Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 817: Silver Moon Fairy 4

Chapter 817 Silver Moon Fairy Glass 4

Obviously, the sixth floor is the highest level she can currently reach. After reaching the sixth floor, she must pass the test of the Silver Moon Tower to go up.

Jun Mohuang spent a few minutes on the sixth floor, and soon found the organ to test.

On the wall in the corner somewhere, there was a protruding silver metal square.

Jun Mohuang has seen the experience of the nine-story Silver Moon Tower left by the senior students of the Thousand Fantasy Academy before, and knew that as long as he stepped forward and placed his hand on the silver metal square, the nine-story Silver Moon Tower would test the corresponding questions. .

As for the specific topic, it has a lot to do with the cultivator himself.

If it is a pharmacist, the nine-story Silver Moon Tower will ask the pharmacist to refine a certain designated medicine, or send a puppet pharmacist to compete with the tested pharmacist; or to examine the various pharmacology of the medicine.

If it is a refiner, then the test will have something to do with the refiner, and the specific type is similar to that of the above.

If it is not a pharmacist or a refiner, but a cultivator who is purely cultivating, he will definitely send a puppet to win the puppet, or send the cultivator to a certain formation to break through the barriers.

When Jun Mohuang put her hand up, she was thinking that she is now a refiner and a pharmacist, and she has a good level of cultivation.

I don't know what kind of test the nine-story Silver Moon Tower will give her, maybe it's a fight while refining tools and medicine.

Jun Mohuang's mind turned this thought, the silver metal block touched her hand, and a silver light was emitted leisurely.

A message flashed in her mind.

Well, it seems that the nine-story Silver Moon Tower is to test her theoretical knowledge of refining tools or medicine.

Jun Mohuang just turned this thought, but when she saw the message in her mind, the whole figure froze on the spot as if struck by lightning.

The first test question in her mind was this:

"Which method is most suitable for the initial ripening of winter melon cups?"

In Jun Mohuang's heart, ten thousand *** rushed past.

It's not that she doesn't know how to answer this question, but that the question is really weird.

What kind of test is this? What was it bad? Why did she have to take a test on her cooking skills? She is not a chef, and there is no such profession as a chef in Cangyuan Continent.

What kind of trouble is this kind of question!

Does the nine-story Silver Moon Tower think that the most valuable thing in her is not the refining of medicine and cultivation, but the cooking? !

(I have to say, Jun Mohuang is the truth.)

Jun Mohuang almost suspected that there was a problem with her brain, but how she saw it, the first test question in her mind was indeed related to cooking.

I had to answer silently in my heart: "Boil with boiling water."

She just finished answering, this question disappeared, and the next question appeared, still related to cooking.

"What kind of flour do you need to prepare the sweet and sour sweet and sour pork meat before cooking?"

Jun Mohuang replied silently in his heart: "Crispy fried powder."

"What is the knife method used for the final knife shaping of the sashimi?"

Answer: "Forward and oblique knife..."

In this way, Jun Mohuang answered a hundred questions related to cooking.

The questions are all about the processing flow of the dishes and how to make them delicious.

Fortunately, when Jun Mohuang was a bounty hunter in the previous life, in order to complete various tasks, basically any skill can be used, and these problems cannot trouble her.

The nine-story Silver Moon Tower determined that her answer was correct and sent her to the seventh floor.

The silver moon fairy glaze on the seventh floor is the size of a thumb.

As long as you grab one and take Refining, you can directly advance to the first rank.

The update is complete today! Today is the International Day of No Child Hit, I hope that the majority of babies will not be beaten!

Thank you Yeliang, Brand, Tears and other babies for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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