Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3113: Ancestor elder shot

Chapter 3113 The ancestor elder shot

But where did she get so many god-level resources!

The girl in white expressed envy and hatred that Jun Mohuang had so many god-level resources.

On the opposite side, the ancestor elders and other black dragons were surprised that Jun Mohuang's subordinates had so many god-level resources, but they were more upset.

Hehe, he dared to say such arrogant words as beating them to crying father and mother. If you don't teach these people a lesson, they will be sorry for the violent temper of the Black Dragon clan.

Several furious black dragons were preparing to step forward, and the ancestor elder raised his hand to stop them.

"Elder Ancestor!"

The black dragons suddenly looked anxious and didn't understand why the ancestor elder wanted to stop it.

The ancestor elder said in a whispered way: "You rushed forward like this, besides having a fight with each other, and annoying the little girl, what good is it?"

"Uh... there is no benefit."

There is no practical benefit, but it can be addictive and defend the dignity of the black dragon clan.

Of course, several impulsive black dragons dare not say such words.

They Yu Guang looked at Xiao Haitang and saw Xiao Haitang nestled in Jun Mohuang's arms, but with a pair of smart and beautiful eyes watching everyone around him.

One of the black dragons whose brains were turning faster suddenly asked: "Wait, Elder Ancestor, didn't you agree to cooperate with Bai Yi? How can you pay it back..."

How could he still care about his own image in this little girl's mind.

The ancestor elder agreed to cooperate with the girl in white, and I am afraid that she has already been on this girl's blacklist.

This girl is eccentric, young, and has a lot of ghost ideas.

The ancestor elder who was on the blacklist would never want to find out about the Venerable from Xiao Haitang.

Elder Ancestor smiled confidently, "Just wait and see. Not only will she not hate this elder, she will also take the initiative to tell the elder's information."

The black dragons looked at each other, not knowing where the ancestor elders' confidence came from.

Only the two remaining elders looked as usual, and they seemed to have known what medicine was selling in the ancestor elder gourd.

"Elder Ancestor, you and I have taken the blood oath, it's time to do it, do you want me to remind you, what is the agreement between me and my elder?"

The girl in white saw the black dragons surrounding the ancestor elders, and the group of black dragons was bound to have a collective conversation using secret language.

The girl in white is very dissatisfied with this.

After she signed the blood oath with the ancestor elder, the ancestor elder should immediately take action to **** and destroy the score jade charms of the Snow Territory Lord and Monarch Mohuang.

The blood oath between her and the ancestor elders not only helped her to win more points and pass the test in the future, but also included taking two jade charms now.

The two sides can't attack each other, but that doesn't mean they can't grab things.

This veteran, procrastinated, still has no intention to shoot, the white-clothed girl is angry in her heart, and can't hold back her urge.

"Goddess, why don't you panic, this elder made a blood oath with you, so naturally he won't break his promise."

The ancestor elder raised his sleeves to stop the white-clothed girl from making more urges.

"Lord of the Snow Region, Miss Jun, those who know each other are obedient"

His figure flickered, his hands claws into claws, and he flew straight to where the Snow Territory Lord and Jun Mohuang were.

The ninth-stage super master of the Yuanshen Realm made a shot, igniting a surge of energy, and the wind blew pain on the faces of everyone present.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The Snow Territory Lord is on guard, no matter whether she can stop the ancestor elder, she has only one thought at this moment, she must not let the ancestor elder take the jade symbol, and must not let the white-clothed girl do what she wants.

(End of this chapter)

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