Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3117: Ancestor elders resurrected with blood

Chapter 3117 Ancestor Elder resurrected with full blood

"Hmph, don't think that if someone from the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan can turn on the positive meridian, it can scare us the Black Dragon clan. Let us fear you. Our Black Dragon clan is not scared!"

In fact, Feng Yunqi was right about one thing. If the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan really opened up the positive meridians, their combat effectiveness would indeed explode.

When the fighting power of the whole clan is exploding, they will indeed beat their Black Dragon clan to crying father and mother, and the situation where the two clan confront each other will disappear, and the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan can hang the Black Dragon clan.

It is a pity that this situation will never happen, just as the black dragon clan can never open the female meridian in the body is a reason.

The Black Dragon clan cannot open the invisible meridians in the body. The principle is the same as that of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan. They were born in the most yang cyclone, and they are masculine and are naturally afraid of everything that is feminine.

In the beginning, the Dragon King and the Black Dragon Venerable also tried various methods to open the female meridians in the black dragons in order to increase their combat effectiveness.

The result was the same as the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan, which ended in a tragic failure and finally gave up.

For so many years, the fact that the Nine Feathers Yanhuang Clan cannot open the positive meridians and the Black Dragon clan cannot open the negative meridians has become an established fact.

It is precisely because of the special physiques of the two races that they fear each other's attributes and are natural enemies of each other. The two races have been stiff for so many years, and no one can win.

The ancestor goddess Lord, the dragon king, and the black dragon veteran did not do things that the three smartest and most powerful people in the world could not do. Ah

The people of the Nine Feathers Yanhuang Clan can start calling the masculine meridian, isn't it that their Black Dragon clan can also start calling the female meridian?

This is as funny as saying that the most powerful ancestor elder of their Black Dragon clan can't beat Xiao Haitang, and it's not like that.

The only possibility is that the woman surnamed Jun deliberately said this, in order to make them jealous, even afraid.

This woman surnamed Jun is cunning!

It's a pity that she can't deceive them with this little trick.

The ancestor elder was weak, and he looked like he hadn't had any human energy to stop them.

The elder Zong who supported the ancestor elder frowned slightly, and immediately wanted to stop the violent temper.

These people are really not sensible at all, and they have clearly told them that they need to have a good relationship with each other to get the news of the venerable from the little girl's mouth. These few are not calm at all.

Sovereign elder was about to speak, it was too late.

"Since you think I am bragging, let's make a bet."

Facing the doubts of several black dragons, Jun Mohuang was quite leisurely and made a bet with each other.

"What is the goddess betting on? If it is a god-level cultivation resource, then our Black Dragon clan can consider it."

Supported by the elder Zong, the frail ancestor elder heard the word "gambling appointment" and instantly threw off the hand of the elder Zong and resurrected with blood.

This scene made everyone speechless for a while, it was not that they were picky, the acting skills of Elder Zu really needed to be improved.

Sure enough, the charm of god-level cultivation resources is huge, and even the ancestor elders don't want to put it on.

"If this monarch really can't let the members of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan who are following the monarch open to call the positive meridians, then your black dragon clan will win. This monarch can ask you to ask three questions about your precious daughter, this monarch promises She will answer truthfully."

(End of this chapter)

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