Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3114: Exaggerated acting

Chapter 3114 is exaggerated acting

The ice storm took shape in an instant, and it was about to attack the elder Xiangzu.

The Snow Territory Lord was pulled back by Jun Mohuang, "Axue, step back, you are not his opponent."


The Snow Territory Lord was about to say something, Jun Mohuang had already stood in front of her.

Jun Mohuang raised his hand and was about to fight back.

Although the two parties could not fight against each other under the power limit of the Canaan Underground Palace, the act of grabbing the jade talisman in the face of the other party could do it by strangling the other's wrist.

Xiao Haitang still leaned in Jun Mohuang's arms, his eyes opened wide, looking forward to the punishment of this bad elder by his own mother.

However, Jun Mohuang just raised his hand, before he even touched the sleeves of the ancestor elder, the ancestor elder suddenly covered his heart, staggered back more than ten meters before he could stop.

The black dragons didn't know, so they immediately stepped forward to catch the ancestor elder.

"Ah, bad...Elder Ben is injured!"

The ancestor elder "weakly" leaned on the hand extended by the black dragons, his face turned pale, his breath was unstable, and he looked really wounded.

This clumsy and exaggerated acting skill directly amused the two villains, Xiao Haitang Mo Xiaoke.

The adults are speechless, ancestor elders, please act professionally, don't be so ostentatious.

Now we can’t attack each other at all, okay, where did your injury come from? !

Also, people haven't even touched your sleeve yet!

Tucao returns to Tucao, but the discerning person understands that the ancestor elder pretends, but actually doesn't want to care about the girl in white at all.

"Elder Ancestor, what do you mean!"

The girl in white is not a fool, and of course she can also see that the ancestor elder is violating the law.

This person wearing a youthful appearance so simply made a blood oath with himself, as expected, there was a conspiracy.

"Goddess, haven't you seen that the elder is already injured? Since it is a blood oath, then both sides are equal. What qualifications do you have to be aggressive and force our elders!"

The black dragons who helped the ancestor elders were full of anger.

When they helped the ancestor elder, they knew he was not injured. What they were upset about was the attitude of the white-clothed girl calling on the ancestor elder.

"You guys! Very good, very good! Let's go!"

The white-clothed girl trembled with anger, an old blood stalk was in her heart, she couldn't spit it out and couldn't swallow it.

She stamped her feet angrily, and couldn't stay here, leading the Yanyu domain master and others to leave.

The Yanyu Lord and other clansmen were also confused about what the ancestor elder was making, and left behind the white-clothed girl.

Many people in the tribe are still thinking about 100,000 miles, and the back of the group of people leaving is quite depressed.

The ancestor elder was still "weakly" leaning against the black dragon beside him, and he didn't look to leave.

"Let's go."

Jun Mohuang looked at the ancestor elder with interest, and led everyone forward.

After standing at the exit of the valley for so long, the Canaan Underground Palace hasn't moved. It seems that they have to go the way forward, instead of waiting for the underground palace to transmit.

"Boss, by the way, I almost forgot about this major event. Just before you arrived, the Snow Territory Lord and the brothers in the clan suddenly exploded in fighting power and forced the Flame Territory Lord to retreat. What is going on? "

Seeing that there was nothing wrong for the time being, Feng Yunqi asked Jun Mohuang in a secret language.

There is no cover-up in the secret language he used, and his companions can hear it.

For a while, everyone looked at Jun Mohuang, and they also wanted to know the answer, especially the members of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan.

"What about this... I know."

Jun Mohuang's lips twitched slightly, and he knew what had happened in an instant.

Today's update is complete...

Thanks to Luzhilianxi and Tear Wushuang°baby for their rewards.

Emm, today I failed to make up for the change, and I still owe four chapters. Now there are six chapters left. Don't worry, I will make up. It is unrealistic to make up in one day, it will take two or three days, right?

(End of this chapter)

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