave of Yao family members were killed by them. ."

The person who came back to report was caught by Yao Bu Ting and suddenly spit out another mouthful of blood.

Thinking of the **** scene of the sword, the light and the sword, the blood splattered before, this old man who was lucky enough to be alive couldn't help his face pale, and his whole body shuddered.

He gently lifted his finger, and ten bodies were removed from his space ring.

The pharmacists heard this, and saw ten more corpses, all of them stunned.

They immediately recognized that these ten people were the ten seeded players who were going to intercept and kill Thousand Fantasy Academy in the second wave.

Think about it a few days ago, these ten people were still alive, but now they turned into cold corpses lying here stiff.

The two elders and Yun Lan didn't take any action. When did the trash of Thousand Fantasy Academy have such a terrifying combat effectiveness!

"Jun...Jun Mohuang wants me... to bring these corpses back, and by the way... tell the Patriarch again, everyone in the Yao Family should be... be prepared to become like this."

This survivor was originally seriously injured, and was pinched by Yao Bu Ting. He even spoke intermittently. It was very difficult, as if he was about to lose his breath at any time.

"No, this thing is impossible, this thing is absolutely impossible! There must be something else hidden here, you are talking nonsense, it is definitely not a student of the Thousand Fantasy Academy who killed someone!"

Lin Yan couldn't accept it first, and walked over and kicked the person off the flying monster.

Jun Mohuang has become a waste now, how could it be possible to kill the Yao family!

Moreover, that waste actually uttered a rant, and wanted to turn all the medicine people into corpses!

Lin Yan absolutely cannot accept this fact.

The poor man was suddenly kicked off the Flying Monster. After making a scream, he fell hundreds of meters into the air and fell directly to his death.

Yao Bu Ting and the rest of the Yao Family were noncommittal about Lin Yan's actions, because they didn't believe what this person said.

But half a day later, another survivor of the medicine family who was covered in blood and seriously injured appeared again.

This time the survivor is the third wave sent by Pharmacists to intercept the seeded players of the Thousand Fantasy Academy.

His experience and narration are exactly the same as those of the first survivor.

They all went to kill people with confidence, and they ended up being strongly counter-killed.

The words of the first survivor, the medicine family did not believe, and the words of the second survivor, the medicine family's hearts had begun to shake a little.

The first person is a liar, so is the second person also a liar?

The first person has another secret, so is the battle that the second person encountered?

Rarely seen.

Even if the Thousand Fantasy Academy is ready to ambush in advance, it is necessary to accurately calculate the time and place.

Four times in a row, it is impossible for Thousand Fantasy Academy to count the time and place of the Medicine Master's sneak attack.

Updated today

(End of this chapter)

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