Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3118: Come for Xiaolonglong

Chapter 3118 is coming for Xiaolonglong

"If this monarch has a way to let the members of the Nine Feathers Yanhuang clan who are following him open the positive meridian, then the monarch will win. Anyone from the Black Dragon clan should not ask any questions about the monarch's baby daughter and entrust outsiders to come. You can never ask."

Jun Mohuang faintly spoke, and proposed the gambling agreement he had planned. Without the slightest refreshing level training resources, the whole process was carried out around Xiao Haitang.

Hmph, the old dragon, Elder Ancestor, deliberately led the team to hang behind her, don't think she doesn't know what he is thinking.

From beginning to end, the goal of the ancestor elders and the black dragons is Xiao Haitang.

This group of people thought they were covering up well, and they were secretly looking at Xiao Haitang along the way.

They did cover up very well, but no matter how well they covered up, they couldn't escape Jun Mohuang's perception.

The mother's close attention to her daughter, coupled with strong perception ability, Jun Mohuang found that all this is not difficult.

Reminiscent of the soul of the Black Dragon Venerable in the dragon scales on Xiao Haitang's right wrist, Jun Mohuang instantly figured out the mind of these black dragons.

This group of black dragons may have sensed something, but they are not very sure. They want to find a chance to find out.

Although Xiao Haitang is very clever, he is still young. The ancestors and elders are cunning and cunning, and if they are not enough, they will infer the truth from the trivial words.

The Canaan Underground Palace is so mysterious, if Xiao Haitang is not by her side, she will be in danger at that time.

Jun Mohuang must not allow this to happen, she must directly cut off this possibility.

When Xiao Haitang saw that his mother's gambling appointments revolved around her, her two black grape-like eyes turned, and within a few seconds she wanted to understand why her mother did this.

The grandfather with poor acting skills on the opposite side belongs to the Black Dragon family. He must have come for Xiaolonglong.

She was so careful when she borrowed the power of Xiaolonglong, was she still noticed.

No, in front of this poor acting grandfather, even in front of all the black dragon clan, absolutely can not disclose any information about Xiaolonglong.

"Okay, deal!"

Elder Ancestor squinted his eyes slightly, and the sharpness of his eyes flashed away.

Jun Mohuang proposed this gambling agreement, which shows that there is definitely an intersection between Xiao Haitang and Venerable Black Dragon.

This stupid silly woman, Xiao Haitang is kind to Venerable Black Dragon, didn't he kill Venerable, is she so nervous?

Well, she must not know the position of the Venerable in the Black Dragon clan, thinking that she is the enemy of the Venerable, haha.

The ancestor elder thought he had understood Jun Mohuang's mind, but he felt a little funny.

When he knew the truth, the ancestors knew who was the real stupid person.

Jun Mohuang is not only the enemy of Venerable Black Dragon, she also killed Venerable Black Dragon herself.

These are all things to come, so I won't mention them for now.

He took the lead to eject a drop of blood and flew into the air, and Jun Mohuang also unambiguously ejected a drop of blood.

Two drops of blood meet in the air, turning into **** runes, forming a blood contract.

"The blood oath has been established, so please show the goddess how you let your people have the opportunity to call the positive meridians.

Thinking of getting the information of Venerable Black Dragon right away, the ancestor elder's heart has always been calm and waveless.

"Then ancestor elders should watch carefully and don't blink."

The Snow Territory Lord is closest to Jun Mohuang, she directly chooses the Snow Territory Lord to cooperate with her.

"Axue, you let your vitality pass through the Heart Yin Meridian, Dan Yin Meridian, Residual Yin Meridian, Frost Yin Meridian, Moon Yin Meridian, and Huanyin Meridian. In these six female meridians, the vital energy is refined and pliable like water. ."

(End of this chapter)

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