Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3239: Used to it

Chapter 3239 is just fine

If he knew what Xiao Haitang really thought, he wouldn't know what he would think.

Jun Mohuang and Emperor Lingtian have a panoramic view of everything.

"This boy is going to be unlucky."

Jun Mohuang had some sympathy for Shenyin.

No one knew what Xiao Haitang thought was better than she and Di Lingtian.

Di Lingtian commented lightly: "It's good to get used to it."

His plain tone was not aimed at Jun Mohuang, but at Shenyin.

"Yes, just get used to it."

Jun Mohuang nodded and agreed.

Ever since Xiao Haitang was born, Jun Mohuang knew that little girl's luck would never be less.

Not only does Shenyin need to get used to it, she and Ling Tian also have to get used to it as parents.

"Huang'er, let's continue."

Di Ling genius did not have any extra thoughts on Shen Yin.

It is the right thing to end the assessment of her daughter early and get time to spend alone with her own Huang Er.


Jun Mohuang nodded, just at this time Feng Yunqi and Wu Qianyong would send another batch of jade charms, and the two began to analyze the information in the jade charms.

It is obviously not enough to only communicate digital information with Xiao Haitang. They need to create more techniques and transmit more complex information.

Shenyin left, Xiao Haitang began to continuously throw the golden thread into the formation, separating out a few strands of spiritual power to track.

Xiao Haitang uses one mind and two uses, and the remaining mental power is used to analyze and summarize the rules of heaven and earth that have been calculated while taking advantage of the gaps in the calculation of the array.

Not every rule of heaven and earth calculated is useful. It takes a lot of energy to analyze, summarize and filter, otherwise it will be a mess.

The work of all parties is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Time flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye, Xiao Haitang has been in this different world for almost three months.

The black clouds over the holy city became more and more raging, covering 95% of the sky above the holy city, leaving only the sky above the temple barely normal.

The battle between Shenyin and his people and the black shadows became more and more fierce. During this period of time, Shenyin sent golden threads every half an hour, gradually extending to two hours, four hours, and now eight. Free every hour.

The battle was too fierce, and he couldn't leave the battlefield with high frequency, and for a time he even began to suffer casualties of Shenyin's subjects.

Fortunately, Xiao Haitang put the massive gold thread obtained during this period into the auxiliary formation and obtained enough data.

The defensive rune against the air of darkness has been improved, reducing the casualty rate of these practitioners.

But she can only reduce it, and there is no guarantee that everyone will survive.

No matter how powerful her rune against the dark air is, it can only corrode the cultivators' bodies by the dark air in the black clouds in the region, ensuring that they can use all their power to fight against the dark shadows, but cannot improve their combat effectiveness.

Although Xiao Haitang has recently worked out ways to greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of these cultivators, when encountering a strong opponent, these defensive measures are all clouds.

Casualties increased day by day, cultivators' bodies began to fall in the sky, and showers of blood began to fall again.

The rain of blood was swallowed invisible by the sacred radiant defense left by the temple and the gods.

While treating the injured practitioners, Xiao Haitang began to analyze the rules, summarize and screen them, and then experiment with the sacred radiant crystal on the top of the mini radiant tower.

With the help of the auxiliary formation, Xiao Haitang's talisman advanced by leaps and bounds during this period. Doing these two things at the same time didn't feel strenuous, but rather challenging.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you, Cheng Jiao, the happy girl, the blood and tears in the society, and so on.

Yesterday there was still a chapter missing, so I put it up tomorrow, right?

This little plot is almost over.

(End of this chapter)

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