Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 819: Exotic Test 2

Chapter 819 Strange Test 2

This must be the so-called ten judges. The people who appeared when the nine-story Silver Moon Tower gave the test were not real people, but just ghosts transformed from spiritual energy.

These ten judges are naturally no exception.

After the ten judges appeared, without even looking at Jun Mohuang, he walked to the table and began to eat her dishes.

After eating the first bite of one of them, all ten people showed shocked expressions, and a stream of water came out of their mouths.

The ten judges didn't even care to wipe their saliva and began to **** the dancing dishes on the table.

This amount has exceeded ten drops.

Ten drops, after Jun Mohuang successfully passed the test, a silver light enveloped her and immediately transported her to the eighth floor of the Nine-story Silver Moon Tower.

The silver moon fairy glaze on the eighth layer is the size of an apple.

There are only 30 silver moon celestial glaze in this layer.

The larger the size, it means that these silver moon fairy glaze are more spiritual and harder to capture.

For these thirty silver moon celestial glazes, it took Jun Mohuang four days to capture them all.

After capturing the eighth layer of silver moon fairy glaze, Jun Mohuang entered the Phoenix jade space and rested for a long time before finding the examination place leading to the ninth layer and placing his palm on top of the silver metal cube.

This time it was the same as the last time, after another burst of light and shadow, Jun Mohuang was transported to a square.

The square was very lively, densely packed with people, everyone gathered in twos and threes, discussing something enthusiastically.

The people here were not surprised at the sudden appearance of Jun Mohuang, they just glanced at her, and then quickly turned to continue the discussion.

Jun Mohuang first looked up and found that the square he was in was very large.

The tall buildings surround the entire square, and it seems that she is now in a city.

What Jun Mohuang couldn't accept was that the buildings around the square were all inlaid with silver and inlaid with gems of various colors, magnificent, and shining in the sun.

The people around you, whether men, women or children, are all handsome and extraordinary.

Their hair is the same color as the pupils of the eyes, and they are gold, silver, cyan, and gray.

There is a scale the size of a thumb nail on the center of the forehead. The color of the scales is the same as the color of the hair color pupil.

Looking at the appearance of these people, it is clear that they are not human at all.

The clothing of these people is also very flamboyant, the style of painting is exactly the same as that of the surrounding buildings, and all of them wear gold and silver.

The handsome young man to the left of Jun Mohuang had blond hair tied on top of his head, and a one-meter-high purple gold crown on his head, which was inlaid with pearls and gems of various colors of various sizes of longan.

Wearing a robe made of golden silk, there are complicated and exquisite patterns embroidered with golden silk and various gems.

The middle-aged handsome uncle on her right is even more exaggerated, with a purple gold chain as thick as her wrist hanging around her neck, all of which are pearl agate gems.

Jun Mohuang looked around and found that the people in this square were all dressed up as the nouveau riche.

It is either a gold chain with a thick wrist or a purple gold crown with a height of one meter, and is decorated with a variety of colorful gems and a golden robe full of embroidery.

Look down again, look down, and even the square where she is is paved with gold bricks.

The gold bricks depict exquisite and complex dark gold patterns, which are extremely gorgeous.

Under the reflection of the sun, her whole person was in a golden halo. If it were not for the aura to protect her eyes, her eyes would definitely be blinded.

(End of this chapter)

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