Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 816: Silver Moon Fairy 3

Chapter 816 Silver Moon Immortal Glass 3

"Really, that senior is optimistic."

The corners of Jun Mohuang's lips lightly twitched, lifted Ling Yunbu, directly passed Yun Lan, and left him behind.

Yun Lan looked at her going away, raised her brows, trying to catch up with Jun Mohuang, but found that she was always thrown away by her, and the distance was getting farther and farther.

"Senior, you were actually overtaken by your own school girl, but you have to come on."

Ahead, heard the jokes of Jun Mohuang.

Upon seeing this, Yun Lan smiled and shook his head.

This elementary school girl, some time ago was only the strength of the fourth rank of the casting spirit realm. During this period of time, her growth rate was too high, and she was only a period lower than him.

And in terms of speed, he has actually surpassed him.

It seems that if he does not try his best to cultivate in the future, he will soon be surpassed by Jun Mohuang.

Where did Yun Lan know that the reason why Jun Mohuang had such a fast cultivation speed during this time was that her own cultivation talent was amazing;

The second is that she has nine levels of Yanhuang Secret Art in her cultivation, which is 100% suitable for her physique, and has a bonus effect on her cultivation speed;

Third, during the period of Emperor Lingtian, he used sound transmission jade symbols from time to time to guide the cultivation of Jun Mohuang.

These three advantages are superimposed together, and only if the cultivation speed of Jun Mohuang is not fast, there will be ghosts.

Only two minutes after Jun Mohuang passed Yun Lan, he brought the Nine-story Silver Moon Tower in front of him.

The gate on the first floor of the nine-story Silver Moon Tower is a transparent barrier.

Without any pause under Jun Mohuang's feet, he directly broke through the barrier and entered the first layer.

The space in the first tower is very large, with countless silver light spots floating in the air.

These silver light spots are the legendary Yinyue Xianli. The volume is not even the size of a millet grain, and it is only the size of a needle tip by visual inspection.

These Yinyue Xianli had already evolved spirituality, and he sensed that Jun Mohuang rushed in and crashed into birds and beasts, all staying far away from her, for fear of being caught.

Jun Mohuang flashed to the side of one of the silver moon celestial glazes and stretched out his hand to grab it. These pinpoint-sized silver moon celestial glaze swiftly avoided her hand.

She opened her palms and saw that there were none at all.

Jun Mohuang tried a few times again, and the silver moon fairy glaze in the sky looked very much, but they all looked like loach, which was very difficult to grasp.

She caught it three times, and only caught two, only the size of a needle.

Jun Mohuang tried to lock these silver moon celestial glazes with teleportation, and then moved it to the Phoenix jade space with supernatural powers, but found it invalid.

It is completely useless to use a bag cover or metal utensils.

In other words, Yinyue Xianli must rely on his own hands to grasp it.

The silver moon fairy glaze on the first layer is only the size of a pinpoint, and I don't know how long it will be before it can gather the size of a thumb.

Jun Mohuang directly chose to abandon the first floor. With her thoughts, the nine-story Silver Moon Tower seemed to perceive her thoughts and transferred her to the second floor.

The silver moon fairy glaze on the second layer was much larger than the first layer. It was as big as a millet, and Jun Mohuang still disliked its smallness and looked down upon it.

The third layer is the size of oats, the fourth layer is the size of mung beans, and the fifth layer is the size of pea. It is still passed by Jun Mohuang.

Finally, a silver moon fairy glaze on the sixth floor was the size of a peanut, and there were thousands of them.

Jun Mohuang still felt that it was too young, and since all came, of course he had to go to the highest ninth floor.

But on the sixth floor, when Jun Mohuang was thinking about going to the seventh floor, the nine-story Silver Moon Tower did not teleport like the previous few times.

(End of this chapter)

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