Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 820: Strange Test 3

Chapter 820 Exotic Test 3

Jun Mohuang secretly complained about what kind of a weird world this was, and the non-human creatures in it had such a grandiose aesthetic, and she was also drunk.

In the center of the square, there is a golden high platform with a dozen stoves, pots and pans, and various ingredients on it.

A banner hung on the high platform, saying: "Dragon City Food Festival."

On the side of the stove on the high platform, no one stood behind and kept waving their spatula. These chefs were dressed normally, all dressed in ordinary clothes.

Sitting on the side of the high platform are several people who wear gold and silver, and the gold and silver jewelry all over their bodies can blind people.

Someone kept cutting off the dishes prepared by the chefs in front of these people. These people kept their saliva while tasting them. They seemed to be judges.

Their criteria for judging whether a generation of food is good or not is very strange, it depends on how much the judges drool.

The more, the more delicious the dish.

Even if drooling is the criterion for judging, what makes Jun Mohuang speechless is that the color of the saliva from these judges is the same as their respective hair color and pupil color.

The scent of the dishes under the high platform drifted to the audience, and everyone under the stage began to retain four colors of saliva.

Jun Mohuang looked down at the stage, and the judges and the audience with golden, silver, cyan and gray saliva from time to time rubbed their foreheads silently.

What the **** is this place, what kind of magical creatures it is?

What kind of test is it, let her go quickly.

At this moment, a message came into Jun Mohuang's mind.

"Enter the ninth level of test requirements and win the first place in this Tianlongcheng Food Festival."

Jun Mohuang just wanted to leave this golden and drooling place quickly and immediately go to the registration office to sign up.

Two days later, Jun Mohuang relied on his superb cooking skills to reach the preliminary rounds, semi-finals, and finals, and finally won the first place.

After she successfully passed the test, a silver light enveloped her, and she returned to the top of the nine-story Silver Moon Tower this time.

The ninth layer of space, unlike the other eight layers, is an empty starry sky.

Jun Mohuang stood volley in the void, surrounded by pitch black, with no margins in sight. There were only nine dazzling silver stars across the darkness.

Nine silver stars flashed across the dark void.

Obviously, these nine silver stars are the nine silver moon celestial glaze in the ninth tower.

But their speed was too fast, already surpassing Jun Mohuang's fastest speed. In the void, she only saw nine silver afterimages.

It can be seen that it will be very difficult to collect these nine stars.

Jun Mohuang tried it first, using the combination of Lingyun Step and Teleportation to chase the nine stars for three days and three nights, but found that they still couldn't keep up with the speed of the nine silver moon celestial glazes.

If you can't keep up with the speed, you can't capture these nine silver moon celestial glazes.

Continue to catch up like this, she will never catch these nine.

Jun Mohuang changed his strategy and did the opposite.

During the three days of chasing Nine Stars, she had already figured out the movement patterns of Nine Silver Moon Celestials.

Jun Mohuang stood directly on the only way of the silver moon fairy glaze, and when the silver moon celestial glaze came at high speed and was only two meters away from him, he directly bombarded with the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix Art.

Use the bombardment of the Nine Layers of Flame Phoenix Technique to reduce the speed of Yinyue Xianli, and then take the opportunity to capture it.

After this period of training, Jun Mohuang's Nine Layers of Flame Phoenix Art has been cultivated to the second level, and one performance activates two Nine Feather Phoenix phantoms.

(End of this chapter)

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