Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3240: Great daddy

Chapter 3240, the powerful dad

The specific method of experimenting with these small crystals is to deliberately make these small crystals full of cracks, and then use Xiao Haitang's own method to repair.

Although these reduced versions of the sacred brilliance crystal and the huge crystal ball cannot be exactly the same, the similarity is very high at any rate, reaching about 75%.

The method used by Xiao Haitang is to use the power of light source as the main direction according to the rules of heaven and earth that he has collected and filtered.

The second is the information passed by Emperor Lingtian and Jun Mohuang.

After more than two months, Emperor Ling Tianjun Mohuang created more than 20 new exercises to convey information to Xiao Haitang.

From the beginning, only numbers can be passed, to simple sentences can be passed.

Repairing the sacred glorious crystal ball requires the use of a large number of complex and advanced amulets. Di Lingtian taught Xiao Haitang the two-month rune by transmitting information.

In other words, during the recent period of time, Xiao Haitang has not only been busy calculating, summarizing and screening the world's rules of heaven and earth, complicated healing of the wounded, but also taking time to evil spells.

Shenyin feels distressed and proposes that Xiao Haitang stop being responsible for treating the wounded, but Xiao Haitang refuses.

Among Shenyin's subjects are the existence of healers who are similar to alchemists, including Shenyin himself who also uses sacred radiant energy to heal. They are all dismissed by Xiao Haitang, and their healing effects are not as good as talismanic healing effects, and come quickly.

For these cultivators to heal, she can incidentally consolidate the runes of Emperor Ling Tianjiao the day before.

In the later stage, Xiao Haitang even directly started to add his own ideas and create his own runes based on the large number of world rules that he controlled in one fell swoop.

In one fell swoop, why stop healing these cultivators.

Xiao Haitang insisted, and Shenyin had to give up the proposal.

He underestimated her.

Di Lingtian gave Xiao Haitang some evil spells, and only in the past few days he began to deliver information on how to repair the sacred brilliance crystal ball.

Xiao Haitang has been made up for it, and it is a matter of course.

The information passed by Di Lingtian was all related to Talisman, and Xiao Haitang could understand it with a little thought.

The delivery of the restoration information lasted for three days. After three days, Xiao Haitang accepted all the information and recorded all the information in a jade charm.

It's a big matter. If you remember a rune incorrectly, you won't be able to repair the sacred brilliant crystal.

Even if Xiao Haitang is proud of her memory, she will not take the risk of writing it down on the full screen.

Xiao Haitang was pleased to discover that the method passed by her father was roughly the same as the method she had explored by herself. They were all repaired with the power of the light source and talisman.

However, the method Di Lingtian gave was obviously more rigorous and more complicated, covering many aspects she hadn't thought of.

"Daddy is too good!"

Xiao Haitang opened the jade talisman in his hand, the complex set of runes, and sighed sincerely.

In contrast, the method she found out on her own was extremely crude.

Her method is to repair the small crystals on the Radiance Tower, but it is not the case with the sacred Radiance Crystal.

The acquaintance between the sacred brilliant crystal and the small crystal is very high, but there is always a difference.

Xiao Haitang was originally worried that his method could not guarantee a 100% success rate, but now that he got the method passed by Di Lingtian, the uncertainty in his heart was completely eliminated.

Xiao Haitang is full of information, and she will surely be able to restore the sacred radiant crystal successfully, and she can finally reunite with her dear mother and father.

(End of this chapter)

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